Mrs. Shen's Punishment

"Madam Bai, please," Xi Liang Mo said weakly, his voice was neither high nor low, but everyone's expressions were strange.

Mrs. Shiner smiled sharply: "What a sassy and rude slave, I dare to be presumptuous in front of our masters without telling me."

"If the second wife has hearing problems, this princess doesn't mind asking Mother Bai to report it again like she did just now." Xi Liangmo's attitude was cold this time, and there was no such silence as before.

"You are so stingy ...!" Ms. Shen Er was angry, and habitually wanted to scold Xiliang Mo, but she suddenly remembered that the girl in front of her had a different identity, so she immediately swallowed the curse.

"The second wife wanted to scold this princess at this time. The second wife's last name is Shen, so she must be cautious with her words and actions. Otherwise, do not blame the princess for ignoring the relationship between relatives and the rules of the palace. " Xiliang Mo gave him a cold look. The gaze of the cold wind made Ms. Shen'er stiffen, annoyed and embarrassed immediately, but she remembered the bloody eyes in front of Liuhuatang and did not dare to make any more noises.

Mother Bai approached the man and patted his hand at the same time, forcing him to raise his face. Man is not just a weak crown. He wears the most popular Yunjin Jianxiu Hufu for younger brothers in Beijing, but the clothes are a bit messy, but in general they are still old. He is a handsome brother.

But Lord Yasukuni immediately recognized the younger brother, and said in a cold voice: "You are Lu Feng, the older son of the Minister of the Ministry of War!"

Secretary of War You, who was a former subordinate of Lord Yasukuni, brought his two sons, a concubine and a concubine, to the celebratory banquet.

Madame Zhao immediately looked at the frustrated young man: "Lu Feng, you killed my daughter!"

Lu Feng sat halfway on the ground and didn't know why, but he didn't speak, but his face grew paler after hearing Madame Zhao's question.

"Lu Feng!" Duke Jingguo's eyebrows flashed sharply, and the duress came out in an instant, scared that Lu Feng would back off and crawl two steps, only writhing and hissing: "No ... no ... no, I didn't. 'I didn't kill her. I did not do it! "

"Lu Feng, you are not telling the truth!" Madam He said coldly and angrily.

Ms. Shen'er couldn't help but smile harshly: "Oh, this young man is a handsome man. He seems like he is very gentle and scared. I don't know who is unscrupulous who just grabbed a young man and forced him." she said planting the comment.

As soon as this comment came out, Madame Zhao was irrational, and then she looked at Xi Liang Mo, clenched her teeth and said, "Xi Liang Mo, don't you think you can stand out by planting others, my lady, right ?! Xi Liang and Zhao's are not done with you! "

Ms. Shen Er looked at Master Yasukuni again, as if she was very sorry: "Master Guo, I think you should do it, don't judge, you just hurt the son of the right servant. That servant was born and died with the country's grandfather. I think it is not impossible to sacrifice a child like the princess."

This clearly means that if Duke Yasuk dared to ask about Lu Feng, he would have frozen the hearts of his subordinates for years. When he extends into the army, Duke Guo's prestige will diminish.

Duke Jingguo slightly frowned. In fact, seeing Lu Feng's appearance, he already felt strange in his heart. Even if it wasn't Lu Feng, then Lu Feng must know something, but ...

Has not yet considered any countermeasures, Xi Liang Mo already raised his hand and said to Grandma Bai, "Grandma Bai, tell me what you see."

Mother Bai respectfully said: "Yes, going back to the princess and the lord, the old man has been in charge of the princess's yard, not to mention strangers, not a fly can fly. The old man knows that if someone wants to harm the Princess, today must be a great opportunity, but I didn't expect those people to see the princess's courtyard, so they started outside the courtyard.

The old man learned some martial arts from Miss Jing in his early years, so today when the culprit killed Miss Yan'er, he found out that something was wrong in the backyard, but the person was already old and the martial arts they weren't good. When the old man arrived, he did not have time to leave. Chasing the culprit he killed Miss Yan'er, but he didn't want to catch the culprit. After returning, Miss Yan'er had died out of breath and the princess was involved! "

"Mister Bai is from the princess. Naturally, she will say what the princess says, how is she?" Mrs. Shen Er said bitterly, secretly waving her handkerchief in her hand.

