Private Affection (3)

The moment Xiliang Mo hid, the side door opened and a man and a woman entered. Then the woman groaned, and before they expected to get to the bed, the two became tangled together.

The robe creaked on the ground, and she only heard the soft trembling of the clothes, and she knew that the person who was coming was either rich or expensive. Han designed her for her to come here to change her clothes to make her 'unintentionally' bump into someone else to do something good.

And here, men and women, with extraordinary identities, must have personal guards to prevent the good things from being broken.

How many people can there be in the royal private garden with guards?

Royal and noble relatives, once someone breaks a good deed, how can he keep it alive?

Killing with a knife is the most convenient.

Xiliang Mo's eyes were slightly deep and the corners of her mouth formed an icy arc.

Unsurprisingly, Han has mastered such a secret and it hasn't been noticed. It must have been used as a handle to blackmail the two men and women, but now they risk exposing themselves to her to get rid of her from the other's hands. that Han really took her unfavorable "her daughter" from hers into hers eyes and regarded her as an enemy for life.

It really is her honor.

This is also a bit strange. It stands to reason that Han only had to put up with her to marry her, why should he trample her down as much as possible and treat her like a concubine for the reason why Lan has crushed her?

When Xi Liang Mo quietly sat among her beautiful clothes and leaned her chin in deep thought, the man's and woman's movements had gradually increased.

They seemed unable to wait to lie down in his arms and rushed to fall onto a wenge-carved spring bench outside, and the woman and man gasped heavily.

So, until now, the purple eyebrows that were removed have not been found.

From the gaps in the clothes, a boundless white spring can be seen vaguely swaying.

Xi Liang Mo secretly sighed and touched her face, making it slightly hot.

Although she had seen many such things in her previous life, she also had a boyfriend, but ...

Hey, hey, hey, somehow, people are underage girls in this life. Seeing this kind of eroticism live, the president will have a needle eye.

The woman seemed extremely comfortable, and she sang a little delirious: "Ziyan, Ziyan ... my good man, you can do it slowly, the slave family is going to die."

Xi Liang Mo's heart moved, frowning, who is Ziyan?

Now the royal surname is Wei, and the current emperor is not a prince. After coming to power, he killed his six brothers and expelled five sisters. Now there is only one prince, one county king, and one emperor in the Beijing peers.My sister, who was also the eldest princess, was the emperor's confidant at the time, and then the emperor's seven children, and four of them were adults, he didn't remember one of them named Ziyan.

Could it be that she guessed the wrong person?

The man chuckled, but his actions grew harsher, dragging the woman into the whirlwind of desire again.

It was not until two quarters of an hour that the cloud disappeared and neither of them even touched the bed, after a short snack, they were ready to go.

Xiliang Mo only breathed a sigh of relief, as the door creaked open and the voice of the palace lady named Mingyue entered, with a bit of surprise: "Manny, you ... are you okay?"

The woman who called herself Empress had a cold tone: "Should I be okay, Mingyue?"

Mingyue peeked into the house, but struck the woman in front of him with a cold and suspicious gaze. She was silent. She was just weird. It was obvious that the lady of the Yasukuni family should find the lady of the Yasukuni family. when she came into the room, right?

Where did the lady hide?

Mingyue wanted to take a look again, but she was afraid of the master's power and was anxious, but she did not have the courage to reveal it, otherwise she would not be able to explain to the master that she would let others in!

She had no choice but to whisper as much as possible: "It's nothing, it's just that an old lady from the Yasukuni government came before to change her clothes, but the maid never saw her come down from the mountain, so she was a bit." worried."

This empress seems kind, but she is very distrustful and cruel, let alone that ...

I just hope I can persuade him.

"What!" As soon as her voice lowered, two loud slaps were already hit, and the woman said angrily, "Why didn't you say it earlier, you trash!"

The woman wore armor in her hand and had some blood marks on Mingyue's face. Mingyue did not have time to caress her disfigured and sore face, so she knelt down and begged for mercy: "He is a servant who does not do things well. The lady is forgiving and the lady forgives!"

