Prime Worlds


12 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:

Had training yesterday, going to play hockey in college so I have to get back in peak form. I might be busy so I'll be waking up super early from now on to write out chaps until 11-12 like today I woke up at 8 and wrote 3 chaps but I got stuff to do today so.


Your support is critical at this time, really keeps me motivated actually. Thank you all for your support it really means a lot. You're the best fanbase on this fucking site. <3


Hiro judged like 7 Shokugekis before Soma came up with Alice and did their own thing. Hiro thought that Soma and Alice were first but he couldn't remember.

Clank suddenly said [This is an Alternate Universe.]

Hiro was stunned and Clank explained [Basically every World is an Alternate Universe. All the stories in fiction surrounding the stories that you read about are all in Alternate Universes because all the Worlds have infinite possibilities that even Gods cannot interfere in. Like where you came from, it's called Earth Prime. All the other Worlds have Prime Worlds that are protected from Godly interference. Like the Original One Piece is a Prime World, even a single blink of an eye when it wouldn't have happened in the Prime World, will create a new world.]

Hiro was silent and Clank continued on [This is to protect the Original World's Laws from being disrupted and changing the entire subsequent Multiverse of Worlds. Notice how every World will force it's way back to Canon unless there are drastic changes, that's the Prime Law. This World and every other world that we go to are Non-Prime Worlds, more like Delta, Beta, and Alpha Worlds. They are close to the Prime World but not the exact same.]

Hiro asked "But what about Earth Prime? If all the Prime Worlds are protected then how did I end up here." Clank replied immediately [Earth Prime is a special case. Since it's a world without magic or powers of any kind, Gods can interfere a bit to select champions for themselves. There are countless Gods, mind you. The ones that can actually grant systems are extremely rare. Even if they can grant Systems, its not the same as the System Race. It's, at most, a high quality copy...]

He paused for a second and continued [Think of it like this; You have an inventory with everything you've collected, when you create a system by yourself you pool everything inside the system as an investment of sorts. Once you create that System, everything you've put in is no longer yours. It belongs to the system that belongs to the Champion, though most of the Gods are the Shadow owners of the system.]

He seemed to be proud and added [Unlike me, these Systems have owners before fusion with the champions' soul. If the God so chooses, he/she can take the system back at any moment.]

Hiro was confused and said "But it had already fused with the-" Clank interrupted [Exactly! Those Systems mostly have robotic voices because they are created from man not the Universe. The System binds to a soul for life, if the god takes it away, the soul and system stay together. Basically, the body dies and the soul becomes the new system. It's basically a way to give the System 'life' so it looks more like us. That's why sometimes the system will punish the host for swearing at it or make jabs and mock the host, they can't actually kill the Host.]

He seemed to pause and add [Well, they can but it's not advised. The System is a vessel for the system's soul to bind to the Host's soul, making it so that the two souls don't merge. It's a way for the system to get in and out if there's a problem. Think of it like a loophole or emergency exit, if the host is under sure death with a 0.000000% chance of survival, the System will eject itself and return to the god who made it. It's in a situation where even the most absurd outcome is calculated. Like a meteorite hitting the enemy and killing him or the world splitting in half and the half with the enemy, exploding.]

Hiro was just speechless and Clank added happily [Though, that's only for man-made systems. I'm stuck with you forever. When you die, I die, which is why most systems like me strike for the Host to be immortal, then we can live forever! Though some systems overdue it, I heard that this Vampire System was boosting his host.]

Hiro mumbled "Boosting?" Clank explained [Invisibly adding stats to the Host without reason. To make it easier for the Host to survive. This is a big no-no, I heard he was punished for it too.] Hiro tilted his head and said "Who punishes you exactly. Is it the universe itself?"

Clank was about to reply when Alice walked up and presented her dish with a cute wink "Here you go~!" Hiro and Clank both said mentally ["We'll talk later"]

Hiro looked at Alice's bento box and smiled before picking out a little jewel from the box and eating it. He licked his lips and stayed quiet, he just smiled at Alice and she felt a sinking feeling in her heart.

She was hoping to shock Hiro's socks right off with her bento. Unfortunately it didn't happen.

Soma came up right after with his Evolved Nori Bento.

There were a bunch of dishes and soup and a sauce, Hiro ate a bit of everything just like he did with Alice's dish. He put down his chop sticks and leaned back with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed.

After the other judges did their 'Ouu's' and Ahhh's' It was Hiro's turn, he looked at Senzaemon and said "You want to go first, old man?" the crowd all choked and looked at Hiro in shock, Alice and Soma both chuckled, Hiro was more of a family member than a stranger to them and they were used to his shenanigans.

Senzaemon rolled his eyes and nodded.

Hiro grinned and turned to the two kids with a vicious smile, he opened his mouth and said "See you in the next chapter."