Curry Showdown


23 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

Give your stones, or whatever.


Hiro sat in the stands watching Joichiro, Gin, and Zerotwo cook and win their challenges, Hiro scratched his head in confusion, where did all the seats go? He fought the traditional wife woman, and the rest left!? Did they lose?

Little did Hiro know, the highest one to come was only the 4th seat and the 5th seat guy was too lowkey, so lowkey in fact that he lost a while ago but nobody knew who he was so he just slipped away.

If Hiro knew this he would probably go find the rat and steal his chef's knife from him by force!

He crossed his arms and pouted.

A few days passed

During this time, the Theme and opponents were announced. Hiro vs Gin! Joichiro vs Zerotwo!


Fumio was foaming at the mouth over how only her residents were in the semifinals and the finals, but now she was faced with a tough decision, who does she cheer for?

Quite possibly the toughest decision in her life.

Despite the competition, the 4 still had their clashes every night. Hiro and Gin's theme was Curry and Joichiro and Zerotwo's theme was Apple Pie.

The 4 swapped between curry and Apple Pie every night, they even talked about what the problems were in the others' dishes. Hiro won the Apple Pie fight every time and gave his Patissier opinion on the Apple Pies, as for the curry they were all pretty even.

Then finally, it was the day of the Semi finals.

Hiro and Gin were sitting in the stands as Zerotwo and Joichiro came out and started their apple pie fight.

Zerotwo made a cinnamon and vanilla spice apple pie with a honey glazed crust and got an almost perfect score, Senzaemon even stripped!


Joichiro came right after her with his Wild Apple Pie adding in lemon zest along with nutmeg, lightly glazing the entire crust with maple syrup before even baking it!

The judges were split and Senzaemon was the outlier. Finally after a grueling think over Joichiro won his vote. Zerotwo was devastated and sad, Joichiro looked awkward and said "Um.. I'm sorry..." she smiled and said "It's okay..." his mouth twitched, that didn't sound okay.

Hiro was gonna kill him!

Hiro hugged Zerotwo and comforted her, shaking his head at Joichiro. Gin looked at him and said "What a dick." Hiro nodded "Yeah, a real asshole." Joichiro was stunned and said "HEY! It was a fair match!" Gin and Hiro just 'tsk tsk'd' at him, leaving him speechless.

Hiro gave her a bunch of kisses and smiled warmly "I love you, don't be sad. I'll kick this explosion hair guy's ass, then that single strand edgelord's ass too, okay?" Gin and Joichiro's mouths twitched at their nicknames, then they sneered.

Zerotwo sniffed "Mhm!" Hiro squished her cheeks and kissed her again, smiling lovingly. She smiled happily and said "Go kick their asses, Darling!" Hiro laughed and said "For sure!" they both giggled and Joichiro and Gin rolled their eyes.

Hiro poked her little nose and hopped over the railing to the arena. Gin grinned and hopped over right after him.

Joichiro and Zerotwo went to the Polar Star dorm seats and the girls glared at Joichiro before comforting Zerotwo, leaving Joichiro speechless yet again.

It was a fair fight!

The guys looked at him and shook their heads.

He grumbled and sat down, shoving his hands into his pockets and watching Gin and Hiro's fight.

Hiro and Gin stood across from each other, Hiro chuckled "This is the real thing, Gin. You better be ready, I'm going all out." Gin grinned and replied "You better." Senzaemon announced the start and the duo before shot to their stations.

Hiro got an idea from his past life. Reading about Restaurant systems seemed to have it's use as he threw on a pan and doused a bit of oil into it before grabbing a bunch of potatoes and chopping them up.

But he didn't chop them into cubes!


He chopped them into rice grain sizes!

The rice and the potatoes were about the same size!

He threw all the rice potatoes into the pan on the lowest setting and sprinkled salt on them like the meme before tossing the pan a couple dozen times as he pulled over a pot and added water. He threw the rice and potatoes into the boiling water before putting a lid on it.

He moved immediately and chopped up beef into strips before putting in a little secret, then cut a ton of vegetables into cubes before throwing everything into the pot with the rice and potatoes.

He started making the Curry sauce and poured a few liquids in a pot before putting the sauce into it very carefully, almost as if he was making a work of art. He saved a bit of sauce on the side and took everything out of the pot, pouring it all into a pan before tossing it all together and spicing it up!

Gin brought his dish to the judges and Hiro looked over before tossing out 7 plates. He started plating the curry. The rice was mixed with the potatoes, vegetables, and meat. He poured the hot curry sauce in a circle around a lump of rice, dousing half the rice.

Then he chuckled and threw a curtain in the air, covering his plating, adding a sense of mystery to the dish he was about to create.

The crowd boo'd and the curtain fell, revealing Hiro with a tray of 7 meat domes.

He walked to the judges table and put the domes down, even giving one to Gin as he said "Enjoy." keeping the extra one for himself. The judges tilted their heads and opened the domes, before being stunned silly.

The crowd gasped in shock, looking at the curry dish.