Kuja Kountdown


30 chaps ahead on Pat.reon: pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking

Same as last chap! 10 extra for first place, 5 extra for top five, 3 normal for anything else!


Hiro was getting all this information and his lips twitched into a smile as he muttered "Interesting... Never thought he would make this choice..." he was still rescuing slaves with his clones, bringing the ones without families to Dream Flower Island and the others to their families and then moving them to Dream Flower.

He had Fishmen, Merfolk, Giants, Long Arms, Long Legs, Minks, even some Sky People! They all lived in different areas but they mixed well. It was a nice place Hiro had going on here. He was reading a newspaper about Luffy's achievements and Yami's status.

He got a call from Rayleigh, Hiro said "Dream Flower Morgue! You tag 'em, we bag 'em!" Rayleigh chuckled "That's a good one." Hiro smiled "I've been practicing." Rayleigh said "Listen kid, you reading the newspaper?" Hiro said "Currently." Rayleigh said "Go to page 47."

Hiro flipped and said "Amazon Lily under scrutiny? What for?" Rayleigh said "I don't know, marine things. I heard they wanted to get rid of the Warlord System at the next Reverie." Hiro said "So..." Rayleigh said "Are you gonna make me ask you? How many times have I saved your ass, kid."

Hiro groaned "But... The amazons are such a pain..." Rayleigh cleared his throat and said "Yeah?" Hiro sighed "Fine! Fine! Whatever! Damnit! Who told me to be your friend, seriously, what a mistake." Rayleigh chuckled and said "Thanks, kiddo. I owed that Old snake chick a favor for a long time."

Hiro closed the newspaper and folded it, saying "And you're using me to return it? Remind me to never ask you for a favor, yeah?" Rayleigh laughed and replied "Don't be like that, we're friends. I don't even know that old hag anyway, hehe." Hiro rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, right, for sure." Rayleigh chuckled and hung up.

Hiro sighed and grumbled, putting down the snail and looking at it, he said "You should be ashamed of yourself." the snail looked down sadly and Hiro sighed "Alright, relax. Don't look so sad, you're making me feel bad here." tears dripped from the snail's eyes and Hiro said quickly "Alright! Alright! You want some snail food? Damn! Just stop crying! I didn't mean it, you're a good snail! The best snail even!"

The snail perked up and looked at Hiro hopefully, Hiro said "Best snail in the world. If I had to vote for the next snail president, I would vote for you." the snail cried again and 'hugged' Hiro. Hiro gave him some food and said "Honey! I'm going out!"

She appeared as a kid and said "Eh? Where?" Hiro said "Amazon Lily." She made a cute disgusted face and said "Why you going there?" Hiro sighed and said "Rayleigh needs a favor and he owes the old lady there a favor, they're going to get attacked, blah blah blah. Bring them here, yada yada."

She scrunched her face and said "Just, like, leave them in the forest area or something." Hiro said "Will do~!" she smiled and skipped away, her little sundress fluttering in the wind.

Hiro smiled and electrical sparks crackled off him as he flashed and disappeared.

He appeared on Amazon Lily not even a second later.

He sighed and said "Let's get this over with." he snapped his fingers and the entirety of Amazon Lily's population appeared in front of him, strangely most of them were naked. Even Hancock was naked right now.

Hiro looked at them and said flatly "Hurry up and get dressed, I don't have time for you retards to complain." Hancock covered herself and shouted "What are you doing here?!" the rest just looked at Hiro, not caring if they were naked.

Gloriosa wanted forward and said "Why have you come, Oni-san." Hiro said "Rayleigh said he owed you a favor. The Warlord system is going down, you're all moving. Unless you want to die, which I really don't care about. I'm returning Rayleigh's favor." Gloriosa bowed saying gratefully "Thank you, Oni-san."

Hiro nodded and said "You're still naked? Get dressed, my island doesn't allow nudists." Hancock said "I will not go!" Hiro wrapped his tail around her and dragged her behind him saying "Anyone else?" Hancock struggled and said "Why aren't you affected by the naked women?! Or me!" Hiro sneered "I only have eyes for my wife, okay? Don't go comparing me to a horny retard."

He looked at the Amazons, who were confused, he added "Plus, I don't like braindead women. I HaTe mEn! Give me a break." as he rolled his eyes. Hancock was enraged and Hiro ignored her, saying "Everyone here? You've had long enough to change, I'm not waiting anymore. If you're naked, you're naked."

He snapped and said "Hello? Single braincelled women! Look over here! A magic trick, you ready?" they all looked over and Hiro's eyes glowed as he said "You all like men, your new home is Dream Flower Island. You will get married, have kids, and live peacefully with everyone else on Dream Flower Island."

All the Amazon's eyes glazed over before going back to normal.

Hiro clapped his hands and said "Heh. Easier than I thought." Hancock said in fear "What did you do?!" Hiro waved and said "Just a little pruning, don't worry about it too much. I can't have these imbecilic women attacking the people on my island."

He clapped and patted his thighs saying "Come on, everyone over here. We're gonna go for a walk, okay? Who's a good group of girls, you are! Yes you are~" the Amazons came over slowly and Hancock was enraged, they might not understand what Hiro was doing, but she did! So Humiliating!