Xiliang Mo said coldly: "Hao Zuo, go down and examine this person, and then compare the depth of the scratch on Miss Yan'er's finger with this person, and the kodan on Miss Yan'er's finger are a hundred flowers that are easy to stay. Yan, check if there is something about him, I think the truth will come out. "

After hearing the words, Xi Liang Mo couldn't help a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then the two Jia Ding grabbed the frightened Lu Feng and Wu Zuo and went down together for an injury examination.

In less than a quarter, Na Muzuo politely approached and said, "Go back to the princess and grandfather, but this person's scar is exactly the same as Miss Yan'er left between her fingers, and a hundred were also detected. flowers on his wound. I can't think that the princess's knowledge is so deep, and the slave admires it! "

Lu Feng, who was picked up and thrown to the ground again, was already dead gray. Madame Zhao sternly yelled, hurriedly scratching and kicking Lu Feng, completely missing the old noble lady's demeanor from hers.

They all struck their tongues, and they did not expect such a gentle and handsome noble son to turn out to be a rapist and murderer with a personal face and a beastly heart!

"He wants to get close to this young man for falling in love with the princess, but why is he so cruel, and even the innocent Miss Yan'er?" Mrs. Shen Er was very excited, but her semantics were extremely cruel.

Lu Feng looked surprised and looked at Ms. Shen'er in surprise, but for some reason, after looking in Ms. Shen's direction, he immediately trembled, lowered his head without making a sound and admitted, "I ... I have an adventure with the princess. "

Everyone was in an uproar, so everyone looked at Xi Liang Mo with surprise and disgust. Although suspicion flashed in his eyes, Duke Jingguo immediately shouted, "Lu Feng, how dare you!"

Then Zhao suddenly laughed and glared at Xi Liangmo: "Why, is Lord Jing Guo also harboring that shameless bitch? Well, if you can't lose your life, we'll see you at Jinluan Palace! "

Xi Liang Mo seemed to find it very interesting, and couldn't help but laugh out loud, which caused everyone to stare in disbelief. Did he only feel that Xi Liang Mo was scared by the incident?

Xiliang Mo just smiled and said, "Since Mr. Lu Feng said that he has an affair with the princess, Mr. Lu Feng must have a deep love for the princess and has been in contact with the princess."

Lu Feng didn't understand why he asked, but the girl's eyes were as dark as a deep pond and unfathomable, causing people to shudder. Still, he bit the bullet and said, "Yes, we met the princess when he was at the end. Later, the princess however, refused to acknowledge Zai Xia's marriage contract. Today Zai Xia wanted to rehabilitate the old man. , but he was crushed by Miss Yan'er. So ... that's why I ... killed. "

"Well the princess will ask you, what is the princess's date of birth, what is the princess best, when and where did the princess meet you, and what do you consider as a sample? Can there be witnesses? Do you know the name? From the girl next to the princess? The princess's favorite, Xue Tao, hired you? "Xiliang Mo asked a series of questions and Lu Feng was dumbfounded.

Lu Feng immediately thought about it for a long time, and reluctantly said: "I did not associate with the princess for a long time, only at the end of the month before the flower, so I do not remember much. Girl who knows the princess, but Xue Tao has a lottery, which is mine is five pieces, written by the princess! "

Speaking of which, he handed over some pieces of Xue Tao to sign.

Everyone felt that he did not follow the preface. When they were confused, they heard Bai Rui next to Xi Liangmo mocking: "It's ridiculous. The princess's worst skill is the hairpin book, she's not even good at writing, much less Tell me which Xue Tao signed, just take the book the room and compare it! "

Lu Feng suddenly thundered and opened his mouth blankly, not knowing what to say.

He never thought of a lady who couldn't even write calligraphy well, but he didn't expect that, not to mention that Xiliang Mo wasn't good at writing calligraphy in his previous life. In this life, he would not have enough to eat, let him just practice calligraphy.

Everyone was in an uproar, and Li glared at her: "You know what a crime to slander people, especially the honor of the princess, can you just bite?"

Xiliang Mo said coldly: "Mother Bai, give me your mouth!"

Grandma Bai immediately said, yes, she immediately walked over and hit Lu Feng's ear scrapers. Grandma Bai had a special bamboo board to hit her hands with. The pain was terrible when she hit the flesh of her, so she pumped fiercely. After more than two dozen slaps, she didn't stop until Xiliang Mo weakly called for her to stop.

