Sweet, Sweet child

Then, a cute little baby bird, named Morakawa Yuuko, fell into the lap of a red-haired Nordic warrior, also known as Kaguya Momoko. What is she going to do with it?

Yuuko's face looked like it was going to split in two and she didn't care. Valkyrie, the incredibly magnificent Valkyrie was right in front of her, asking questions and listening to what she had to say. After she explained everything, Valkyrie smiled at her. She would be such a cool teacher!

"I am so proud of you for bringing this to me, Yuuko." And she even seemed to be serious! "It was very brave of you to come here. Although in the future, I would feel better if you left messages during the day, instead of midnight on a Sunday."

"I want to be your helper. You can't be a helper if you are a frightened kitten." Valkyrie hummed, then stopped before continuing to speak.

"Your foster parents, I hate to ask that, but ... do you feel safe with them, where are you?"

The eight-year-old girl blinked. "They don't scream and knock, if that's what you're asking." At least, she hadn't done anything to provoke him yet. It was a relatively new foster home, so she was still testing the limits of what was acceptable and what was not. "They usually leave me alone if they keep everything clean and don't make too much noise." Occasionally, they make her heal the needle marks on her arms, but that was super easy, and look at the bright side, it was a great exercise for her "Magic Glow".

As they looked at the clock, Yuuko suddenly remembered. "You can just take me to Mura-san's nest in the park. I can just sleep there."

Valkyrie raised an eyebrow. "…I beg you pardon?"

"The park, the one with the bird-shaped water fountain. Do you know that nice lady who talks to the birds?"

"Mura? The one with the beak and raven feathers?" Yuuko nodded his head. "And does she ... allow you to stay with her whenever you're locked out?"

"Yes, she says it's because I'm nice to crows." What was kind of weird for Yuuko, all she did was heal someone with a broken wing. Now, practically every crow she encounters will give her something.

"Yuuko, how often do your foster parents lock you out of the house?"

Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. "No, not much." She felt her smile fade. "Please don't go to the police." Yuuko practically begged. And she hated to beg. "Because then I'll just go somewhere else. And you may not be there and they may not be-" She tried to swallow the tightness in her throat.

Valkyrie looked at her for a moment, before descending to Yuuko's level. Yuuko stepped back and Yuuko hated stepping back.

"I am really sorry." The vigilante apologizes.


"I'm sorry for making you so uncomfortable." And suddenly Yuuko felt so stupid.

"You ... you don't, I ..." She looked at her shoes. Yuuko winced when he felt a hand on his scalp. Her heroine, was Valkyrie stroking her head?

"We must stop now, before we end up in 'sorry' circles." The watchman smiled. "It's late, and I should probably get out of there. Would you be okay if I introduced you to a friend of mine?"

Yuuko nodded, completely trusting his favorite hero of all time.

~ XxX ~

After leaving Yuuko at the bar with Vetochkina, Valkyrie decided to stop at Mura-san's 'nest' in the park, just to check what Yuuko was saying was true. Not that Momoko didn't believe what Yuuko told her, but being Japan's Most Wanted Watcher made her a little paranoid at times.

Valkyrie had worked with the bird woman in the past. Not long ago, there were more drug dealers than children in Parque Hamura, and it was one of Valquíria's first major projects. Mura-san lived in one of the old picnic shelters in Hamura Park - far enough away and in such a state of disrepair that no one has ever used it. Valkyrie couldn't say if the police really didn't know that Mura-san was there, or if they had decided that she wasn't bothering anyone, she just left her alone.

The watchman had taken a more active approach, asking Mura-san for information and his help in getting the 'scavengers', as Mura-san called them, out of the park. It took six months of relentless work, beating the right people, sending the birds to spy and interrupting the distribution lines, but they managed to expel the traffickers. In fact, she heard some Red Tiger recruits whispering to each other that anyone at least stepped in the park with a needle over them and birds would come to try to peck their eyes, and some of them even succeeded.

Valkyrie had to put her hand over her mouth to suppress a laugh.

She was before park shelter # 9 in no time. As always, pigeons, sparrows and other winged animals covered the roof and the surrounding trees. The watchman didn't call them, she knew she was being watched from the moment she stepped into the park.

She came to the sliding door and knocked politely. The door opened slowly, Momoko could see two yellow eyes and a sharp beak in the darkness.

"Hello, Mura-san."

"Momoko." She chirped in the darkness. "What brings you here, on that silent night?"

"I brought food." Momoko stretched out her hands she already knew that the old woman knew about her and her second job, holding the two paper bags, one with a container of Holiday's special meat and barley stew, the other with a mixture of birdseed and oats that she he knew that Mura-san's winged friends liked it.

One of the crows flew and landed next to the Valkyrie combat boots. He appeared a few times and Mura-san inclined his head in understanding. "I see. This is about the puppy."

"The ... puppy?"

