Canonized Banquet Blood Case (3)

A good canonization banquet instantly turned into a bloody internal test meeting.

Most of the house wives and young ladies were kicked out, only Xiliangyan's aunt, Xiliang's family's future lover Zhao, and two relatives from Xiliang's mansion and relatives who were reunited.

Because the old woman felt the wind and cold these days, and she did not come out to greet the guests, the Li clan and Xi Liangmo, the owner of Zhenmin County, sat on the top.

Lord Yasukuni took care of other things in the outer courtyard and will return later.

Tang knelt with two girls, one was the nearby girl from Xiliangyan, Yunniang, and the other was the third-class Chuan Cai girl, Orange Rain.

"Mr. Yun, let's say, how did you serve the young woman, how did she make the young woman ..." Zhao's eyes were filled with tears and she gritted her teeth, barely able to speak.

Her precious daughter was actually murdered at Guogong Mansion, and she died in such a shameful way - she was strangled to death after being raped.

That is why Lord Yasukuni went to the front yard instead of here to appease other people and block the news.

Niang Yun was crying and knelt on the ground: "Miss, in the middle of drinking and eating, felt a little flushed in her body and wanted to go for a walk. Niang Yun was originally serving her, so how did she know that her? I walked near the princess's yard? I was knocked unconscious, and when I woke up, the lady was ... already ... "

Li Shi looked at Orange Rain with a fierce expression: "Orange Rain, when did you find out that Miss Yan had an accident?"

This is the first time that she has held a major event since she took over the family, but such a major event has made her anxious and angry. If this matter is not handled well, how can it serve the public in the future?

"Ms. Hui, Cheng Yu originally had an uncomfortable stomach. He wanted to find a latrine, but he didn't want to see a man suddenly emerge from the back of the princess's courtyard. Cheng Yu walked over and found ... Miss Yan 'er ".

As soon as Cheng Yu's voice lowered, Wu Zuo came over and said to Li Shi, "This is what I found in Miss Yan'er, please check it out."

When Li Shi saw it, she couldn't help but be shocked. She unconsciously looked at Xi Liang Mo, who had been silent for a while, one of the two items was a gift that she had seen Xi Liang Mo use.

But Li Shi immediately turned around in the next instant, and she must suppress the matter.

It was an exquisite silky golden bag, inside was a shark gauze belly band as thin as a cicada's wings. Everyone couldn't help it, but her faces were red, and then they exchanged secret eyes.

But this eye of Li was already seen by Zhao, and she immediately she looked at Xiliang Mo with red eyes and piercing eyes: "I wonder if the princess can recognize this."

Everyone's gaze moved from the things in Wozuo's hand to Xi Liang Mo's body, and the shark beaded chiffon dress on it was also shining in the candlelight.

Xi Liang Mo looked at both things and said in a daze, "This is my thing, but what can this show? Not that I have insulted Sister Yan."

Everyone's faces were embarrassed, and some even couldn't help but smile with a smile on the corner of their lips, but they felt that it was extremely inconvenient, so they froze in a strange expression.

Zhao's voice choked, immediately sneered twice: "But at least it shows that Yan'er's death is related to the princess. I don't know how the man who ran out was related to the princess. Actually, there was a princess. What a private object! "

I must say that this is extremely damning and clearly means that Xi Liang Mo is having an affair with others.

Wu Zuo hesitantly said at this time: "This ... Miss Yan'er holding this thing in her hand is likely to be ripped from that person, and there are foams of blood on the person's skin on the fingers of the Miss Yan'er. "

At that time, the second wife Ms. Shen suddenly said, "Yes, our public residences have always been heavily guarded, and even the clerks of the priests and Jin Yiwei cannot sneak in. Those who can enter our public residences it must be the guests who come. " today, the front yard. Among the guests, there were many young children, and there was the frivolous son who saw the princess's beauty and stole the princess's clothes, and was seen by Miss Yan'er. The wolf's heart was not dead, and he was afraid his own affairs would leak out. So he killed her. "

This seems very reasonable, and it is to relieve Xiliang Mo, but in fact it is the realization of Xiliang Mo's romance with others, because the rich and honorable lady, especially the noble woman like Xiliang Mo, is a private object. They are all kept by someone, and even a kerchief must be kept under strict control, just to prevent things from damaging the young woman's reputation.

What's more, privacy such as belly bands and gold silk pouches are valuable and very private, especially gold silk pouches, which are gift items that ordinary people consecrate during the week and are occasionally used. .

How could this kind of thing be stolen by the son-in-law who has only been here once in the inner courtyard guarded by many girls?

And even though Nadeng's disciple has Xi Liangyan's scratches on his body, but right now, Lord Jingguo has dismissed all the teachers and sons, how can he stop them all?

At this moment, they all looked at Xi Liang Mo with suspicion and blinking eyes, and they all had six or seven doubts about this matter. Could it be that the princess had an affair with other people and Xi Liangyan broke up the adultery? he was murdered.

"The princess left the table only twice. They both went to the clean room and were followed by slaves. In less than half a moment, how can we do such a thing?" Bai Rui finally couldn't be more angry, and said coldly.

Ms. Shen Er scoffed: "So you know who the princess has contact with after going to the clean room. After all, no one has seen him. Maybe the moment she met someone, she was seen by the young lady. Yan'er, and the princess left. Will the Mistress's lover remain silent? "

And a slim, silent figure entered the courtyard. It was Lord Jingguo who sent the guests. He had obviously heard Ms. Shen's words, and her sullen eyes fell on Xi Liang Mo's body.

