The Winner?!


25 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

You guys are going to LOVE this chap! The ending is just spectacular and unexpected! Haha, I will wait for your comments with intense interest!


Finally, the finals were upon us.

Hiro and Joichiro stood across from each other and grinned at each other as Senzaemon announced "Start!"

They went to their stations and took out a ton of ingredients. The crowd flinched at the sight of the ingredients and the duo chuckled.

Hiro took out a bunch of meats and chopped them up into tiny bits before throwing them into a meat grinder. Then he added a bunch of spicy flakes and salt, before taking out bunch of extremely thin intestine linings, putting them onto the machine's output and turning the crank.

The thin linings were quickly filled with meat, making long strands of meat, that almost looked like spaghetti.

Joichiro ran over and said "You have peanuts? I forgot them." Hiro chuckled and threw him a pack of peanuts. Joichiro caught them and said "Thanks!" before running off, stunning the audience.

Wasn't this supposed to be a competition?

Senzaemon rubbed his forehead and looked down at the table as the other judges laughed.

Hiro powdered his thin sausages and threw them into a pan before putting a pot to boil. He added salt, then grinned and threw sliced lobster inside, the lobster was coated with wheat flour and had been secretly deep frying for a bit.

He took out a bone and started stirring the pot.

The crowd was floored, what was this guy doing?!

They looked at Joichiro and their eyes bulged out of their sockets!

Joichiro was coating squid tentacles in peanut butter and sprinkling peanuts on it before deep frying them.

The judges were starting to get a bit scared of whatever was gonna come out of these two's brains.

Hiro stirred the broth before straight up dumping the meat strands into it and stirring, he sniffed and added parsley and basil. He took out a deep strainer and scooped up the meat strands, dunking them in the broth over and over again before dropping them on a pan and tossing them as he cut more vegetables.

He cut the vegetables into meat-like cubes and coated them in wheat flour, deep frying them before dumping them in the soup.

He stirred and looked at the timer before scooping the meat strands and dunking them in the soup again. He stirred with the meat strands before preparing 7 bowls. He poured in the meat strands evenly and them the soup with vegetables and 2 slices of wheat lobster each.

He covered the pots and brought them to the table.

He smirked and served everyone, leaving 2 to the side. He pulled open the lids and said "Voila!" The judges looked at the soup in dismay. What the fuck was this... Before they could ask what they were looking at, Joichiro came over with his own plates, he made 7 as well.

The judges looked at the plates and felt their stomachs turn. There was a plate of 5 Tempuras... of squid... with peanut butter batter and peanuts on the crust with a mystery sauce and a bowl of orange rice...

Senzaemon took a deep breath and said "What do we have here." Joichiro looked at Hiro, who said with confidence "Reverse Nabeyaqki Udon! The noodles are actually meat and the meat is actually vegetables deep fried in wheat flour, the topping is Lobster and the broth was made with everything together and the bone of a Bear."

Joichiro gasped and clapped "A tough dish!" Hiro raised his chin proudly, as if to say 'yes, that's right, praise me!' The judges' faces faulted and looked at Joichiro with pleading eyes, unfortunately they were disappointed severely.

Joichiro explained "My dish is a Tempura plate with Squid coated in a peanut butter based batter with peanuts on the outside before being deep fried for an extra crunch! The sauce is a mix of honey, maple syrup, and a pinch of chocolate powder that was liquified and watered down while still keeping the same taste! The rice isn't actually rice, but finely chopped sweet potatoes!"

Hiro pointed at him and said in disbelief "You!" Joichiro grinned and said "Heh! I did! I stole your fine potato rice!" Hiro stumbled back "I can't believe this!" Joichiro laughed evilly and the judges deadpanned.

They looked at the plates and Joichiro and Hiro forgot about it, saying with eager expressions "Eat! Eat! Go, DO IT!" Senzaemon and the other judges groaned and picked up the 'noodles' from Hiro's Udon.

They dipped them in the soup before putting them in their mouth with closed eyes.

Hiro looked at them expectantly and their eyes widened, slurping the 'noodles' up all the way and saying "OH MY GOD! WHAT IS THIS?!" Hiro explained quickly "Fool! It's naturally, meat/sea food/mystery meat! Eat it all together!"

One judge said in fear "Mystery meat?!" but another judge said "Eat it!" as they ate everything together. They made disgusted faces but continued eating as if someone was going to take it away from them.

They had a vision of being in a prison cafeteria while a bunch of humanoid foods were eyeing them while cracking their knuckles.

Hiro looked at the empty bowls and grinned with a smug smile, Joichiro clicked his tongue and said "It's not over yet." Hiro just chuckled as Senzaemon's clothes exploded, stunning the audience silly. The judges said "I shouldn't like it and yet! I can't resist!"

Hiro crossed his arms and smirked, stepping back as Joichiro took over and grinned evilly "Time for mine!" the judges gulped and looked at the Tempura, they could've sworn one of the Tempura waved at them.

Joichiro said "For the best taste, scoop the Rice with the Tempura and then dunk it in the sauce." the judges did as he said and ate the entire thing before moaning.

Hiro's expression turned to shock and he said "Nani!?" Joichiro chuckled evilly and the judges covered their bodies in protest, even Senzaemon's new clothes exploded!

They all had the same vision.

A giant sweet potato covered in the sauce with tentacles coming out, was wrapping around their bodies.

The judges felt uncomfortable all over but also strangely, good?

It was too strange!

They didn't know how to feel!

Joichiro and Hiro looked at the judges with a frown, what was the result!? Who won!?

Senzaemon stood up and looked serious, with only underwear on. He was absolutely stacked with muscles, it was kinda crazy. He cleared his throat and said "The Winner is..."