You got a guy, old man?


16 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

Which knight invented King Arthur's Round Table? Sir Cumference.


Hiro immediately arranged for the goods to be transported to the restaurant but stocked the pantry and fridges full of ingredients before looking around inside.

[Heavenly Court added to World of Dreams!]

Hiro remembered he had a world inside of him. He was basically the God of this world right? Along with his lovely little wife! He wanted to check it out, alas...

[Restricted Access!]

Hiro pouted and looked at the second light screen.

[Please access [Unnamed World] when Host is unsealed!]

He clicked his tongue and mumbled something under his breath before forgetting about it and focusing on more important things.

He checked around for Zerotwo and saw her in one of the rooms, setting up their bedroom with a happy smile, humming a tune to herself. He smiled warmly and snuck down stairs into the kitchen. He expected nothing less than perfection and that's what this kitchen was! It was just perfect in every way!

It had everything a chef would need, but that wasn't his main focus.

He peeked out the door before hiding in the freezer and calling Senzaemon, "Hey! Old man!" Senzaemon's voice came through and said "You already need my help? You graduated, kid. You're not supposed to call me for help... *sigh* kids these days..."

Hiro's mouth twitched and he said "Damn old man! I don't need help with my restaurant! This is something else!" he told him where he was and the name of his restaurant, etc. before asking "You know any old geezers like you that make wedding dresses?"

Senzaemon was silent for a few seconds before blasting "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED?!" Hiro held the phone away from his ear and blinked dazedly, this fucking old man was trying to kill him! He was convinced!

Hiro said badly "Will you calm down!? It's a secret!" Senzaemon took a breath and said seriously "When is the wedding?" Hiro said "Around a year from now, wh-" Senzaemon said extremely seriously "I better be invited, kid. I swear to god!" Hiro blinked and said "Of course, you are. Why wouldn't you be? Just tell me, you have kids, you must have gotten married a few times. You have a guy or what?"

Senzaemon coughed and said "First of all, I have only gotten married once. Yes, I have a guy. I'll give him a call, expect a new customer during the week." before hanging up, Hiro was stunned and looked at the phone, mumbling "That damn old man didn't even give me a name..."

He sighed and put his phone away.

The freezer door was opened and Hiro scrambled, touching the meats with a dignified face. Zerotwo looked at him in confusion and said "Um. Did I interrupt?" Hiro almost choked on his spit and died, interrupt what exactly?!

He coughed and said "No, I was just checking our stock." she hummed and nodded, teasing "If you want to touch meat so bad, you can touch yourself or come to me, cold meat must be uncomfortable?"

Hiro rubbed his nose and said "I was really just checking the stock..." she giggled and said "Mhmmm~" before walking away, he quickly followed her and kicked the door shut behind him, squeezing her shoulders with a smile, saying "If I want to touch meat, I have a lovely little goddess wife! Why would I touch animals?"

She stopped and hummed in enjoyment at the shoulder rub, saying "You're being super suspicious. Touching meat, shoulder massages... what are you hiding from me?" Hiro choked and cleared his throat saying seriously "I'm sick."

She looked at him and he added with extreme seriousness "The only cure is snuggles." she burst into a fit of giggles and jumped on his back, saying "To the bedroom!" Hiro chuckled and 'galloped' to the bedroom, saying "Yes, my liege!"

She laughed and Hiro collapsed on the bed before rolling over and tangling his limbs around her like an octopus as he chuckled "So comfy!" she giggled and pecked his lips. He smiled and pulled her in closer, sighing sadly.

She said "What's wrong, Darling?" He sighed again and said "Nothing... it's just..." he looked up with an aggrieved expression as he added "Why can't you just melt into my body?" she burst out laughing and squirmed around in his embrace, giggling.

He smiled and rolled around with her.

Eventually, he ended up with his legs around her waist and his arms around her head. She giggled and said "Aiyo! This isn't the way things were supposed to go!" He chuckled "It's okay, this is better." She sighed and giggled before biting his chest.

He chuckled and she flipped around, sliding up, so that he was spooning her as they rest on the bed. She suddenly said softly "I'm so happy." he was speechless and emotion overwhelmed him as he replied with a soft stroke of her hair "Everyday with you is the best day of my life." she turned around and kissed him, smiling softly "I love you."

He smiled and replied "I love you too, Zerotwo." she smiled and snuggled into his chest, closing her eyes with a blissful expression. He stroked her hair and smiled lovingly before closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep with her in his arms.

A few days later

The restaurant officially opened!