You're a dead man.


31 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

Is this 3 or 4? I forgot again


A while later

Yami had a nice pink line of blush over his nose. He hummed to himself and swayed around, Chopper was covering his eyes and Isabella asked "What's so bad?" she had a bruise on her cheek, Yami fed her a right hook.

Chopper said "Last time he was drunk..." he shivered and shook his head, shouting "HE'S CRAZY, I DIAGONOSED INSANITY!" Isabella was confused and they finally arrived at the prison, it was a giant hole in the ground.

Yami burst out laughing and said "LUFFFFYYYYYYYYYYYY~!!!!!!!" Isabella turned around and Chopper said "I told you! He's crazy! He'll do anything!" Yami jumped off Yachiru's head and laughed wildly, diving into the Prison.

Luffy looked up and said "Yami?" A fat man said "Silent Sword!?" Yami burst out laughing and shouted with Conqueror's Haki "WHERE'S KAIDOOOOOOOOOOOO!" His voice bounced off the ground and shattered the glass tank of water holding Kid and Killer, Queen grinded his teeth shouting "Crazy Bastard!" before transforming into a Brachiosaur.

Yami laughed and his kimono fluttered behind him like a cape, he stretch out his hands and they turned black, he was cloaked in flames and shot down like a rocket, grabbing Queen's head and flipping in the air, Queen flipped and Yami laughed "Let's make it a party! HAHAHAHAHA!" as he slammed Queen into the ground and shook the prison itself.

The rocks on the walls started falling and the prison instantly turned into chaos.

Luffy ripped off the collar around his, and a small old man's, necks before throwing them away as they exploded.

Yami spun Queen around and threw him into a man with an elephant on his stomach, smashing them both into the wall. He laughed and ripped the chains off Kid and Killer, saying "You red haired loser! What's up?" Kid shouted "Who you calling a loser?! You sword freak!" Yami chuckled and headbutted him, saying "YOU!" Kid stumbled back and they both punched a prison guard, sending him flying into the wall and splatting.

Yami and Kid chuckled and started beating the shit out of the prison wardens.

Ace looked down and grinned before jumping down, transforming into a white fireball and smashing into the ground, blasting the surrounding guards away.

The fire spun and revealed Ace, who did a cool pose.

Luffy said "Ace! That was so cool!" Ace smirked and Isabella landed on him, smashing him into the ground. She giggled saying "Hey!" Luffy's mouth twitched and Ace said "Hey, Love? You're kinda sorta crushing my insides." Isabella pouted and Ace quickly said "Nonono! What I meant was I wasn't ready and It's my fault I'm sorry."

She smiled and got off him. He exploded into flames and reformed with a smile, saying "What's up, Luf?" Luffy smiled and hugged him.

Chopper poked out from the ground with giant shiny horns, saying "Captain!" Luffy said "Chopper!" Chopper said "Yami's drunk! You gotta-" Yami flew by, kicking a guard with 6 legs and a scorpion tail in the face and embedding him into a wall.

Chopper finished "Stop him..." Yami grabbed the scorpion guy and punched his head into the wall, shouting "BASTARD! YOU FUCKING CALLED ME A WOMAN?! DO YOU SEE TITS?! DO YOU HAVE A SCORPION BRAIN TOO?!" he punched a crater in the wall and grabbed a Llama guy, growling "What the fuck are you looking at, you stupid Emu looking freak!" the guy said "I'm a Llama!"

Yami threw him into a wall, shouting "WHO CARES!?"

Luffy blinked and said "I think he's doing just fine!" Chopper almost passed out, Isabella shook her head and Ace chuckled, Luffy said "DID YOU KNOW?! SABO'S ALIVE!" Ace blinked and shouted "WHAT?!" Luffy nodded and explained what happened, Ace was completely stunned.

Yachiru jumped down and flipped into her human form, she slammed her axe down and grew it at the same time, splitting the prison in half.

She landed on the ground and put her axe on her back, grinning with 'V' signs. Luffy chuckled and said "He even got a red lightning fruit!" Ace said "Red lightning fruit?" Yachiru skipped by, explaining "Mutated Goro-Goro no mi~" before throwing her axe out, it spun in the air and chopped the head off of a guard before coming back to her hand. She held it on her shoulder and hummed, skipping to her love.

Ace's eyes bulged out "GORO-GORO!?" Luffy nodded and said "He told me to tell you, he's the Biggest Brother now." Ace was fuming and shouted "WHAT?!? WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS GUY!? I'M GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!" Isabella sighed and said "Here we go..." Chopper rested his chin on his crossed forearms and said "Happen often?" Isabell looked at him and said "Only all the time."

Yami punched a crater into the ground with the Llama guy buried in the middle, he just kept going. A dinosaur foot fell on him and a giant black axe stopped it.

Yachiru sneered "Stupid lizard, don't you know that's my man?!" she threw Queen's foot back and swung the axe in a rage right at his extended neck. Queen shrank his neck back and Yachiru sliced the upper part of the prison right off at a diagonal angle.

Queen's eyes bulged out and he said "What the fuck?!" Yachiru smashed her axe down on him and Queen started running away, Yachiru chased him "You damn lizard! Stop running! I'm gonna cook you!" while smashing her giant axe down at him, he kept dodging and reverted to his normal human form, shouting "I'M HUMAN YOU CRAZY BITCH!"

Yami appeared in front of him and growled with red eyes "Did you just call her a bitch?" Queen froze and shook his head frantically, Yami said "You're a dead man." he flashed and kneed Queen in the chin, shooting him into the air.

Yachiru flipped in the air and smashed the flat of her axe on Queen, Yami clenched his fist and it turned black. His forearm ended in a sharp crisscross pattern and the Haki seemed to blob over his fist. He crouched and then fired his arm in an uppercut, his fist blurred and connected with the unconscious Queen, there was a shining '+' effect and a pause before the ground under Yami exploded and Queen was blasted into the sky, breaking the speed of sound and even blurring.

Yachiru put her axe back and fell from the sky, arms first. She opened them wide and shouted sweeter than honey "Yammmiiiii~" Yami caught her and kissed her sweet lips, spinning around, dispersing the force.

He put her down and smiled, moving her hair behind her ear as he said "You were so cool." she squealed and snuggled into his chest, saying "You too~! I love yoooou~ <3" Yami smiled and kissed her again, saying "I" kiss "love" kiss "you" kiss "too!" then he kissed all over her face and picked her up by her legs, walking away as she giggled happily."

The prisoners and guards were basically forced to witness that entire exchanged. One of them sighed and threw his shovel to the ground, saying "I need a fucking wife, damn it!"