World Building.


15 chaps ahead on pat.reon:

If i die, i'll try and finish the story in my next life... if the writing gets dramatically better, know that I got a system.


The year ended just like that.

The group was given a break before they brought fresh meat into the school.

Hiro and Zerotwo were travelling, when Hiro decided to open a Demi-God chest for the first time. He only had 5 of them after all.

Zerotwo mumbled "It should be good right?" Hiro muttered "I mean, yeah... We'll see." as he opened one chest.

A chest appeared in front of them and lit up with a holy glow, that was extremely bright.

[Congratulations! You've received Every Quincy Sternritter Power + The Almighty!]

Hiro gawked and looked at the light screen in a daze. Zerotwo said "Uhhhhh... That's a good chest..." Hiro replied "Yeah... I know right..."


Hiro and Zerotwo looked at the screen in confusion.

Suddenly the Kido Booklet, that now had an eye with multiple pupils in it, appeared and slapped Hiro.

[All Kido, Hollow, Shingami, and Quincy powers detected!]


Hiro was still dazed and Zerotwo pressed the [Yes] button.

[Merging. . .]

[Congratulations! You've acquired Soul King Body (Ultimate)!]

[Congratulations! You have tethered to the [World of Dreams]!]

[Restructuring. . .]

[Soul King Body and Great Oni Form are resonating!]

[Congratulations! You've acquired Oni King Form!]

[Restructuring complete!]

[Mortal, Heaven, and Hell realms have been created!]


Hiro and Zerotwo looked at the alert and clicked on it, a big light screen appeared in front of them and they gasped.

[Host! World of Dreams has been completed! The former Memory world is a separate Entity from the 'Mortal', 'Heaven', and 'Hell' realms. Somewhat similar to the Soul King Palace! This World is currently unpopulated! You have 2 options.

1- Let the world develop naturally through evolution (Millions of Years in Host time)

2- Populate Mortal Realm yourself.

There is a third hidden option, but Host hasn't cleared the requirements to even think about it.]

[WARNING! World in Chaos!]

[Linking Host to World!]

[Secondary attunement acquired: Chaos!]

[Influx of Chaos! World is collapsing!]

[Linking World to [Zerotwo]!]

[Secondary attunement acquired: Order!]

[World is Stable!]

Hiro and Zerotwo blinked and sighed.

[Host(s) will not feel changes due to lock on supernatural powers. When Host leaves this world to a supernatural world, changes will take place.]

Hiro and Zerotwo looked at each other and smiled warmly, Hiro opened his mouth but was cut off.

[Please do not say something cheesy, Host.]

Hiro choked on his words and Zerotwo burst out laughing happily.

Time flew!

Their second year was upon them and Hiro was doing the same as usual, fighting Gin, Joichiro, and Zerotwo everyday. He was given the 1st seat and got the Ever Sharp Whetstone from the Quest, but ultimately refused to keep it and left it empty for whoever to take. He wasn't going to take it until Fuji came back and lost to him.

Nothing eventful happened for the entire year. It was the same old stuff, but it was never boring because he was spending time with his friends.

*Cue Awww's*

The year came and went without a ripple.

Joichiro was in the second seat going into their 3rd year, looking a little bored.

Hiro tried his best to cheer him up with crazy and ridiculous dishes, it worked for a bit, but eventually...

Hiro sighed and looked at Azami on the ground. Joichiro was standing above him and Zerotwo was checking Azami's pulse. She said "He's fine." Hiro let out a breath of relief and said "You know, I think Pig Liver Vinegar wasn't the right play."

Joichiro sighed "It never is..." Hiro shrugged and said "What about Cow Appendix Vinegar?" Joichiro muttered "It could work... It really could!" they dived into the new crazy idea, giving Joichiro the old glint in his eyes.

Hiro was happy to help his friend get out of his depression basically. He hoped he could really pull him out for good. The duo spent the rest of the day working on the crazy dish while Gin brought Azami to his room and went to deal with some of the goings on at Totsuki, he took over the 1st seat responsibilities because... well...

Two of the other 3 seats were too busy making ridiculous ideas and the last one, just hung around her boyfriend, looking at him.

They weren't going to help, so he had to do it himself.

He wasn't too bothered about it though. Even if they weren't doing anything and helped him... he wasn't too sure how that would go.

He chuckled to himself and left the dorm with a happy feeling.

His friends might be useless but he can pick up the slack!