Lu Feng got dizzy, Junxiu's face was swollen like a pig's head and half of his teeth were spat out.

"This is the fate of smearing this princess. If you still do not tell the truth, you should ask Mr. Lu to try the good method of the punishment room of the country mansion. I don't know how many times the princess can survive, and There are still some chunks of meat left on his body. "Xiliang Mo smiled softly, but it made people flinch in the eyes of the others.

Lu Feng finally couldn't help himself, howling and crying intermittently to tell the truth.

It turned out that it was the murdered Xiliangyan who had an affair with him. They met in the early years when the Xiliangyan Lantern Festival offered incense. They had been secretly in love for many years, but although Lu Feng was handsome, talented and passionate, she was just a little concubine, it is impossible to marry Xiliangyan.

She had hoped to elope with Xiliangyan, but although Xiliangyan has girlish feelings, she knew from a young age that she would marry the right nobleman and take on the family mission. How could he let the famous young lady not do it and run away? with the?

It must be wanted, so I went to Lu Feng and broke contact.

Today, Lu Feng took advantage of her opportunity to come here, only wanting to rehabilitate her with her, but he did not want Xi Liangyan to be unwilling to do so. Then, enraged, he didn't know what was going on, so he forced Xiliangxian to be frivolous and returned. He stunned her, passed out. When he regained consciousness, he was already dumbfounded.

Only Orange Rain, who brought him and Xiliangyan to this place, gave him a strategy. He simply strangled Xiliangyan and planted it on Xiliang Mo's head. Orange Rain let him escape from the house and the orange rain came to the front. In the crowd, he pretended that nothing had happened before and went to the men's room.

But I don't want Mother Bai to catch me!

When everyone went to see Orange Rain, she was shocked and terrified and under the shock of it, she suddenly scratched her throat.

"No, she is poisoned!" Jing Guo was shocked, he grabbed Orange Rain and touched her big hole, but it was too late, and Orange Rain fell on her back bleeding.

Everyone was shocked and the shy lady screamed.

After a while, the scene calmed down.

Ms. Shener let out a long sigh of relief and sighed, "Oh, I didn't think Orange Rain was dead, so I don't know who's going to frame the princess."

Xi Liang Mo sneered, just wanting to wipe himself in a sentence, raised his eyes to Ms. Shen'er and chuckled, "Since this matter has been cleared up, please go back to the scared ladies first."

Duke Yasukuni immediately said, "My lord will see that I return to his home immediately."

Everyone doesn't want to stay here anymore, they just feel very ugly and don't know too much about other people's internal affairs.

Before long, the birds and beasts dispersed.

It was only when Ms. Zhao covered her face and left that Xi Liangmo suddenly reached out to help Ms. Zhao and coldly and softly said in Ms. Zhao's ear, "Ms. Yukou Mantra to you today. should love the princess the facts are passed on to Her Majesty, it will not have a great impact on the Lady and the Zhao family. "

Mrs. Zhao stiffened and then said stiffly, "This lady can save him naturally, and the princess can be calm!"

After all, she was desperately gone, her originally thin back seemed to be ten years old all of a sudden.

And Ms. Shen'er was about to leave after everyone left, but she was stopped by some girls led by Mother Bai. Ms. Shen'er looked at Xi Liangmo, a little scared, and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't do anything, the second wife's mouth is not clean. This crime of smearing the princess may be too much for the second uncle," Xiliang Mo said calmly as she tasted the tea.

"You dare to beat me, I am a lady of the fourth rank awarded by the imperial court, I want to tell grandfather!" Ms. Shen Er was too angry and struggled.

"Don't you dare, just ask the second wife to wash her mouth, the grandfather of the country is busy now and cannot be free." Xiliang Mo smiled slightly.

Madame Bai immediately brought a large bucket of water and instructed some rude girls to grab the second wife's hair and put their head into her bucket.

The second wife screamed in pain, struggling desperately, and her lungs nearly exploded. Before fainting, Mother Bai immediately picked her up. She repeated over and over, until she drank a stomach full of water, dying, and passed out in shame with her body wet. .

Li Shi was scared and gloating on the one hand. She had seen Ms. Shen's discomfort a long time ago, but she did not expect this older lady to be so ruthless, which is why the second wife suffered so much pain and humiliation, but there was no trace of scars on her body.

It seems you are right not to oppose it!....