I'm Movin' out!


11 chaps ahead on Patr.eon: pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking

Surprise, I'm posting another 2 chaps. You get 5 today and them I'm taking a break with 10 Chaps ahead on Pat.reon.


[Congratulations! You've completed Main Quest! Reward: Super Gourmet Cells, God Mystery Chest, Next World Token]

Hiro sighed, not Multiverse Fragments, he still only had one and it's been 10 Worlds.

He walked out of the kitchen after telling the chefs to start preparing. He had been grooming them for 9 years now, he was ready to drop this place after teaching them what he knew. He was going to move after Takumi and Isami left.

He wanted to branch out anyway.

He went to go see Zerotwo and hugged her from behind as he whispered in her ear softly "When the two little kids leave, we're opening a branch, where do you want to go next?" she smiled and leaned into him, replying softly "Wherever you want, Darling~" He kissed her cheek and said happily "How lucky am I to have you by my side, eh?"

She giggled "Extremely~" he chuckled "Ain't that the truth!" before swiping in front of her and saying "You do it." she got excited and pressed on the [OPEN] button.

The God Chest spun around and lit up with an intense gold light.

The two blinked at the intense light before a light screen appeared.

[Congratulations! You've received Sandbox Powers (Dream World)]

[Sandbox: Able to shape the Dream World anyway you want to, add anything out of thin air or from the inventory, make mountains, seas, ruins, palaces, anything you can imagine! Also able to morph inventory ingredients to a different thing entirely... Only applicable to Dream World]

Hiro and Zerotwo pursed their lips and she said "You have another one?" He chuckled and another chest appeared, slowly rotating.

She giggled and pressed on the button, ignoring the eye rolls of the surrounding people. They all through they were flirting.

[Congratulations! You've received Ultimate Titan Transformation!]

Zerotwo and Hiro both trembled for a split second before going back to normal.

[Gourmet Cells added to Limitless God Seedling Body 2x]

[Z2: Ultimate Titan Transformation devoured by Great Oni Form > Great Oni Queen Form acquired]

[Ultimate Titan Transformation Devoured by Oni King Form > Great Oni King Form acquired]

[Gourmet Energy added to Energy Core!]

[All Powers Sealed!]

[Great Oni King/Queen Form: All the qualities of the Titans, Hollow, Quincy, Shinigami, and Soul King in one.]

Hiro pursed his lips, he had Gourmet cells now, but he also had Super Saiyan cells... Now he had all the Titan Powers along with his Great Oni King Form. The Form kinda reminded him of the Great Ape form... He did get the Form when he got the 'Oni' cells didn't he?

Maybe he would go super Oni in the future?!

His heartrate increased at the thought.

Excitement and anticipation blossomed in his heart.

Zerotwo looked at her daydreaming husband and giggled before flicking his forehead, bringing him back to reality. He chuckled sheepishly and gave her a cute smile, she smiled warmly and gave him a quick kiss before going to do her things.

He smiled warmly and watched her with happy eyes.

10 years passed

Just like that

Hiro and Zerotwo took Mei and opened another restaurant in Japan, leaving the head sous-chef in charge of the original restaurant, Megumin left after leaving her own apprentice and started her own big bakery. Mei also left during the 10 years and started her own restaurant.

Hiro and Zerotwo's new restaurant wasn't so grand it was just a small place that immediately got 5 stars and a bunch of customers.

Over the years, they got another 3 Michelin stars but kept the restaurant small. There was no way around it, Hiro was the undisputed best chef in the entire world. He had gone to cooking competitions and was challenged by chefs all over the world, nobody could beat him.

He always won, even making strange dishes.

He was slowly getting a bit bored, he finally knew what it felt like to be Joichiro. So he declined any more challenges and just stayed at his little restaurant, not going anywhere else. Zerotwo relaxed with Hiro, she wasn't bored this time, because he was with her, though she could see that it was starting to get boring...

Keep in mind that she was happy just being with him. She wanted to do all sorts of things and he had been asking her these days if she was bored. She just told him that wherever he wanted to go she would go with him, and told him truthfully that she wasn't bored.

She like cooking with him it was really nice.

Hiro's heart warmed, what a good wife I have.

They were serving customers when an old man walked in.

Hiro served him after he ordered and said "Hey! The years have been kind to you, old man." Senzaemon grinned and said "Not too bad, eh?" Hiro just chuckled and sat at the table with him saying "Honey!" Zerotwo looked over and smiled before taking care of the orders by herself.

A woman shook her head, sighing "Zero-chan, how could you work like this? If my husband did such a thing, I would make him kneel on the washboard!" the men that were sitting at the tables and drinking, shuddered and looked at the woman in fear.

Zerotwo chuckled and said "Oh? You really think so, Ao?" Ao nodded and sighed "Let me tell you a secret." Zerotwo pursed her lips and came closer, Ao whispered "Once I gave him the washboard treatment, he hasn't looked at another woman since!"

The men looked at Ao like she was a monster, they all though the same thing 'Probably because he was terrified! Crazy woman!' Zerotwo's interest was piqued and she asked "What kind of washboard?" The men almost fainted and prayed for Hiro's safety.

Hiro was sitting across from Senzaemon, he drank from his glass and said "So what brings you here, old man?" Senzaemon tilted his head and said "I can't just come to see my student?" Hiro rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, you can. But you wouldn't." Senzaemon sighed "I was busy, I had my hands full with my granddaughters... Mana ran away, her daughter was tortured by that bastard..."

He looked ready to explode, Hiro raised a brow and pushed a glass of wine to him, it was the same wine he had been perfecting for 20 years. He had gotten close to the taste of his grandfather's, if only he was still alive.

Senzaemon drank the wine and licked his lips before unclenching his fists and sighing sadly "That girl is too much." Hiro shrugged and said "What did you expect, old man? She always did what she wanted." Senzaemon's mouth twitched and he said "Erina."

Hiro coughed and said immediately "I'm sure she's not that bad!" Senzaemon laughed and shook his head, saying "Actually, she does what she wants too... That's why I'm here." Hiro raised a brow and Senzaemon added "I want you to Teach at Totsuki."

Hiro was so surprised, he spat out a mouthful of wine all over Senzaemon's face by accident.