Painted Skin (1)

Han Wanyu is the name of concubine Han Gui, the host of today's banquet.

Concubine Han Gui was chatting with her sister, Ms. Han, and suddenly she shivered and cold air rolled onto her back inexplicably.

Madam Han seemed to realize this too. When she suddenly looked up, she saw a yellow goose figure taking a step forward. It looked like a delicate and rare tuberose, drawing everyone to watch in silence.

"Miss Mo". The ladies and young men of the not rich family who wanted to cling to them greeted them from the ground.

Xiliang Mo greeted everyone with generosity and politeness, and her gaze jumped over everyone's look of surprise and amazement towards Ms. Han.

She smiled slightly, blessed her gently and courteously in Madame Han's direction, and then sat down.

Everyone secretly praised that this young lady was truly generous, gentle and courteous.

Mrs. Han and Concubine Han looked at each other, and the sisters saw the incredible in each other's eyes. Mrs. Han could not see the purple eyebrows and felt a little more disturbed in her heart.

Xiliangxian sat next to her mother and watched Xiliang Mo's calm footsteps, she felt something in her heart and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

At that moment, a eunuch hurriedly approached and said something in Madam Han's ear.

Madam Han's face changed drastically, her eyes were like a hook, and she shot Xiliang Mo sharply, but he saw her smile calmly and toast herself. Outsiders only considered her to be respectful and filial, but she clearly saw his respectful smile With Li's scorn and provocation he made his chest quickly suffocate with anger, and he shook the jade cup, almost crushing the living cup.

Xi Liangxian, who was sitting to the side, also saw Xi Liang Mo's dazzling smile, and she didn't need to hear what the eunuch said, she also knew that this shot had missed.

Xiliangxian poured a glass of plum wine and handed it to Ms. Han, saying weakly, "Mother, don't be sad, Zimei has made her loyalty to her mother and it is her blessing."

Mrs. Han picked it up, her expression cold from hers, she drank the sake in one gulp, as if she was drinking Xiliang Mo's blood.

Zimei is her confidante, intelligent and alert to her, the palace official said that she accidentally fell from the hall, fell on a rock and broke her neck.

If she wasn't Xi Liang Mo's handwriting, he wouldn't believe it if she was killed. How did this girl escape from heaven?

I don't know, that secret ...

Xi Liangxian looked at her mother with some concern and her purple eyebrows disappeared, but if the person was suspicious of them, she could break her wife and accompany the soldiers.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the high-pitched voice of a eunuch.

"The emperor is here, the empress is here, and the princess is married."

When Luan arrived, everyone hurriedly got up, bowed and bowed, and Xi Liang Mo followed him.

"Stand up." The high-pitched, melodious voice rang out again.

After the crowd rose after three prayers, Xiliang Mo calmly looked at the three most distinguished people of the day.

The emperor in a bright yellow suit does not look old, and he is a tall, pale middle-aged man. Although he's not as handsome as his cheap bastard, he's also studious, kind, and handsome, but it's a shame he has deep black green under his eyes. He makes him look tired and gloomy, but looking at him with a thin pair of eyes is quite energetic.

Although he didn't seem mediocre in appearance, it was probably only after eating a lot of alchemy things like five stones, etc., that it would favor both the charming character and Bailiqing, Xiliang Mo secretly commented.

The empress is a beautiful middle-aged woman, wearing a nine-tailed phoenix embroidered palace dress in red and a Danyang phoenix crown on top of her head. The style is complex and beautiful, and has the grace of Zhuang Ya. but she looks pale and woody. Her beaded crown looked cumbersome and heavy.

I heard that the emperor had not been in his palace for a long time, and even if according to the rules of his ancestor, he would go once on the fifteenth day of the new year, but he would not stay overnight.

The princess was sitting on the other side of the queen without saying a word. She wore a veil of golden silk and beads. She only revealed a pair of beautiful eyes that contained ice and snow. She wore a high bun on her head. An eight-tailed emerald phoenix hairpin and plain white embroidered green peony brocade tunic made her noble and cold, making people afraid to look directly at her.

After calling everyone to stand up, the emperor sat down next to the queen and looked at her from a distance. They were a good match, but the bright concubine on the left side was obviously more of the emperor's heart, and from time to time he would cross his face to speak and laugh, the emperor also responded lightly, with a smile from time to time. when.

The queen just smiled softly, but from time to time she looked at the imperial concubine and there was a coldness.

It seems that the fight between the queen and the imperial concubine is as fierce as in the legend.

Xi Liang Mo's lips twitched slightly and a thoughtful smile appeared nonchalantly.

The next thing is that the queens organized various games and contests, and arranged the poems, lyrics, songs, fusions and dances of the teachers and young ladies to show their magical powers.