Hiro waved and a cloud appeared, all the Amazons, and the snakes on the island, floated to the cloud and Hiro slapped down on the, now uninhabited, island. It glowed and shrank down to a palm size. Hiro kept it and pulled the air, the Kuja ships shrank and flew towards him.

He flew into the air and pushed the cloud along quickly, flying back to Dream Flower Island. Hancock looked at the scenery change and stayed silent, she didn't even know where they were going.

A while later

They arrived at Dream Flower Island.

Hiro brought them down and pointed at the 6 regions saying "You can live in either one of these places. Wherever you want, I couldn't care less." he tapped Gloriosa and she grew, reverting back to a 20 year old teenager. She was pretty. The Kuja were stunned and Hiro said "You can go to any cosmetic shop and buy Impurity Cleanses. There's clothing shops in every region, etc."

He frowned and waved, clothing the naked women.

He put them down in the middle on the island saying "Go on, you're free. Go!" the Amazons walked away, scattering, they kept looking back every few steps. Hiro shoo'd them away with his hands, saying "Go on, it's okay. I believe in you."

They left.

Gloriosa looked around and said "Oni-san, are you sure this is alright?" Hiro for the first time, smiled and said "Yes, it's alright. I just don't want them to make a mess on my island." she smiled and said "Thank you again." Hiro smiled and nodded, she smiled and skipped away radiating youth.

Hiro let out a breath and tossed 3 impurity cleanses behind him at Hancock, Marigold, and Sandersonia. He said "Drink it. Get rid of those marks." they froze and Hiro sneered "Almost everyone on the island is a former slave. Where do you think they all went? Hmph, why do you think, I'm selling something so precious for basically free."

He waved and said "Look around you, do you see a single ugly person? That's what that does. At most, you'll be average. It also takes away the marks, if I had to do it myself, wouldn't it take forever? What a hassle. There's a reason it's called DREAM Flower Island."

He said "Anyway, let's go. I need maids." The three froze and Hiro chuckled, wrapping his tails around them and disappearing.

He said "Drink, let's go." they drank the Impurity Cleanses and their slave marks disappeared. They also changed. Hiro dunked them into the sea and cleaned them, Zerotwo appeared with cat ears and a tail, saying "Watcha doin'~?" Hiro smiled and said "I got you maids! What do you think?" as he pulled the three out of the water and they coughed.

Zerotwo frowned "Kujas?" Hiro said "More specifically, the Kujas with actual brains.." Zerotwo reverted to normal and her height went back to normal at 6'1. They both grew after the body reconstruction, Hiro was now 6'4.

She looked at the Boa sisters observing them.

Sandersonia's head became normal and she was outrageously beautiful.

Marigold thinned out and was also very pretty.

Hancock's forehead shrank and she was immediately the most beautiful woman there ever was, if you don't count Zerotwo obviously. Hiro speculated that if Sanji saw Boa right now... Maybe he would really just die.

Hiro wasn't affected but he had to admit she was very pretty. Unfortunately a landfill had a better personality than her. Her sisters were much nicer, if he had to choose one of the three, he would choose Sandersonia.

Zerotwo said "Shrink them to the same size." Hiro said "What size is that?" Zerotwo said "6 feet." Hiro shrank them all to 6feet, the 3 were disgruntled but also stunned by Zerotwo, she was beautiful! Also, they were floored by their changes, they were completely normal!

They even cried tears of joy now that their marks were gone.

Zerotwo looked at them, they were naked, she snuck a glance at Hiro and saw him looking at the girls intently, she frowned and he turned to her saying "I think normal clothes would suit them." she blinked and smiled lovingly, what a goofball.

Hiro blinked and smiled, she said "Normal clothes are fine, Darling~" Hiro smiled and snapped his fingers, he left a stack of clothes in front of the girls and said "You can do the rest, love." before walking away.

Zerotwo smiled and watched him go, she turned around and her smile smoothed out as she said "Get dressed, I'll tell you what to do." they said "Um... Are we slaves again?" Zerotwo blinked and looked at their distressed faces. She softened and smiled "No. I'm sorry. I don't want my husband to do anything funny... We're friends, just think of it like that."

She got a little happier and said "Come with me!" they picked up their clothes and followed her, Hancock didn't know what to do and looked at Sandersonia and Marigold, who were also looking at her.

She sighed and tilted her head at Zerotwo, before following her. The other two followed along, Zerotwo showed them the castle and said "You can stay or you can go. I don't really need maids... He was just joking to scare you. He's like that."

They were stunned and Hancock said "We can leave???" Zerotwo smiled and nodded, they looked at each other and said "Thank you, but..." Zerotwo smiled and said "No worries! See ya!" they bit their lips and left.

Zerotwo didn't mind and sat back on the couch, watching TV and humming to herself.


Hancock came back and said "I will stay." Zerotwo was stunned and said "What? Why?" Hancock said "Your husband did us a big favor, we lived with those marks for our entire lives. We're finally free, I will stay as a maid to repay the favor."

Zerotwo laughed and said "You don't have to make it sound like I'm gonna kill you. Jeez, so dramatic." she patted the couch and said "Come sit!" Hancock sat down and Zerotwo went back to sewing and humming, Hancock was confused and Zerotwo said "I don't really do much. He really was just joking. I can do anything I want by myself."

Hancock was a bit lost and Zerotwo giggled "We can be friends, how's that?" Hancock smiled and said "Okay." Zerotwo smiled happily, she made a new friend!