"The girl with the black hair and the white spot. Yes, yes, I let her sleep in my nest, so what?" The crow flew to Mura-san's outstretched hand, and a second hand came out of the darkness to pet it.

"Nothing at all, Mura-san. I just wanted to be sure." The bird woman said nothing for a second, just continued to pet the bird.

"Beautiful puppy, very good. It healed Francis's wing. They like her brilliance."

"Your bright?"

"Yes, yes. Yuuko is the Malalhue word for 'cure' or 'one who brings health'. Very appropriate. Very."

Valkyrie placed the two bags by the door and bowed slightly. "Thanks for telling me that, Mura-san." And she turned to continue her night.

"It was worse before."

"Hm?" The watchman paused, turning to the door. The bags had been pushed in quietly, but the spout remained.

"The house from before. It was worse. And a chick can never learn to fly if it is always jumping from nest to nest. Would you risk it falling into one of the vipers' burrows?" The door closed before the watchman could answer, even if she could.

Well, she got what she wanted to know, that was perfectly right. This left her with a lot to think about. If the child's healing ability was open-ended with potential foster families, it was easy to see how some people would like to welcome him or her with open arms to use it as a free health service or for things you really can't afford to risk. the police find out. Any benefit of the doubt that Momoko was willing to give Hada, the addiction was a medical condition, after all, it left when the girl blurted out that she was locked up tonight. What kind of monster kicks an eight-year-old out of the house on Sunday night? In this part of the city?

Instead of getting a few crumpled bills of money for food and being left in an empty house for six weeks? Momoko quickly dismissed the thought. She still had a job to do tonight.

It's time to kick someone's ass in the most socially constructive way possible.

~ XxX ~

Four hours later and more than thirty criminals kicked, Valkyrie returned to Holiday, well, to Vetochkina's apartment above Holiday. Even though Momoko's boss had given her a key, Valkyrie still snuck in through the window. That way, if someone saw something, she couldn't claim a possible connection.

What the fuck am I going to do? Momoko thought to herself, noticing Yuuko sleeping on the sofa in the living room. One of Vetochkina's large, heavy quilts hung over her, and a pillow under her head. The woman herself was resting in a nearby chair, looking to everyone as if she were asleep. Momoko knew better than anyone that she really wasn't sleeping.

What the fuck am I going to do? Momoko thought to herself, taking off her mask and putting the leather jacket in the work closet. Well, her hidden work closet compartment. She still hadn't thought of an answer when she collapsed at the bar, long wondering if she should bother to travel back to her own apartment and think about it.

Momoko just looked up when she heard a glass being placed next to her head. It was steaming and definitely didn't smell like coffee. She hoped it had alcohol.

"So, what does the bird woman have to say about the little package?" Vetochkina asked in Russian, while Momoko used her Telekinesis to bring the drink to her. Usually, they discussed Valkyrie and other matters related to security guards in the foreign language. Much less complicated than developing some kind of stupid secret code.

"Her words are vague and enigmatic, as always. Apparently, the girl has a healing ability of two natures, and was nice to a bird. Among other things."

"She's a sweet girl. What about your foster parents?"

"Apparently, negligent drug addicts are barely smaller than everything she had before them."

Under normal circumstances, Momoko would hate to just drop news about someone else's life like that. God knows she would have, a long time ago. She took a sip from her sleep cap and could already feel the tug on her eyelids. She must have walked away for a minute, because the bartender realized that Vetochkina was still talking, and Momoko just caught the tip of her tail.

"- that would be good for her development." Vetochkina finished speaking.

Confused Momoko blinked. "Sorry, what?"

Vetochkina rolled his eyes. "I was talking about how this girl obviously didn't have the best influences in her life. You could be a good example for her."

"Okay, I must have heard that wrong. Because if you suggested what I think you just did-"

"Yes. I am suggesting this with Yuuko-chan's obvious consideration for Valkyrie and his distrust of the current adoption system. Well, give me two calls and the situation would simply resolve itself as if it were magic."

"Are you going to adopt Morakawa Yuuko?"

"No, Valkyrie, in other words, you Kaguya Momoko who is going to adopt Morakawa Yuuko."

Momoko gave a wistful laugh. "Yes, I, a woman in her early twenties with no family, almost no friends and who voluntarily goes out at night to fight with criminals, am a good model and caretaker of this child."

"It worked with Markus Euclides."

"Markus Euclides was a billionaire. He owned one of the largest arms companies in the world."

Vetochkina hummed. "And he has inspired countless people with his beneficial actions for more than a century."

