The Old Woman's Grace

Duke Yasuo was obviously willing to see this scene of harmony between grandparents and grandchildren, so he also ordered some words of self-confidence, and let Xiliangmo help the old woman.

On the way through the courtyard, many servants were slightly surprised to see Xi Liang Mo and the old woman enter the old woman's courtyard with such a joke, and they couldn't help but secretly exchange glances. It seems Miss Mo hasn't just been kidnapped. take care of the master., and she got the blue eyes of the old woman, I am afraid that she will turn around and become a real lady of the government office!

He accompanied the old woman to the wing and helped the old woman to sit on the old sandalwood chair with a carved shou character pattern, Xi Liang Mo stood aside respectfully and acted respectfully.

The old woman stared at her and smiled: "You are a smart girl. The old woman just asks you, The Royal Palace is a great place, but it is much better and decent than what you were in the mansion these years. I really went there, Sister Dan You can't be insignificant, so why don't you go? Is there something else on your mind? "

The old woman was frank and made Xi Liangmo's heart clench. As expected, it was the second lady who said about Han Wei in front of the old woman. I'm afraid she was trying to seduce too. Now that there is a little prince Behind the marriage, I am afraid that the old woman only thinks that it is herself, it is a deep intrigue, tricks of three and four.

Although she's really one of those people, others can't think of her, right?

And the old woman didn't know that she had a hard time at the mansion, she was bullied, but she never showed love, but she cared for Xiliang Dan, which was really creepy.

Xi Liang Mo knelt down and looked calmly and gently at the kind-eyed old woman: "Since the grandmother spoke bluntly with her granddaughter, the granddaughter also bluntly committed a crime. Mo'er knows her status at the residence and what After all the rallies and stomping on the bass, so hard, why bother getting into a quagmire again for the granddaughter to make the second wife and sisters unhappy, she's not raping herself?

The granddaughter just wanted to ask the old woman that she could consider granddaughter Xiliang's last name, and be able to discuss for her granddaughter a marriage in an ordinary and good family, not for wealth, but for husband and wife to unite . Peace and prosperity. "

After a few words, the old woman's eyes flickered, and after a long silence, she sighed sadly: "He really is a child of grace and sincerity, but she is a pity ..."

She paused, this time she really felt sorry for Xi Liang Mo's somewhat rough fingertips: "It has been difficult for you these years, as a last resort, don't worry, grandma will choose a good family relationship for you. in agreement ..."

As soon as her voice lowered, I heard Xi Liangdan arguing fiercely with several big girls and aunts in the old woman's yard outside the door: "You let me in, I'm going to look at the whore inside. What kind of a face there is. for grandma, grandma, I must break her face! "

Xi Liang Mo sneered in her heart. She seemed like she didn't know if it was the news of the Prince De's plea that quickly spread, or some people actually had their hands and eyes wide open to the sky.

I don't even know how Madam Han taught two girls with such different personalities. How can this Xiliangdan look like a pretty girl?

Some great maidens outside and some aunts made faces in the old woman's place. On weekdays, seeing this sister Dan is also respectful and polite, but this time they are not afraid of causing trouble. This sister-in-law and grandmother will run into the old ancestor with a feverish head, that's great.

"You cheap maidens, dare to stop this young woman. When she returns to me, this young woman will ask my mother to send all of you out of the yard to do some hard work!" Xi Liangdan relied on the favor of the second lady. and the county lord in the mansion, too. Domination, and the old woman is here on weekdays is still quite limited, but the news I heard today, it is really necessary for her to blow her lungs in anger, and can not speak. politely already, so she fiercely prodded with her scarlet kotan-painted fingers on the heads of the big girls next to the old woman.

Jin Yu had some blood marks punctured on her forehead. Aunt Li next to her couldn't help stopping in front of Xiliang Dan, but her face was still calm: "Miss Yes, old lady, here is the second lady too. You have to pass the pass and get permission before you can enter. Yes. you leave Hou Ye .. "

Before he finished speaking, he slapped him and Xi Liang Dan smiled angrily: "You are an old man, but you are only a lowly slave. You dare to use your mother and father to crush me!"

On weekdays, she is not a house slave who has not been beaten to death by herself, and now she is even more rude with anger.

Aunt Li has always been a shameful old man and a butler in front of the old woman. Where did she receive such a great insult in front of everyone? She nearly died of anger, and her lower lip was trembling and she couldn't speak. .

But I heard the slightly cold voice of the old woman in the room: "Let her in!"

"Huh!" Xi Liangdan sneered, arrogantly squeezing the girls around Aunt Li and the old woman in the room.

When he first entered the room, he blessed the old woman: "Grandmother!"

When she finished, she straightened her back without waiting for the old woman to call her out, and the old woman who considered herself so fond of her Ri also slightly raised her eyebrows: "Why are you making noise outside like this? "

"Not for these little helmets!" At a glance, Xi Liang Dan saw the familiar figure standing next to the old woman respectfully. He was so angry that he pointed at Xi Liang Mo and yelled, "At first, my mother told me that you were restless. Please still don't believe me. I have nothing to do, I am a thief. If you marry Yuhou, that old man he is admiring you, but you are not deliberately seducing the cousin enough. .You still have to seduce the prince, you also mean the maid. If you don't look at how you look, you have this idea!

He knew you were a shameless inferior. I should have asked my mother to send you and whore Bai Mei to Jifang to do the work of serving a man, and it was good for you to connect ... "

"Enough!" The old woman's complexion worsened, seeing Xi Liang Dan speak more and more excessively, and she coldly said: "Where did you go to learn these things, but there is still a half-lady appearance, these words? You said? your mother taught you, without any education, how you can marry the palace! "

The old woman is used to seeing those who speak ill. Although she also knows that Xiliang Dan is hot and vicious, Suxi is a straight woman, so she rarely reprimands, but now what is the difference between this and the market harpy? ?

Xi Liang Dan was scolded by his grandmother for the first time. Seeing that the old woman's face was grim and her words heavy from hers, he was surprised, but she bit her lips and eyes in disgust: "Grandmother!"

With her flirtatious face on hers, her aggrieved look is truly pitiful!

"You screamed like that as soon as you walked in, but once you put my grandmother in your eyes, you can see that your father and mother are spoiling you too much!" The old woman was a bit disgusted, and she looked at her full face supported by Jin Yu. Aunt Li aggrieved, this girl has good skin, but she is spoiled. Although she is bitter, she is too far from her sister Xian'er hers. How can she be the mother of the family? How can I win the heart of her husband? Sooner or later I will be upset!

Xi Liang Mo shyly said, "Grandma, don't be angry, you don't have to be angry, and father and the second lady must be worried. The fourth sister is so angry before she listens to me to explain why." . "

The old woman sighed: "If she wants to be kind to you, my old woman has asked God to worship Buddha." After that, she looked at Aunt Li and explained, "Go and report to the second lady. Starting today, sister Mo's monthly allowance will be added. When it's twelve o'clock, you go to my store to buy a couple of soft gold thread pillows, you choose three or four brightly colored satin tapestries and the jewels in the small five-inch sandalwood box on the right side table. Send it to the old lady, and send Yinxiang and Yinyu to serve the older lady ".

Xi Liang Mo smiled into her heart, but her face was still shy and flattered: "Mo'er thanked the ancestors."

All the servants silently exchanged their eyes, Sister Mo really turned around!

Xi Liang Dan did not dare to speak, he just took his eyes off him and cut Xi Liang Mo fiercely, wanting to hasten to tear apart Xi Liang Mo's shy face immediately.

She settled for a thought, and her big beautiful eyes sparkled with sadness.