

10 chaps ahead on Pat.reon: pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking

Finallllllllll chap for the day, I know you guys have leftover stones, I'll take them off your hands, free of charge, hehehe~ This chapter is your payment, hehehe~


Hiro came to the Polar Star dorm and knocked on the door with an angry expression on his face.

A little kid came and opened the door, he had glasses and a bowl hair cut, he looked at Hiro and jumped in shock "Teacher!?" Hiro looked at him and said "What Teacher? Are you gonna let me in?"

Zenji looked to be hesitating and Hiro grabbed him by the back of his collar, picked him up in the air and walked into the dorm.

He closed the door behind him with his foot and marched to the kitchen area with Zenji in his hands, who was still stunned at the series of events.

Hiro came into the kitchen and saw everyone there. They were talking and laughing before they turned to meet Hiro's glare. They were stunned and Joichiro blinked before turning white in realization, he said quickly "Soma, is this guy a teacher?!"

Soma looked at his dad and nodded, making Joichiro get up and run for the window. Hiro dropped Zenji and chased after him, stunning the kids. Fumio just sighed, getting a look from everyone else.

Hiro lunged at Joichiro, who was jumping for the window and they collided, bouncing off the ground into a wall.

Hiro grabbed him and shook him saying angrily "Not even a 'Hey, how's it going?'!?!?" Joichiro chuckled and said "This was the best option." Hiro was incensed and shouted "JUMPING FOR THE WINDOW?!" Joichiro laughed and Hiro started to beat him up, Joichiro fought back and they ended up in a dust brawl.

When the dust cleared, Hiro looked at Zoro and said "Why are you here?" Zoro sighed and said "I was going to the store and I ended up here. Do you have any alcohol by the way?" Hiro gave him a gourd saying "Personally made, take it in sips or you'll die."

Zoro raised a brow and took a small sip, his face flushed red and he swayed, saying "Good stuff!" before falling backwards into a space crack and disappearing.

Hiro smoothed out his clothes and Joichiro grinned "It's been a while." Hiro looked at him and couldn't help but crack a grin as he said "Too long." Joichiro laughed and hugged Hiro, who smiled and squeezed him slightly.

The students were stunned, what the fuck is going on?!

Hiro walked to the back of the kitchen and looked at the wall with a smirk, saying "You didn't notice this?" Joichiro looked at the wall in confusion and Hiro chuckled before digging his hands into the wall and 'ripping' it off, revealing a hug chalkboard.

Joichiro was stunned and said speechlessly "You made a fake wall for that?! Are you really insane?!" Hiro grinned and said "What insane? This was a natural decision! Look at the score!" Joichiro looked and suddenly became gloomy.

He and Hiro were tied!

This is naturally a bad thing.

Hiro looked at him provocatively and Joichiro scoffed and looked at Hiro before grinning. He turned around and said "Ma, same as usual." Fumio sighed and complained "Can't you two just relax?"

Hiro and Joichiro both grinned "Nope!" the students were stunned and Soma said "You're fighting teacher?" Joichiro smacked him and said "What Teacher!? This is your Godfather!" Hiro was stunned, Soma was stunned, the entire dorm was stunned.

Hiro looked at Joichiro and said "What? How come I didn't know?" Soma added "Same." Joichiro grinned "I just figured it out." Hiro shook his head and said "What an unreliable guy."

He sighed and went to the stove before starting to prepare his ingredients.

He took out a knife and started chopping up potatoes and meat. Joichiro gave him a look and went to prepare. Hiro cut the potatoes into rice sizes and the meat into strips before cooking them in a pan with his own special hot spices.

He started making a sauce that was blood red and added in a bunch of extremely small vegetables, he boiled the rice and hummed to himself as he grabbed a plate from the cupboard.

The meat was taken out of the pan and rolled into small roses as he threw the potatoes and rice into a pan before cooking it a bit after boiling.

He turned off the stove and prepped the plate with rice, putting the meat roses into the rice before pouring the sauce around it in a circle and dripping drops of sauce onto the flowers. He clearly didn't put enough sauce but that was solved with something else.

Hiro smirked and placed a blood red sleeping dragon on top of the rice amongst the flowers. He plated nearly a dozen plates and brought 1 of them to Fumio just as Joichiro brought his own dish. It was surprise Ramen!

Joichiro looked at Hiro's dish and said "Hey... I didn't know we were going fancy." Hiro gave him a look and then looked at his dish before sneering "Oh? You didn't?" Joichiro chuckled and served his ramen.

The dorm residents were curious and looked at the dishes. Soma was confused and said "What is it?" Fumio answered him "It's curry." then, ignoring the strange looks, looked at Hiro and said "You have an addiction to doing this?"

Hiro chuckled and said "Did I mention how good you look today, Ma? You don't look a day over 25!" Joichiro looked at him in shock and shouted "That's cheating!" He looked at Fumio and said "Ma, you don't look a day over 21! Don't listen to this guy."

Hiro spat "18" Joichiro snorted "16" Hiro clicked his tongue and looked away. Fumio gave them both a look and the students were just speechless, Fumio looked used to it but she was happy on the inside, she HAS been taking care of herself, she was glad it was paying off.

Soma looked at the dragon and said "What is that." Fumio gave him a look and said "Try it yourself." Hiro pointed behind him at the rest of the plates along with Joichiro's ramen and said "Go on." then he looked at Fumio and said "Come on, Ma. Start already!"

Fumio sighed and said "I'm old, don't rush me. Sheesh!" Hiro and Joichiro rolled their eyes, didn't you just accept our compliments?

Fumio started with Joichiro's ramen and slurped up the noodles along with the broth and a few 'mysteries'. Her eyes widened and she let out a loud moan, Hiro and Joichiro were used to it but the others shivered from the sound.

They were huddled around the plates, looking at them in wonder.

Fumio groaned "Ahhh... King Crab and Caviar... what a high class Ramen!" Hiro rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, yeah, I didn't know we were doing fancy, my ass." Joichiro just chuckled and Fumio scooped up the meat flower with rice, potatoes, and sauce before putting it in her mouth and groaning in comfort.

There was a loud 'Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!' and the three turned to look at the kids. They all looked at Yuki, who was trembling with pleasure. Soma looked at the dragon and poked it with a spoon, it fell apart and covered the rest of the rice with a layer of sauce.

He was stunned and scooped up a big mouthful, he was instantly transported to an ancient land with dragons and phoenixes. He was in awe at all the beasts.

Joichiro's face fell and he said "You didn't-" Hiro chuckled and said "No." Joichiro let out a breath of relief and Fumio had the same reaction, she started sweating but she continued scooping curry into her mouth a spoonful at a time.

Joichiro sighed and said "Another loss." Hiro grinned and said "You can't beat my tyrannical spice. It's okay, it doesn't get better." Joichiro sneered at him and said "Anyway, try my ramen..." his face gained a sneaky smirk and he added "I have a new 'idea'."

Hiro suddenly grinned maliciously and said "Oh, yeah?" Joichiro nodded and they both chuckled evilly.


The door was kicked open and Zerotwo walked into the kitchen.

Joichiro and Hiro froze, she looked at the duo and her eyes narrowed a bit. Hiro and Joichiro looked at each other before Joichiro pointed behind Zerotwo and shouted "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" then he and Hiro booked it for the window.

Unfortunately, they never made it.

R.I.P Joichiro and Hiro

The End






Why you scrolling bro, it's over







You'd be right, see you on the next episode of Monkey!

