Luphinus: White Day

Valkyrie had given her chocolates on Valentine's Day, Yoshio decided to completely ignore that they were standard chocolates from a candy store that she shoved in her face screaming 'obligation'. So that meant he had to give her something in return. That was just a sign of politeness. Unfortunately, Yoshio had almost no experience with this type of thing. As a child he spent most of his childhood at a "Special School" for "Special Children" in the interior of the country and had virtually a normal education at a boarding school for special children. His parents had left him there and then left, the last time Yoshio saw his parents was when he was around six or seven years old, Yoshio had never achieved any of these things related to chocolates in his childhood, of course the chocolates of the teachers for being a cute child didn't count. In Gran Rey, he usually got some chocolates from the friends of his classmates, or girls from other classes, but he really didn't have any money or cooking skills to give them anything in return. Actually they were not friendship chocolate, Yoshio always referred to them like that and thinking that it was just his polite form of rejection, nobody ever corrected him. There may be some resentment towards the other party, but then he could always run shirtless and everything would be forgiven.

Therefore, Kakinomoto Yoshio did indeed have all the money he needed now, and no idea what to do with it. The internet failing in its hour of greatest need, he started to get desperate. And out of desperation, it meant that he was really thinking about calling Makron. At best, his former teacher reminds Yoshio that he is now an "adult man" and would hang up on him without any problem, as in most cases. At worst, he makes a long speech about priorities, how that person's whereabouts were still unknown and how he dared to think of dragging another person into all this mess he put in the first place. Then, hero number one just sighs and hangs up the phone before he even starts dialing.

Then, there was a knock on the door. Yoshio looked at his watch. Shit, he forgot about that meeting. More specifically, he forgot to find an excuse to leave this meeting. A quick Google search did not reveal any near-disaster or villainous activity for him to stop. Damn criminals, the only day he needed them to do their villainous acts and they chose to stay home.

"You know, when you hired me to be your business manager, I accepted with the expectation that you would really care to know what I was doing. Seriously, I could write" MAKRON SUZUMUSHI! "In big bold letters at the end of each spreadsheet account and I doubt you noticed. " She insulted him as a greeting.

Alicia Blake was his head of the management department, overseeing his company's legal and marketing agreements. Her keen eye for details and innate wickedness allowed her to earn fame and fortune in corporate law, and she served Luphinus Company Inc. well. It's not that Kakinomoto Yoshio didn't like her, it's just ... well, everything he really wanted to continue doing was to continue saving people. Everything else on the commercial and bureaucratic side did not seem so important in his eyes. Blake seemed to disagree with that.

So he listened carefully as she examined employee licensing contracts and account management for the last fiscal quarter, nodding in the right places. Honestly, most of these meetings sounded almost the same to him every time. Then she said something he didn't expect.

"One last thing: I've been looking at some of the employee reviews and I believe that we could increase efficiency and reduce turnover if we implement a sponsored daycare program."

"I beg you pardon?"

"You know, children, families. These things that normal people have instead of trying to save the world."

"... So we would be paying for the employees' children's daycare, so they don't worry?"

"I thought about it, but it would involve a lot more work if they chose other places they trusted. It would be much easier to establish a Children's Center here in the building, we still have some floors that are empty."

"My God, Miss Blake. It almost sounds like you care." Yoshio joked.

"Tsk. As if I care about these things. Employees lose efficiency if they constantly worry about looking for and paying for reliable childcare. What I'm suggesting is limiting the loss of mental workforce. It's a purely business decision. And given your generous behavior, I knew you were going for it. That's all. " She started gathering her papers when Yoshio had an idea. He wasn't saying it was a good idea, but it was still an idea. It was better to have an idea that was not good than to have no plausible idea for that situation.

"Miss Blake, can I ask for your advice?"

"Legal, commercial or personal?"

"Guys. Not that I'm trying to dump half the world's population into a big category and pretend you're not differentiated individuals with personal likes and dislikes, but a friend of a friend of mine gave me chocolates on Valentine's Day and I have no idea what to buy for her. "

"I'm guessing you're not asking her why you want it to be a surprise?" She asked and he nodded back. "Well, as I have no idea who this mysterious lady is, I can't give you anything very concrete. If you are completely attached to an object, maybe you think of an experience instead. What would be something she would do for fun? , but failed due to time or other commitments? "

Kakinomoto Yoshio would have to think about it a little.

