

15 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

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A few weeks passed

There was only one week before the wedding.

Hiro was getting a bit nervous actually. He was cooking for the customers that were increasing by the day and talking on the phone at the same time to make sure everything was going according to schedule.

The customers were in the dark and confused, sometimes their dishes would get accidentally swapped with someone else's. It wasn't a problem as they could figure it out but they were concerned for the Boss.

Hiro came out with 6 plates on his arms and his head tilted on a phone as he said "I literally cannot be there right now! I'm still at the restaurant, you said you could take care of it!" he served the curious customers and replied with a sigh "Fine! Fine! Fine! I'll close the restaurant and be there tomorrow. Just try an-"

He paused and listened before sighing "Just try and relax, I'll be there tomorrow. I will take care of it." he paused again and said "Yeah, yeah, bye." before closing the phone and rubbing his eyes as he walked back to the kitchen.

Mei was already gone, setting the stuff up at the wedding with Megumin, that's why he was serving right now. Zerotwo was resting upstairs as Hiro handled the entire restaurant by himself. Little did he know that they couldn't even set up a fucking venue properly!

He grumbled "10, 15 year old kids could do it when they didn't even know what it was in a garden and 100 adults can't fucking figure it out..." the customers were silent and looked at each other before swapping their plates to what they actually ordered.

The old man, who had written the first review, asked "Boss, what's going on? The store is closed tomorrow?" everyone else gave the old man a thumbs up, sure enough! There's nothing Old Massimo couldn't do!

Hiro stopped and said "I'm getting married in 5 days, I have to go take care of business over there and set everything up. Unfortunately the Restaurant will be closed from tomorrow for a weeks or so." the customers all gasped and started clapping, cheering "Congrats, Boss!" "That's our boss! Haha!"

The old man, Massimo, was stunned before clapping and saying "Hey! Congratulations, Boss! Wow!" Hiro smiled lightly and said "Thank you, everyone." they all smiled and the old man asked "Where is it at, Boss?"

Hiro said "Tulip Field in Holland." they sucked in a cold breath of air and looked at Hiro speechlessly, he chuckled and returned to the kitchen.

The next day

The store was closed and Hiro left with Zerotwo to the venue. They got there and looked at everything. Zerotwo had everything with her and smiled as she went to a hotel, Hiro smiled and went to the venue.

He started to fix everything the way he knew Zerotwo would like it. The people around just sighed and watched as Hiro did everything himself, he knew exactly where everything went and exactly what to do.

The other started helping and Hiro started setting up the party place a bit away. He already talked to the guy who was told by Senzaemon. Really who didn't that old man know? The guy Hiro talked to was able to let him rent the Tulip Field...

Hiro was a bit skeptical... Was this guy the President or Prime Minister of Holland?!


It didn't matter since, he had rented everything already, the only thing that was left was the actual ceremony. He had the guy, not a priest. It was Gin, who was pretty excited, he even had a whole thing ready to go and everything.

Hiro just left him to do his own thing and called another number "Hey! You still coming?" there was a voice on the other end and Hiro laughed "Who knows what goes through your mind, I was just checking... Aiyo! Doesn't this mean you have to call me 'Boss' when you get here?"

There was a silence and then a short few words then a laugh and then he hung up.

Hiro looked at the phone and chuckled before putting it away and focusing on everything else.

Little by little, time passed.

4 days later

Hiro hadn't seen Zerotwo today. He didn't see what the dress looked like, what she looked like, nothing.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous. Even his palms were sweaty. He lit a cigarette and paced by himself before Gin came to get him and said "It's time." Hiro let out a breath and stepped on his cigarette before wiping his hands with a cloth and saying "Alright, let's go." Gin grinned and they left.