Kaguya Momoko snorted and dropped her head in her arms. Okay, okay, just think about it. The child said he did not want to call the police because he would be sent to another family somewhere else, where they could be even worse. What if she could somehow guarantee a good home? No, it was obvious that the child no longer trusted the system, and Momoko did not want her to lose faith in the one adult she seemed to admire. She, a model to be followed. What a joke. But she highly doubted her own ability to care for an eight-year-old. But what other options are there? Play Russian roulette with foster homes again, keep Yuuko-chan in a place where she is clearly not being cared for or try to catch the child alone until she can double in size, no, triple her height to ensure that she is placed with good and nice family. Was that kidnapping? It looked like some kind of kidnapping.

"... I'm not wearing it and fighting crime."

"Of course not, this is definitely irresponsible, even for me. At the very least, he would undergo boot training from me."

"And you're going to have to help me."

"I don't know if I have enough energy to accompany an eight-year-old energetic child." Momoko raised an eyebrow, indicating how much she thought it was complete bullshit, Momoko was not going to buy that bullshit. Vetochkina inclined his head. "Okay, I can help keep an eye on her. But that doesn't mean you can wash your hands, too."

"I wasn't planning on that. And we're going to find you a good home."


"This is just a temporary situation, a year or two at the most."


"I'm not just going to suddenly become that child's mother."

"Naturally. Acceptance takes time. I think, even though you're already halfway there."

With any luck, she would help Morakawa Yuuko to be welcomed into a wonderful foster home and spend the rest of her teenage years uninfluenced by a serial mess and a general mess that was her life.

~ XxX ~

Some years later...

Yuuko let out an almost hysterical laugh as he opened the door to his little brother's room, smiling with satisfaction when he saw his characteristic mark, his scarlet red hair, his little brother was sleeping like a stone, she sneaked silently and went to the bed, where Hakuba he was sleeping on, mumbling about swimming in a pool overflowing with pudding. The older sister could only shake her head from side to side. 'This boy has the strangest dreams of all.' Yuuko thought internally, she bent down to pick it up, however Hakuba apparently doesn't sleep as heavy as he let on, because his eyes suddenly opened.

"What… heck…" He hasn't had time to finish the sentence since Yuuko hit him in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.

"Hehehehe…" Yuuko was smiling like crazy, she lifted him over her shoulder and left the room after the apartment.

~ XxX ~

Hakuba woke up with a slight groan and an infernal headache; snapping his lips, he lifted his arms over his head to press her strange neck pain ...

... Or at least he tried.

When he finally felt his arms being pressed against something, he opened his eyes, Hakuba looked down and saw that he was tied to a chair. "No wonder I have that damn crease on my neck!" He looked around and noticed the unfamiliar room. "How the hell did I get here?"

His doubts were interrupted when the door on his left opened. "Good morning Haku-chan!" Yuuko greeted with a cheerful smile when she entered, chewing on some mochi with one hand while holding a small blue book in the other.

"Yuuko-nee !?" Hakuba asked. "What the hell! You tied me up!"

"Oh, Haku-chan don't yell at your Onee-sama like that." Yuuko pouted. "I'm just doing this to help you."

"How tying me up helps me!" Hakuba screamed, in a childish voice, as he struggled and tried to escape.

Yuuko smiled when she pulled up a chair and sat down next to him. "Well, I thought I should give you a special lesson today, and I don't want you to run away from me."

Hakuba stopped and looked at her wearily, anything she called special was usually something to be avoided at all costs; it was just safer that way ... less embarrassing too. "A special lesson?"

"That's right!" Yuuko shouted with joy: "Today you will learn about birds and bees, in the Yuuko style!"

"Birds? Bees? Birds and bees? What the fuck ?!" Hakuba tilted his head to the side with a scowl. "Why the hell would I want to learn about some animals? Birds fly and bees do that bidding on plants and make honey! I don't need to know anything else!"

Yuuko groaned. "You really are a clueless boy. I mean sex!"

"S-sex ?!" Hakuba asked, his face got the shade of a tomato. "Do you mean that thing you did without clothes with Aiko-nee at the pool last week?"

"Yes! That's right! We're going to talk about sex, I even brought a special book to help! Well, several… but now let's read the first one!" Yuuko opened a book, which Hakuba recognized as a perverted literature that Yuuko-nee read almost daily. He immediately started to struggle, trying to break free of his oppressive bonds. Yuuko noticed this and smiled as he filled his little brother's mouth with a sock so he couldn't speak, and then went back to his favorite scene.

"Okay, let's see… 'Oh, Andrew, we can't do that! It's forbidden!' Anne shouted, 'I know it's forbidden Anne, but it just makes me want you even more!' Andrew said as he pressed her against the wall, Anne tried to free herself from his grip, but stopped when one of her breasts snuggled tightly in Andrew's hands when he started to feel her flesh, then her restraints fell and she started moaning when ... '"

Then for the next thirty-six hours, Hakuba was informed, read torturing, subject to all of Yuuko's favorite sex scenes in all 37 volumes of the Galactic Paradise novel, irrevocably changing and corrupting the perspective of a young child of only nine years on women.

Hakuba spent a whole month unable to look directly at any woman after that.