~ XxX ~

"Ok boy, I'm a really nice person, so I'm going to give you a chance. Get your fake ID and get out of here." Momoko shrugged, completely willing to steal the boy's wallet and call her parents if he tried anything.

"But the drinking age in Russia, isn't it, sixteen?"

"Yes, but boy are you in Japan not in Great Mother Russia. Try again in two years." Seeming to accept that the bartender was not going to let anyone escape, the boy threw his fake ID in the trash when he left. Momoko smiled to herself and started cleaning the bar. Then, an idle look at her watch reminded her of what day it was, and that smile turned to pursed lips.

The watchman / bartender really wasn't looking forward to White Day. After shoving that box of cheap chocolates in Luphinus's face, one of two things would happen. Either he gave her some outrageously expensive gift that probably cost more than her rent, chocolates she would accept, but God help her if he gave her, like, jewelry, or he didn't get anything for her, which would be a little strange , maybe a little disappointing, but otherwise well.

Momoko didn't consider herself a brave person, but Valkyrie was. Valkyrie will meet Luphinus, and she will face whatever happens head on. She took the morning shift instead of the night shift so she wouldn't have an excuse to give up on what happened. Luphinus was a genuine person and they had a very good relationship, considering that she was technically a criminal. If nothing else, she should hear it.

So she went home and was about to make dinner when she thought: Wait, what if we go out or something? The mere image of the two of them sitting in a fancy restaurant in every sense of the word really made her laugh. Then her stomach rumbled.

So Valkyrie was sitting on the roof where she and Luphinus usually found themselves, most of the time, wearing their best leather jacket, the one with the least amount of blood whenever possible. She was swinging her leg up and down, staying in the shade. of the air conditioning unit. Luphinus was already five minutes late.

Maybe he was busy. Maybe he forgot. Maybe he remembered that she was a criminal and, technically, he should have arrested her and that was all she needed to get out of here now-

"Valkyrie?" Luphinus asked.



There was a silent pause.

"So… how was the night?"

"I solved some robberies, I had an absolutely fascinating discussion about Aurora Borealis with an elementary school teacher when I was at work.

"That looks interesting."

Another silence.

"So ... chocolates seemed to be the norm, and I thought you would like a night off more than anything else. How about I call my manager and have him change the patrol route of two or three of my employees. today, and we'll stay on my couch, eat snacks that are highly harmful to health, and drink while watching TV? "

Kaguya Momoko smiled.

And Kakinomoto Yoshio couldn't help thinking that it was adorable.

~ XxX ~

Yoshio watched the watcher go through the options before landing on something she wanted to watch. "This is ... an interesting choice."

"I like old horror movies, sue me." The watchman shrugged. She took off her boots and jacket out of politeness, but she still had the mask on.

"Of the two of us, I'm the only one who can afford a lawyer."

The watchman looked at the professional hero, arching an eyebrow in amusement. "Are you using me as a human shield against zombies?"

"No, I'm just making sure you have a good view of the flat panel."

"... huh, unhappy."


"You are literally a superhero. I bet you've seen things like that before."


"I bet ten dollars that we see her guts in the next twenty seconds."


"Yes, you idiot, don't ask if there is anyone down there. As if the guy were going to say that he really is there!"

~ XxX ~

Kakinomoto Yoshio woke up the next morning on the sofa, covered with a blanket and surrounded by bowls of greasy popcorn. He had fallen asleep during The Golden River, the silent melodrama being suggested by Valkyrie to cool down after the bloody film festival. Looking around, he vaguely hoped the watchman was somewhere around the apartment.

She was not there. He didn't know why it disappointed him so much.

Stretching, he picked up the bowls and went to the sink. That was when he saw the note written in the sink.

[Thanks for a great movie night, I loved watching you squirm with fear like a little girl. -Valq.]

Kakinomoto Yoshio then smiled and he didn't know why he said it.

~ XxX ~

"So, how was it?" Yuliya Vetochkina asked her the next time Momoko joined her shift.


"Whatever made you smile and ask to change your shift. Or should I ask 'who'?" The bar owner joked in Russian.

Momoko was in too good a mood to care. "It's not like that. We just stayed at home and watched movies. I introduced him to the M&M popcorn and saw him scream like a little girl totally with horror movies, it was absolutely great."

"Who knew Luphinus doesn't like horror movies? You would think he would have a stronger stomach for those kinds of things. After all, he's been in this hero thing for almost a decade."

"I know, but it's not out of character ... wait WHAT !?"

"Duh duh duh! Yuliya Vetochkina discovered her little secret." Vetochkina joked.