The man had already found out, and immediately waved his hand for the guards next to him to immediately investigate. His gaze turned from him to the interior corridor, and his sharp, murderous gaze shifted. vanished like a knife.

He then he stopped between the large stripes of colored shirts, narrowed his eyes sharply, and immediately ran and waved his hands, pushing away the splendid clouds, but found nothing.

At this moment, there was a groan in the bed the man immediately approached, raised the curtain and met the purple eyebrows that had just awakened.

He landed on the woman's waistband at a glance, which was the waistband of Lord Yasukuni Palace.

The man's eyes were murderous, and his big hand immediately grabbed onto Zimei's neck. Zimei had just woken up from a coma, and she just wanted to scream unconsciously, but she immediately felt her throat tighten and she could no longer make a sound. her in a panic, I do not understand at all what is happening.

There was only a "click" in the air, and a spot of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, and then she fell softly.

Silent and hazy, the air filled with fragrant sandalwood smoke was filled with an intense, dark killing intent.

Mingyue was already scared and weakened, the man coldly said to the woman: "You run things here, um." After that, he turned and left.

The woman knew that she was to blame for not taking care of security matters, she was so angry that she turned around and violently kicked Mingyue's heart: "You useless bitch, you can't do little things right."

Mingyue abruptly swallowed her screams, fell to the ground and did not dare to get up, but he could not understand how, where did the eldest lady of the Yasukuni family go?

Where did Miss Xiliang Mo go?

She sat down ...

"Zi Mei, Zi Mei, I'm asking you to get a cloth towel, where have you gone, stinky girl?"

"Is there anyone, anyone?"

In the overhanging latrine behind the main hall, a shy and tender but breathtaking woman screamed.

The man and the guard who were fifty feet from the latrine stared at the snow-white doll protruding from the latrine and strutted, strange eyes.

"Woo ... is there someone ... what's going on in this Ouchi? It's so good there isn't a side scarf in the room!" The woman seemed to be crying anxiously inside, complaining in a low, embarrassed voice.

"Master, will you?" The guard made a 'kill' gesture at her neck.

The man pondered for a moment and shook his head. If he guessed correctly, this is the oldest lady in the country's family who came to change clothes. She came and didn't want to get trapped inside of her, so no wonder she never came out.

She was a little wanting to laugh, but she too found it out of place.

Since the other party did not realize the possibility himself, there is no need to do so, after all, the other party is a lady from the Yasukuni government.

She turned to go, thought for a while and said to the guard: "Go get him some bath towels."

After that, she left with her hands.

It didn't take long for the palace lady to finally send out a stack of bath towels to solve Miss Xiliang Mo's problems. The lady scolded the lady, and the guard who was hiding in the tree sneered in a manner very uneven. Not that the teacher was a bit sudden, but your older lady was still embarrassed in the latrine.

After the elder lady of the Yasukuni government could not find the purple eyebrows she sent, and after another guilt, the elder lady was sent back to the foot of the mountain by the palace maid 'stunned'.

Xiliang Mo slowly walked out of the mountain road, the cold mountain breeze blowing, with a breath of fresh lake water, made her feel open-minded in an instant, and the cold sweat she had just passed out right after of life and death was gradually dissipated.

She breathed out softly, looking at the lively feast not far away, a trail of ice and snow flashed between her soft, beautiful brows, and a scowl appeared at the corners of her lips.

Mrs. Han, she has already given me two great gifts today, and I have also sent two "great gifts", and she has to pick them up.

Just as Xi Liang Mo was walking among the guests as usual.

A note left in the Fangcai Hall was also handed over to Mingyue's teacher by the nearby children who cleaned it up.

The empress looked at the post-it note, was surprised at first, and then a fierce color flashed in her eyes, and then she immediately asked someone to inform her lover.

She held up the piece of paper, tore it to pieces fiercely, and squeezed a cruel phrase between her teeth: "Han Wanyu, do you really think that you and the Han family can cover the sky with one hand? Life! "

Han Wanyu is the name of concubine Han Gui, the host of today's banquet.