Kise Here!

Yui sat and listened as the teacher spoke and wrote on the blackboard. Her mind was constantly replaying the game from a couple days ago and she doodled on her notebook. Kuroko stared at her from the side wondering what on earth was going through that curious mind of hers.

Kuroko was convinced that Yui was the most mysterious person he had seen, even more mysterious than Akashi. The two spoke now and again but it always seemed like she was holding back from something.

Another interesting thing was that although she was such a nice person with a bright personality, she was always by herself and kept herself out of the spotlight. Lastly, he noticed that ever since he had joined the first string basketball team, she had been present at all his games with a camera.

Of course he knew she wasn't a weird stalker, although the thought had crossed his mind, but he couldn't figure her out.

Yui had no idea what the blue-head was thinking about her but she'd probably bury herself away if she did. She knew the day was coming for Kise to join the team and felt excited. There were countless talks around the school about the blonde model and he was forever seen with a girl on his arm or two.

The bell rang signalling the end of class and Yui packed her things before quickly heading out the door and before Kuroko had the chance to talk to her. He admitted he enjoyed her company seeing as she was the only person who could 'see' him. Momoi came up to Kuroko and tackled him in a hug much to the glaring and jealous eyes of the other boys.

[Author's Comment: um okay so like I made a mistake...hehe. I don't think Kuroko and Momoi were in the same class but let's just pretend they are]

Yui walked down the hallway and turned a corner before bumping into someone and falling on her butt. She blinked and looked up only to see the man himself, Kise Ryouta, staring down at her with a worried expression.

" Ah sorry, are you okay?" Kise looked down at the girl and reached out his hand to help her up. The girl accepted his gesture and was easily pulled up by the model who stared at her face. Kise realised that the girl was actually pretty cute and immediately put on his prince charming smile.

"May I know the name of the pretty girl?" he flirted. Yui's lips twitched as she tried to hold back her laugh. To most girls, they would have fallen for him at this point but all Yui could see was the goofy copycat getting kicked by Kasamatsu.

"Arai Yui. You are Kise, the model and athletic prodigy right?"

Kise blinked for a moment seeing his smile had no effect on the girl. He recovered and answered.

"Hai Arai-chan. I didn't know I was that famous," he said 'embarrassed'. Yui really struggled to hold in her laughter at this point seeing his shamelessness. No wonder the GOM constantly bullied him.

"Of course you are. I don't believe there isn't a girl in this school who isn't fanning over you." Yui said. She glanced at her watch and looked back at Kise.

"Thanks for helping me up. I have to go now so...see ya," she left the stunned boy and ran off to her locker.

Kise looked at the back of the girl and thought for a moment. She was pretty unusual and surprisingly blunt. Interesting.


' Idiot, idiot...Yui you are such an idiot,' Yui muttered to herself as she walked back to the orphanage. She was scolding herself for talking too much and cursed her bad luck for running into Kise.

Although she never showed it, Yui was slightly flustered at seeing Kise in person. The anime did him justice and he was indeed very appealing to the eyes. But if you think about it, majority of the boys in the anime were good-looking in their own way.

Admittedly, she used to crush on Kiyoshi and Takao when she first watched KnB but her crushes and tastes were forever changing.

Her footsteps led her to the gate of her 'home' and she went inside, closing the gate behind her and ran to find Miss Hana.

Yui was still making money from writing online novels and she had just come up with a new plot idea to add. The reads she was getting was surprisingly high and the comments were mostly positive.

Miss Hana told her to shower first before doing anything to which she obeyed.


= Teiko's Gym =

Kise was mopping the floor when a pair of shoes blocked him. He looked up to find a pink-haired girl smiling at him.

" Are you second year, Kise Ryuota-kun?" Momoi asked.

Kise was surprised. " Ah? Yeah. Who are you?"

" I'm the manager, Momoi Satsuki." She replied. " Kise-kun, from today on, please join the first string in the first gym for practice,"

Kise smirked. "Sure, I mean, yes!"

Whispers surrounded the rest of the gym as everyone watched the duo leave together.

Kise didn't feel all that surprised thinking he had the talent to reach first string and deserved a place there.

You could imagine his shock after being placed under the mentorship of Kuroko, supposedly the weakest person in the first string and someone he could easily beat in a one-on-one.

The day of his first training with the first string ended and he was even more unsure about Kuroko's talent after his pathetic display today. He came out of the school and walked to the entrance only to find his 'mentor', Aomine and Murasakibara standing there waiting for him.

Aomine through an arm around Kise who was troubled and said they were going to celebrate to which Kuroko and Murasakibara replied with bland enthusiasm.

" What is this supposed to be?!" Kise stared at the popsicle in his hand. He didn't realise that going to celebrate meant going to the convenience store and buying popsicles. They made him pay as well.

Yui had snuck out of the orphanage with camera in hand and made her way to the same place they were. She wanted to capture the moment they stopped the robber.

Dressed in a grey hoodie with a mask and cap, she looked...extremely suspicious and what made it worse was that she was holding a camera.

People on the streets avoided her thinking her some sort of stalker and at this point, they were near to accurate. Yui was oblivious to this though and focused her camera on the boys standing outside the store.

Momoi appeared and began chatting with them whilst Kise was filled with annoyance. All of a sudden, there was a shout and a guy on a motorcycle zoomed by with a hand-purse, knocking Momoi over in the process.

Aomine dropped his bag and ran after the man with Kise in tow. Midorima berated their idiocy of running after someone on a scooter before grabbing Murasakibara's maibo box and shooting it in the air.

It perfectly hit the man causing him to fall off the scooter and crush the maibo. Aomine and Kise stood on both sides of him and the man threw a hook at Kise but ended up punching something else.

Yui's eyes gleamed as she got Murasakibara's face of full fury as he ruthlessly beat the man for crushing his maibo.

= The Next Day =

Kise was conflicted the whole day about his mentor. Kuroko was so weak and visibly useless that he was certain there may have been a mistake in him being placed in first string. He even went around asking Aomine, the purple giant and Midorima about their opinions of Kuroko but none gave a proper answer further escalating Kise's confusion.

Momoi's answer was practically useless given how infatuated she was with the boy.

He was however told Kuroko's strength was different from them but was still extremely skeptical. Lastly, he was wondering who the hell this Akashi guy was that they kept mentioning.


The day came when Kise and Kuroko were sent to play in the second string. Yui told Miss Hana she was going to watch the game and was excused from school. She made sure to pack her precious camera and checked her memory card.

The bus ride wasn't too long and she arrived just in time for the game to start.

Everything basically played out like in the anime's episode Tip-off and Yui took snaps of the game while grinning in excitement. If anyone looked at her, they would have thought she was a crazy stalker. If you think about it, she was, in a kind of way.

The game ended with Teiko winning and Kise came to respect Kuroko and began calling him Kurokocchi.