"Duke Guo, the concubine is here to congratulate you and the princess on behalf of my family, but I do not want my Yan'er to be fifteen years old, but suffer this misfortune. If you cannot give me an explanation, you cannot give one to Xiliang's family. Explain, to cover up the evil person who killed my Yan'er, the Xiliang family cannot forgive you, and my Zhao family will definitely not let this matter go by. Even if I sue the Golden Luang Temple, I will also do let the emperor rise to preside over justice! " Looking at Xi Liang Mo with pain and ferocity, although she has two sons and two daughters, she loves Yuxue's beautiful twin daughters more, even the cruel old Patriarch has a lot of love for twins.

They had already negotiated two noble marriages for them, but now they have been subjected to this disgrace, why can't the Zhao family feel like a knife, and even believe that Xiliang Mo is the murderer, and they immediately rushed to eat their meat with hate.

The Zhao family was also a large dynasty family, and Zhao Xian, who now holds the post of Prime Minister, is Ms. Zhao's direct brother. If she really wants to worry, even the emperor will sell her a little. of thin noodles.

Women of the ethnic group cannot be sent to the Dali Temple to deal with their crimes. For the sake of the family, the most likely situation is that Princess Xiliang Mo has been quietly eliminated, and better yet, she will be imprisoned forever. in the family temple. Deng Gu Buddha's life, but the woman who committed such a crime and was treated will have a worse life than the common woman who voluntarily becomes a monk. Without the money to manage it, the little woman would not survive for a few years.

People who are not supposed to be stoned have vicious minds. Not only will Xiliangmo be sentenced to death, but it will also be ruined!

Mother He looked at everything coldly, and suddenly remembered Mother Bai's strange persistence today. Her eyes were cold. The princess is the person the teacher wants to protect. If these people plan to take the initiative against the county, she must use the power of the teacher to overwhelm others. The princess was protected by force!

"Duke Guo also thinks that Mo'er has a personal relationship with others, so do you want to kill Yan'er?" Xiliang Mo looked at Duke Jing silently.

Duke Yasukuni looked at her for a moment, his expression was a bit complicated, and then said coldly, "This matter will be handled by the criminal officer on our military account. This party will definitely give the family a reasonable explanation."

Xiliang Mo was a bit surprised. Although Duke Yasuo's comments could not be considered a defense and cover for her, he did not immediately abandon her as expected.

Madame Zhao looked at Duke Yasuo with a miserable smile, gritted her teeth, and said, "If you can't do me justice, don't blame me for not talking about relatives and sue the Jinluan Temple."

Duke Jingguo frowned slightly. Just as he was about to speak, Xiliang Mo suddenly spoke lightly: "Ms. Zhao, let me ask these two girls a few words. If the killer is confirmed to be the princess, the princess is willing to ask the emperor to be I immediately withdraw the title of princess, and let the lady take care of her, if not ... The lady should also know that I, the princess of the first degree appointed by royalty, am not so casual to slander. "

Madame Zhao looked at Xi Liang Mo, who was calm as usual, and suddenly felt a little drumming in his heart, but all the evidence pointed to Xi Liang Mo. She wanted to see what Xi Liang Mo had to say.


Xiliang Mo received Mrs. Zhao's reply, he looked at Yun Niang coldly: "Yun Niang, you said Miss Yan'er was eating too much to relax. Just asking you, my yard is located in Guogong Mansion. A part remote from the courtyard, three doors from the eating place and six corner roads, even third-class girls may not be able to find them. How can you walk with Miss Yan'er so skillfully? "

Yun Niang panicked, and then sputtered a bit: "I ... we just walked casually ... we got lost until we got there."

"Really, you said you were stunned behind our garden. Just wondering, a small water lily pond that has yet to be built after my garden is freshly dug. It is extremely muddy and difficult to walk on, and I have not turned on the lamp. Some people accidentally slipped through the water lily pond and easily prevented people from passing. How come you are not damaged at all by the black lamp and fire, and there are very few mud stains on your skirts, which is surprising . "

"I ... I ..." After all, Yun Niang is not good at lying, and he is highly suspicious of his appearance. Seeing everyone's suspicious looks, he gritted his teeth and said: "It was Orange Moon who took care of me, saying" The princess has a newly built water lily pond, and the young woman wants to see the treasures of the water lilies planted in it. ".

Xi Liang Mo nodded, "Well yes, there are rare water lilies in my water lily pond."

Both Yunniang and Chengyue were happy, and Ms. Zhao's eyes were cold, but Xi Liangmo turned to Cheng Yu and said, "Cheng Yu, I remember that you are a food girl passing through the third-class front yard, and you are not qualified to enter the Master. Yard, how do you know there are water lilies in my pond and you are so familiar with the path here? Didn't you say you just let my yard pass and saw a man? Not to mention the respect of my yard . How far is the room? It is so easy for you to pass the food. If that man stuns Yun Niang, how can he not stun you? "

"I ... I ... I hid, knowing there are water lilies in the county lord's yard ... I have seen him in secret." Orange Yu's face changed drastically, after thinking about it, she said in a panic.

"You hid, not to mention how that person would let you go. It takes a long time for Miss Yan'er to be raped and murdered. Why didn't you call for help? How many girls in my garden are well lit? You do not understand? "

"I ... am scared," Orange Rain said in panic.

"You bastard, you really don't recruit!", Madame Zhao already stared at Chengyue and Yunniang, who had no words in the preface, not to mention if the killer was Xiliang Mo, only Orange Rain said that she was. she couldn't save her, Ms. Zhao couldn't wait to pounce on her and kill her.

Xi Liang Mo sneered and asked again. Suddenly, a middle-aged mother's voice thought outside the hall: "Inform the princess, mother Bai has arrested the man suspected of killing Miss Xiliang Yan in front of the hall, please ask the princess. the real culprit. "

As she spoke, Mother Bai had already brought a man like a dead dog into the hall.