Her mother and Ms. Han's daughter did not make things difficult for her as she imagined, such as letting her sing poems, dance, and act.

Xi Liang Mo changed her mind and Ms. Han hoped she didn't know anything and asked her to show her ugliness. Didn't her aunt seem like she had no way of teaching him?

Before recruiting, smart people like Han wouldn't do this kind of stupid thing that hurts a thousand people and hurts 800 people.

The female competition is in full swing, and the ladies have done their best to earn the praise and attention of the noble sons at the table, and even the ladies who want to send their daughters to the three-year general election are nervous. , and they will come down from the stage in private, or they will try to help their daughter to attract the attention of the emperor.

This year's competition was extremely fierce.

Sister Xiliang prepared early and Han spent a lot of money to invite a famous teacher, so naturally he wanted to win the award.

Xiliang Dan changed to light purple and pale pink and gradually dyed her palace robes embroidered with two-color beads. The beautiful eyebrows were tinted with extremely beautiful colors. He came out ping, like the face and dazzling camellia in full bloom: Er Qiao, beautiful and indispensable.

The piano art of a famous teacher since childhood is accompanied by a song by Qingge, which makes people seem to see the two beautiful Qiao sisters in the flames of the Three Kingdoms. The beauty of the double shu is now concentrated on her only body, making love to the men in the audience. "Most of her eyes were on her.

Even the emperor smiled and nodded at her, praising her for her incomparable beauty.

The queen frowned slightly, but she nodded and praised, and as soon as she stepped out of her, she crushed all of her young ladies in front of her.

Xi Liangdan was joyous in her heart, and her proud expression was naturally revealed. She has a beautiful appearance. For her, such arrogance of hers only makes her more beautiful.

She greeted gracefully and couldn't help but secretly look at the little prince who was sitting not far away, wanting to see the compliment and obsession in other men's eyes from his eyes, but saw Si Liufeng's gaze drift away from her. She opened up and fell on Xiliang Mo.

There was almost anger in hers, her heart, her earlier humiliation made her suffer the private ridicule of ladies who weren't as good as her. It was very difficult for her to stand up and attract Si Liufeng's attention, but Xiliang Mo dared to seduce her so blatantly, she was really angry!

In fact, Xiliang Dan promoted Xiliang Mo. Si Liufeng was also drawn to her piano sound and her beautiful beauty, but still she couldn't help but want to take a look at Xiliang Mo, who was as pale as the orchid. The Liang family is in fact the Cuanying family for generations and can raise this lovely daughter.

Xi Liang Dan suddenly said, "Your Majesty of her, courtiers are nothing more than insect carving tricks, but the elder sister has incredible abilities. I have prepared for a long time and dedicate it to the Majesty of her."

She spoke in a charming and naive voice, but suddenly no one chased her to speak without authorization.

The First Emperor's eyes were dull and tired, and she seemed surprised by this kind of petting trick: "Oh, then if I took a look, who is the eldest lady of the Yasukuni family?"

Both the Han and Xiliangxian family couldn't help but hold their foreheads. Han's face turned blue, almost dead. This four-year-old just has no idea of ​​going forward or backward. What would a person like Xiliangmo do? Not to mention if the emperor will blame him, but his fame will be involved!

The Han family just wanted to stop, but saw Xiliang Mo coming out, calmly bowing his head and kneeling in front of the imperial court, and said in a low voice, "The courtesan has been boring since she was a child. The superficial skills, if the the sage does not despise him, the courtiers are ready to offer a smile to the sage ".

She has a modest and graceful posture, and her language is interesting, although she can't see her eyebrows clearly, even the queen can't help but take another look.

"I don't know what Ms. Mo is going to offer. Do you want to offer some powder, haha?" Suddenly, a curious but mocking voice came out of nowhere. It was Liu Wan'er, who had bad intentions. .

As soon as the words came out, everyone secretly laughed and threw cosmetic powders in front of the emperor and a group of great men. Is this also a skill?

Xi Liang Mo ignored the whispers and only asked Bai Rui to ask the palace people to place the stacks of dust boxes and dozens of dishes. Xi Liang Mo stepped forward and poured out all the powder it contained. Several dishes were stunned with water. .

There were immediately two more people from the palace who took a soft, translucent white veil that was as tall as a person to separate it.

When the powder sees water, the fragrance overflows and smells great. It smells of orchids and musk, but it is not rich or smoky. It makes all the ladies and ladies' eyes sparkle regardless of the argument and ridicule. just looking at the powder dish.

Next, Xiliang Mo took a dozen Bai Rui pens that looked like a writing brush but not a writing brush, as thin as a bamboo stick or as thick as a large character pen.

Is this for painting? Everyone was very puzzled, this is not an amazing ability.