

Btw… whats with webnovel now why is everything harem with everyone complaining about it. Back in my day it was people complaining about no harem and only a couple non harems… sigh

Also, naturally since were running it back we HAVE to reclaim number 1 baby dont stop will were NUMBER ONE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Zerotwo ran into the room and grabbed Hiro, saying quickly "Darling! Darling! Are you okay?!" Hiro nodded with gritted teeth and she let out a breath, then hugged him close to her, stroking his hair.

Hiro shook and said with gritted teeth "Why the fuck does this hurt so bad?" Clank replied lightly [Ahem* You're destroying and re-creating basically all your spiritual insides. Of course it's gonna be painful.]

Hiro grinded his teeth together and didn't say anything, he slowly stood up and said shakily

"Let's go back downstairs, hopefully Erina is doing fine on her own." Zerotwo smiled softly and nodded, following him down the stairs, holding his arm just incase he falls down the stairs.

They got back to the restaurant floor and Hiro sat down in his chair, saying nothing. Zerotwo whispered in his ear "Do you want me to stay with you?" Hiro shook his head and she kissed his cheek before going to the kitchen.

Hiro sat there and looked at the Pope that was eating at the restaurant.

If it wasn't for this guy's luck, he wouldn't be in this situation.


The rest of the restaurant time passed and Hiro got all sorts of opinions on the food as the customers left.

A bit later

Hiro was sitting at a table with his eyes closed as Erina and Zerotwo sat at the same table silently.

Finally, Hiro said "27% of the customers had less than desirable eating experiences, 53% claimed that they were satisfied and 20% said that it was good." Erina was silent and Hiro added "Keep in mind that satisfied is not the word you want to use when you go out to eat at a restaurant."

Erina clenched her fists and Zerotwo encouraged "I think you did very well for your first time, Erina." Erina smiled lightly and Hiro said "But it's not good enough. Not good enough at all! If this was a normal restaurant with normal customers, that would be fine."

He looked at Erina and continued with a frown "But it's not. This is a World Class restaurant of the highest reputation and degree. Do you understand what that means? It means that when the customers walk in the door, they leave with the memory of the best meal they have ever eaten in their lives."

He tilted his head and added "They have to be addicted to the food and keep coming, even if they don't want to. They have to be conquered by the food to the point where they will save up money to come eat again. Even if they don't eat at home and eat 3 meals a day here!"

Erina was stunned and said "That's-" Hiro smiled lightly and said "What? Not possible? Unrealistic?" Erina stayed quiet and Hiro said "Out of all those people who came tonight, 27% of them are the people I'm talking about. Coincidentally, they were the 27% that weren't happy about the food service today. Do you see what I'm saying?"

Zerotwo slapped his arm with a frown and Hiro looked at her saying "What?" Zerotwo said badly "It's her first day!" Hiro replied "So? It's very stressful being in her position! She has to overcome these challenges to progress!" Zerotwo said unhappily "Yes, I understand that but she's still just 16. It was also her first day and I think she did very well."

Hiro just shook his head and looked at Erina, saying seriously "Look at me." Erina looked at him and he stared into her eyes as he continued "The pressure will wear you down, beat you harshly, and make you feel like quitting sometimes. Only by overcoming this will you become a stronger cook. Not to mention, stronger person. Maybe I'm giving you something that is too much for you to handle but the fastest way to learn how to swim is to get thrown into the water."

He paused and added "Whether you learn to swim or drown is in your hands. It's up to you." he then stood up and walked to the stairs, he stopped before the steps and scratched his neck, saying "Don't ruin my restaurant." before walking up the stairs and disappearing.

Zerotwo watched him go and shook her head, she looked at Erina, who was silent with an unreadable face, and smiled. Zerotwo patted Erina's hands and said softly "Don't worry too much, I believe you can do it, sweetheart. Just believe in yourself." Erina looked at Zerotwo and slowly, a happy smile sprawled across her face as she nodded.

Zerotwo smiled gently and patted Erina's hand in encouragement before following Hiro up the stairs, leaving "Don't go to sleep too late, sweetheart." Erina watched her go and smiled to herself, clenching her fists and looking determined.

She was going to conquer this restaurant!