Silly girl, I have it too!


The king… THE KING IS BACK!!!!


A few days passed

The duo proved to be capable and completed their task! Though they were struggling the entire way through.


They managed to do it.

Hiro was happy as he looked at Ryo and Ikumi, the first day was a struggle but everyday after that they got better and better, learning at an incredible pace. Hiro was happy that his method worked, this was a test run for the second stage.

Ryo and Ikumi said their goodbyes and dragged their tired bodies out of the restaurant, flopping into a taxi and leaving under Hiro's chuckles.

Zerotwo shook her head and said "Why do you have to torture them like this?" Hiro chuckled and waved at the taxi as he replied "Because it's fun! Did you see their faces? Hahah!" Zerotwo giggled and shook her head, saying "Plane leaves in 2 hours, my love~" as she walked back into the restaurant and grabbed her things.

Hiro smiled and followed her.

30 minutes later

Hiro zoomed to the airport on the Tron Bike with Zerotwo riding the same one next to him with a pitch black full helmet on. Her hair came out the back and flowed in the wind and she was wearing a big white t-shirt with a big knot on her hip along with washed out jeans and sneakers.

The jeans had ripped ends that tapered to her leg and ended just above her ankles, while she wore white adidas sneakers. Hiro made them for her as they didn't have adidas in this world. She looked full of youthful spirit!

Not to mention, she still looked 21.

She was the definition of MILF.

Hiro had his hair tied in a bun with a black t-shirt, canvas joggers, and sneakers. He didn't really care about what he was wearing because he always looked good, Zerotwo always looked good too but she also wore clothes that made her look even better.

It was crazy, she was too much.

Hiro was getting uncomfortable, sitting on the bike with a stiffy.

Zerotwo looked over and giggled, speeding up. He clicked his tongue and suddenly had a thought as he sped up and chased her.

He got to her and popped a wheelie before standing up on his bike and jumping over Zerotwo to the other side with his bike.

Zerotwo looked at him, speechless and he gave her a smug grin, saying "Handsome?" she shook her head and replied "Dummy, what if you got hurt?" Hiro was stunned and said "UwU! I love you!" she giggled and smiled happily, driving off.

Hiro followed her happily as they got to the airport, stored their bikes away and flew off.

A day later

Hiro and Zerotwo were back in Rome and the customers cheered happily.

Hiro waved at them and told them what was going to happen for a week, they were stunned and agreed to put the pressure on. Hiro grinned and gave the chefs a paid vacation, making them more than happy.

Everyone was happy.

Except that fucking guy across the street!

Hiro sneered at him and gave him the finger, only getting a finger and a 'Va fangulo!' back.

Hiro laughed and sighed "It's good to be back!" Zerotwo looked at him and shook her head, he was too strange. He told people off and felt happy when people told him off, what a goofy husband I have.

The next day

Erina showed up at the restaurant and looked around, she blinked at the emptiness and said "Um... Hello!?" Hiro slipped in shock and fell down the stairs, Erina turned to the stairs and saw Hiro tumbling down the stairs, her mouth twitched as he hit the floor.

She walked over quickly and said "Are you okay?" Hiro groaned and got up, waving his arms as he said "Yeah... What a way to start the day..." Erina looked at him speechlessly, didn't this guy just fall down the stairs? Why is he fine?

Hiro cracked his neck and smiled "Alright! You ready? I got something extremely special for you!" Erina had question marks over her head and Hiro dragged her into the kitchen. He took out a menu and smiled "You're here for a week and this is your menu. You're the only chef that will be working. I will be waiting tables and Zerotwo will be watching you."

Erina took the menu and was stunned, she said hesitantly "You're making me do everything?" Hiro smiled and nodded, adding "Yup! Also! I called a bunch of people saying I brought in a special guest chef and they expect the same quality of food that I make!"

Erina mumbled "That should be the easy part..." Hiro chuckled and shook his head, Erina frowned and said "What." Hiro smiled teasingly and said "You think making the food I make is easy?" Erina puffed her chest and said haughtily "I have the God Tongue, I'm unrivaled!"

Hiro burst out laughing and Erina pouted "What!!" Hiro spat out his tongue like Bickslow and said "I have it too, little girl. Good luck." before stepping out of the kitchen, leaving a completely dumbfounded Erina behind him.