Old Lady's Grace

"Miss ..." Bai Rui looked at Xi Liang Mo with some sadness and joy, trying to say something, but looking around, there was no word.

Xi Liang Mo bit her lower lip, waited to the side, and looked at Ning An with an embarrassed smile: "Ning Guan don't worry about me. I'll go back in when the people from the Royal Palace have left."

After the suspense in his heart, she quickly calmed down. Yes, she had deliberately seduced Si Liufeng in the beginning, but she did not expect Si Liufeng to be so blunt. He really wanted to marry her as a concubine, and he still wanted the news from her. Did Xuan Ran's great wave wake up at Guogong Mansion and teach him a lesson?

She now she is in a better situation, because Duke Jingguo allowed her in and out of the studio, and the people in general respected her a lot, and she did not dare to deny her monthly law outright, but the strength of her it was not enough to bring her. mother and daughter. When they were three years old, "good" news would only put her in a difficult situation.

Ning Anhe smiled kindly: "Yes."

I don't know what the people in the room said. It took me a while to see people leave the Royal Mansion. Ning'an sent them out, and Xi Liang Mo led Bai Rui into the room.

Everything in the studio is simple and elegant. The walls are lined with famous calligraphy and paintings, but on the most central wall there is an image of General Xueye bending his bow and shooting a large sculpture. The identity of Wu Liming.

When I entered the room, I saw Duke Jingguo sitting in the study, and on one side of the carved red sandalwood chair stood an old woman, silvery-white, with a kind face, a dark blue gold ball embroidered with Songhe Yannian extremely delicate. zi, wearing a black gold-edged horse-faced skirt, Xi Liangmo searched for the blurry memory in her mind and knew that this was the grandmother she had barely met.

Then Yingying came forward, bowed, and said, "Mo'er greets Grandma."

The old woman looked at her with a smile for a long time, but she did not ask her to get up. He just turned his face and smiled at Grandpa Jing: "I am not in good health. I did not come out in a few years. I did not expect the Mo'er to grow like this. The spirit of the water is beautiful, it is not surprising that a people like it. "

Duke Jingguo also smiled slightly: "Well, the last two years have made me more profitable, and I still have filial piety." This daughter does not make him intolerable in her original imagination. Her face ... has the appearance of Ling'er when she was a teenager.

But Ling'er is the proud and dazzling light of the sun, and Mo'er is the cowardly and cowardly light of the moon, but it is this cowardly and cowardly thing that makes him occasionally remember ... Ling'er's gentle appearance.

It was also because of this thought that Duke Jingguo allowed this daughter who had never been cared for by her to enter and leave the study.

The two of them talked for a while, and Xi Liang Mo was kneeling so that his knee was hurt and a little sore. Then the old woman told Aunt Shangguan that she was next to her: "I'm always confused, so I won't. Ask the girl to get up."

Aunt Shangguan smiled and gave Xi Liangmo some help, joking, "It is rare for an old woman to see her granddaughter. She is so happy."

Xiliang Mo knew that the old woman was embarrassed and did not like her, so she had to stand up, shaking her knees, but facing the old woman and Duke Jingguo with respect and softness on her face: "Grandmother, my lord, July It is the hottest weather, Mo'er prepared freshly made jasmine mint dew, mixed with chrysanthemum honey, which is the most refreshing. "

Duke Jingguo smiled, took Bai Rui and handed her the cup of tea, and said to the old woman, "Mom can give it a try. The Mo'er's ability to condition the herbal tea dew is very good. Although not it is an expensive tea, it is not. It is not sweet and greasy, so it is suitable for the preservation of health. "

The old woman also smiled and took it from Xiliang Mo: "It is rare that Mo'er has such an exquisite mind. I have never heard of it before. You only like green tea, but you like these things. I only wish this honey. Lu Zhen can clear the heart. "

She narrowed her eyes and looked at Xi Liang Mo. Xi Liang Mo knew that the old woman was blaming her for being too stubborn and trying to please her and she no longer liked him.

She bit her lip lightly and turned her mind back to her several times. She could only pretend she hadn't heard her. After the two of them had drank tea, Xiliang Mo said, "My Lord, Mo'er has something to ask about you. Make the decision with the old woman."

Duke Jingguo was shocked and said, "Let's talk about it."

But he suddenly knelt and bowed respectfully to the Sir, your daughter just heard the invitation from the German palace, but your daughter wants to invite Duke Jingguo and the old woman so that they can think about it, the daughter cannot marry the Royal Palace. "

"Oh?" Hearing the words, Duke Jingguo's expression faded slightly: "Since ancient times, marriages between sons and daughters have been the orders of their parents and the words of matchmakers."

The old woman narrowed her eyes wide with a smile, her eyes shining towards Xi Liang Mo.

I saw her courteously and kindly said: "My grandfather what he said is true, his daughter should not talk about these things, and only the parents are the masters, but from a very young age his daughter knows that the fourth sister has already agreed to the marriage with Prince De Xiao, and the fourth sister is his favorite. Lord Yu, as the elder sister, inappropriately competing for the favor of the younger sisters is one of them. In general, if our sisters occupy the position of concubine and secondary concubine in the palace, it may be outsider gossip. We, the palace mansion, think too much. Being near the German mansion is a bit of a criticism, and it is not appropriate for my father to be in our mansion. "

Every word and every sentence is for the good of others.

Duke Jingguo's gaze rested on Xi Liang Mo for a long time. The sharp gaze seemed to penetrate Xi Liang Mo's heart, and Xi Liang Mo only fearlessly raised his eyes and looked up and down.

After a while, Duke Jingguo turned his eyes to calm and gentleness, and only smiled slightly: "It is difficult for you to think so long and meticulously on your dresser."

The old woman on the side did not make a sound for a while, but Aunt Shangguan on the side laughed jokingly: "Does Miss Mo really don't want to get married? I met Miss Mo, the prince of Germany, but she is the one. First appearance, eyes are always above the top, and the blessing of holy grace, the queen can not marry, so many women in Beijing ... hehe. "

"Auntie, I don't want to say more, how can Mo'er be insecure? Does it take Mo'er to stumble here to show his heart?" Xiliang Mo said, her eyes flushed and she said authentically. .

Everyone in the room was shocked, Aunt Shangguan glared at the old woman and said something unfavorable: "Miss Mo ... I ..."

"You're just making fun. How can a girl who hasn't left the ward family be ashamed? Really!" After all, the old woman took up the conversation and stood up and helped Xi Liang Mo up with affection.

This time, the old woman's smile had a bit of genuine meaning, and Xi Liang Mo then lowered her head and smiled sheepishly with a bit of grievance.

"Grandma Lao is upset, but Mo'er has nothing to do."

"Well, I saw that your jasmine mint dew tastes great, but would you like to teach those girls how to make it in my room?" The old woman asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Xiliangmo was flattered. The old woman had eaten fast and sang for several years. She seldom saw outsiders, the granddaughters of Xiliangdan and Xiliangshuang, who came to invite Ancai to meet up from time to time.

Such grace is to her like timely rain.