Gin's Take-Over!?


26 chapos ahead on Pat.reon:

Give me your stones or else the Sword of Jim will take you as it's next host


Hiro and Joichiro left the class and made dinner for the guests at the hotel before going to the hot spring, meeting Gin on the way there. Hiro left his stuff in his room and went out to the hot spring, Gin and Joichiro were already in the water.

Hiro took his towel off and got in, he passed Gin and Joichiro before leaning against the back of the bath, he threw his head back and groaned. Gin grinned at the two and chuckled "I heard you guys used Bear?" Joichiro chuckled and said "Yeah, you should've seen the look on that woman's face! Hahaha!"

Hiro laughed "I think she was pre-occupied by something else, Hehe~" the 3 laughed and Gin rubbed his hands together, saying "I never used Bear before... Are we continuing tonight?" Joichiro and Hiro grinned and responded simultaneously "Of course!"

Gin got excited and said "Fuck! This is fun!" Hiro got excited at the mood and said "You guys, use these." as he threw 2 vials at them, they caught the vials and said "Huh? What's this?" Hiro smirked "Black Market goods. Just use it, trust me. Would I ever hurt you guys?"

They immediately drank and their pores exploded black impurities.

Hiro burst out laughing and Gin said "Why are you laughing?" Hiro covered his mouth and chuckled "Because... Pffft! Wait until you're done and look in a mirror. Pff-GEHAHAHAHAHA!" Joichiro and Gin were confused and washed themselves, turning the water black.

Hiro said mentally "Clank, you can take care of this, right?" Clank snorted [Oh? Can't do it yourself? Eh? Superman?! HUH!? YOU NEED ME?! I DON'T SEE ANY BEGGING!] Hiro rolled his eyes and said "You're a real petty guy..." Clank roared [BASTARD! We haven't talked for decades! You're just a big bully! I thought we were friends!]

Hiro said "We are friends. As your friend, I can't ask you for everything, right? That's not a friend, that's a freeloader. You don't have system schools?" Clank snorted [We do! I graduated top of my class!] Hiro chuckled to himself and Clank made gear grinding sounds.

The two cleaned themselves and then looked in the mirror, Gin shouted "HIRO! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Joichiro laughed and said "Ohh... Look at me. I'm like 154% more handsome." the black water cleaned itself and was replaced with better hot spring water that Hiro had stolen from Soul King's Palace.

Gin lunged at Hiro in the water and Hiro laughed, grappling Gin into the pool. Joichiro sat on the edge and laughed, Hiro chuckled and dragged him into the water by his ankle, throwing him into the fight as he laughed.

A while later

Hiro came out of the bath with a kimono robe on, Gin and Joichiro walked next to him, Gin was grumbling, but smiling and Joichiro kept chuckling. Hiro laughed and scratched his neck, saying "Dinner now?" the duo licked their lips and nodded.

The 3 went to the kitchen and Joichiro asked "What are those tattoos on your back, Hiro? Are you Yakuza?" Hiro looked over his shoulder and said "Nah, I got them overseas..."

His tattoos were the Falna, the fairy tail mark, the Roger tattoo, and the Six Sage Tomoe. They were positioned neatly, looking like a single tattoo. It was actually very nice.

He had a lightbulb moment and said "Hey! You guys wanna get tattoos?!" Joichiro and Gin were stunned and said "Huh? Of what?" Hiro grinned and said "A knife, fork, and spoon! We each have one! Like for example, I'll have the Knife, Joichiro will have the Fork, and Gin will have the Spoon!"

Gin said "Wait. Why am I the spoon?" Hiro rubbed his nose and said "Well... Have you seen the score on the chalkboard..." Gin turned green and Joichiro burst out laughing, Gin grinded his teeth and said "You guys are real assholes!"

Hiro and Joichiro laughed and Gin clicked his tongue saying "That's it! I'm going Plus Ultra tonight. Forget about winning the competition. Hmph! I want at least the Fork!" Hiro leaned on Joichiro's shoulder and wheezed from the laughter while Joichiro held the wall and coughed.

Gin rubbed his nose and grinned as he walked into the kitchen.

Zerotwo and Mana were waiting there, the trio walked in and Hiro smiled "Honey." Zerotwo smiled happily "Darling~! Mana came to judge, is that okay?" the three looked at each other and grinned "No problem!"

Mana clapped in excitement and sat at a table, saying "FEED ME!" Hiro laughed and set up the chalkboard, saying "The total is 6-H, 5-J, 7-Z, and 3-G." he snorted and added "Ma isn't here with her obvious Zerotwo bias, so we'll see how this one turns out. Hmph!"

Zerotwo sneered and the other 2 grinned as Hiro brought out the meat "Bear meat. Start!" they immediately went into action and started cooking, Mana hummed to herself and watched.

A while later

Hiro, Joichiro, and Zerotwo were eating with scowls as Gin grinned, saying "Ahem* Excuse me Hiro, what is the score again?" Hiro flipped him the bird and said "You won this time, Gin. Only this time, remember that." the other two nodded aggressively and Gin didn't care as he laughed happily "This is only the start of the Gin Takeover! Hahahaha!"

They all rolled their eyes and Mana was nibbling on a Bear Hamburger steak.

Hiro started talking to Zerotwo about the bear hide, he said "I basically skinned everything and took the lower jaw out. It's like a pelt with paws and all, only the meat is gone. I even cleaned it..." she replied "So just dry it? You want to keep it?" Hiro replied "I think it would be cool to have, very menacing." she giggled and rolled her beautiful eyes, captivating him, as she said "You're such a goofball, I love it."

He giggled happily and scratched his neck cutely, saying "Yeah? I love you too." she internally squealed and hugged him, the rest rolled their eyes, already used to this.


There was an announcement over the intercom "All students, your next task is tomorrow morning at 6 am! Please be prepared." the group were intrigued and started discussing about what the task would be.

They were all smiles and having fun, a stark contrast to the other chefs, who were sweating with anxiety over all the tasks.