Eggs, who?!


10 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

only 1 today. Busy.


He went to Erina's station and looked at her eggs benedict, Erina was still stunned by Alice and just looked at Hiro speechlessly. He looked at her dish and walked away, feeling strange. She was stunned, this guy was so rude!

Hiro really fast that he shouldn't go just yet, her dish was provoking him. He had to keep his disguise! He walked to Isami's station and tasted his dish, Isami was all smiles as usual, Hiro couldn't help but tease him "Young man, if you cut your hair bald, you would look like Buddha!"

Isami's lips trembled and he looked at his teacher with a sad look. Who's ever said this to him? He looked away and said nothing, Hiro laughed and happily walked to Takumi's station, where he was serving Frittata. Hiro tasted it and smiled, it was very good! Then he ate the rest and went somewhere else.

He made a full round before finally coming back to Erina's station and looking at the little Eggs Benedict. Why did he not like this dish. The more he looked at it, the more annoyed he would be. Erina was getting impatient, this rude guy was back!

Hiro picked up a plate and looked at the breakfast on it with narrowed eyes. It was really making him angry. He was going to eat it today! He picked up the Eggs Benedict and directly bit off nearly half of it.

He chewed and frowned before eating the rest.

The flavor exploded in his mouth and he growled angrily.

His eyes became sharp and his body exploded with rage, blowing his disguise right off. Everyone looked at Hiro in shock, such an extreme reaction? Soma said "Hey! It's Hiro! Who would've thought!?" Everyone turned to him and he chuckled, clearly having fun with everything.

Hiro knew why it was making him angry, the dish instinctively made you want to worship Erina. Being who he was, naturally this would never happen, it was more of an insult than anything. He put the plate down and let out a break, seeing Erina looking at him in shock.

He rubbed his nose and looked at the glasses on the floor, sighing in regret. His perfect disguise, gone just like that, what a pity. Gin walked over and said "Are you okay?" Hiro gave him a look and straightened out his back, saying "Of course! Who am I?"

Gin gave him a look and teased "Well, I don't know, just before there was an old man standing where you were..." Hiro raised a brow, his disguise was so good? He frowned and held his chin saying "Very mysterious. We must find this old man, maybe he's in trouble." Gin almost vomited blood.

He was just kidding, this guy...

Then he said directly "You know what, I think you're going crazy." Hiro smiled and said "Idiot, when have I been sane?" before shaking his head and walking to Soma's station, leaving Gin speechless, then he thought about it and laughed, he was right. He was never really normal in the first place.

Erina clenched her fists and said "Sir, what do you think?" Hiro stopped and looked at her, he narrowed his eyes and she felt the pressure but then it disappeared as he smiled handsomely "Not bad." she wilted, just not bad?

What was he supposed to say? He almost fought with a dish?

He paused and added another sentence "You remember what I said yesterday?" Erina nodded and Hiro smiled calmly "This time it was free, what about when they're paying?" before walking away, leaving Erina thoughtful.

Gin looked at Erina and then at Hiro with a confused look before following Hiro and whispering "What did you tell her?" Hiro whispered back "What are you? The gossip police?" Gin said seriously "I graduated Gossip Police academy with full marks, I'll have you know." Hiro laughed and said "I told her, that her food was too fancy for all the normal people, when she opens a restaurant she'll get less customers, more rich ones, but overall lose money."

He waved and whispered "Plus, she's too uptight. Just like Azami. That guy would always run away from me!" Gin blinked at him and thought 'Azami was scared of you and Joe! If he had another 'special' dish, he would probably die!' Hiro continued "Plus, how is she and Soma going to get together is she's so serious all the time?" before shaking his head.

Gin looked at him speechlessly, saying "What? You're a love doctor now?" Hiro gave him a mysterious smile "I dabble." Gin laughed and thought about it before grinning "You've come to the right place, I, the older brother, will help you." Hiro looked at him bewildered and said "Since when are you the older brother????"

Gin smirked and Hiro said "Nah, nah, tell me. Who died and made you the older brother, eh?" Gin turned his face and said "None of your business. Who are you to confront your older brother, eh?" Hiro looked at him and suddenly nodded, patting Gin's shoulder and saying sympathetically "It's okay, Gin. If you're having delusions, we can arrange a retirement home for you. I hear they have taichi class every morning."

Gin almost punched him in the head in anger.