Genealogical Trick

"Prince, why are you here?" Xi Liangmo stood up, her eyes narrowed slightly and there was a hint of watchful light, but the corners of her mouth showed a shy and surprised smile.

Did you hear the conversation between him and Madame He? If he did, did he hear much more?

She was so careless that he didn't notice anyone was coming.

But at this moment, Bai Rui, who was panting, came over, wiped off his sweat and complained to Si Liufeng in an annoying manner: "Prince, the slave and the maid have not finished speaking, why did you interrupt so suddenly ? It's not your fault that scared the princess, but it was the servant's fault! "

She was very happy when she saw Si Liufeng at the patio door. After all, he was the princess's chosen husband-in-law. Who knew the little prince had just asked if the princess was courteous, so she used Light Work to get past The Bridge Board.

She was caught off guard, she did not have time to report and did not know if there was any downside.

If Liufeng looked at Xi Liang Mo, feeling slightly dazed, eyes sharp in his eyes right now ... probably the illusion of him.

Seeing the girl shyly hiding her face with her sleeves, she smiled gracefully and apologetically as if waking up from a dream: "Sorry, I was surprised. I came to discuss the wedding date with my mother today. I heard someone at the Guogong studio was killed, you're inside, I'm very worried, so I just want to see if you're okay. "

Xiliang Mo then recalled that a few days ago, the Li family had said that Si Liufeng had asked Princess De to come to discuss the wedding date. The time is today, but at that time the matter was handed over to the Li family, and it was unreasonable for single men and women to meet before marriage. Yeah, so he didn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, If Liufeng was like this ... Putting her worries on her face, Xi Liang Mo couldn't help but uncomfortably whisper, "He's fine, he's just a little thief."

It seemed that the problems in the study were so violent that even Si Liufeng knew so quickly.

Si Liufeng also felt a bit abrupt, and a trace of embarrassment passed over his handsome face, but at that moment, he had a strange hunch that this incident must have something to do with Xiliang Mo.

Remembering that on Suzaku Long Street that day, she almost crashed under the horse's hoof, he felt so tight that he ran without caring too much.

Madam took a look at the strange atmosphere between the two of them. For some reason, she was not very happy, and she just said: "Prince, you are so rude, it is for lack of courtesy."

If Liufeng met Madame He at the palace and learned that these female officials in the palace were the kindest, and suddenly he felt a little embarrassed about resigning, but he soon surrendered to Xiliang Mo and said warmly: "The princess, please Please forgive me for Xia Tangtu's beautiful lady, the mother and the concubine are waiting in the front yard, and I'll go first. "

After that, he was ready to go.

Xiliang Mo hesitated and said, "Prince, Mo'er will send you out of the courtyard."

After all, people were worried about his arrival, and he didn't seem to have heard anything that shouldn't be heard, so he felt that he should step down the other party.

What's more, he was her chosen husband in-law, and although she didn't hate him, she still didn't know him, much less affectionate.

And after they get married, they always have to ... they always have to ... sleep together in the same bed.

Xiliang Mo also felt a bit awkward somehow.

A hint of joy crossed Si Liufeng's handsome face, and immediately he said politely, "Then there will be Princess Lao."

Xi Liang Mo stroked the sideburns of his hair and left the house generously. She could feel Si Liufeng's fiery gaze occasionally pass over her body.

The two of them kept a certain distance and walked side by side towards the end of Baiyu Bridge.

Si Liufeng silently stared at Xiliang Mo. her delicate facial features were covered in a soft color under the dim slanted sun, making her look like a very beautiful, elegant and calm warm jade.

The beautiful Moshang lady slowly returned.

Obviously knowing that he is looking at her, maintaining adequate shyness, but not embarrassed.

He secretly told himself that only such a girl was worthy of the title of the little princess of the German palace.

The maids working in the courtyard unconsciously stopped their movements and looked at the male and female couple on the Baiyu Bridge.

One is incomparable, handsome and elegant, and the other is graceful and graceful, beautiful and slim.

Who is more suitable than them?

Everyone admired this way in their hearts.

Only Madame He stood in front to the lotus pond, joining hands, looking at the pair of Biren with cold eyes.

Unconsciously compare Si Liufeng to his own master, how can such a man compare to his own incomparable wit and his almighty master?


The Xiliang Dan affair was suppressed by Lord Yasukuni. The dagger that stabbed him in the arm was stained with the arsenic of the common poisonous mouse. Since he didn't swallow, and the dagger didn't get much stained, he was in the army. Under the treatment of the holy hand military doctor who is good at detoxification, there is no serious problem.

But this time, Lord Yasukuni was furious. He blamed all of Xiliang Dan's actions on the Han family, determined that she had no way to teach her daughter, and even taught a daughter so inferior that she planned to kill Sister Shi's father!

No matter who Xiliangdan wanted to kill, the person who was injured in the end was Duke Jingguo, and Xiliangdan's words made it even more chilling.

He violently rebuked the Han family who had come to intercede and kept Xi Liang Dan in the wooden room for five days and five nights. The old woman came to intercede in person and was deprived of her soul. After drinking water, Xiliang Dan, who had a high fever in the cold wooden room, was rescued.

No matter how much Han cried and begged, Lord Jingguo made up his mind and sent the Xiliang Dan, who had just passed from the fever, to Zhuangzi in the suburbs to raise him. He was not allowed to return without summons from him.

Xi Liang Mo, holding an exquisite hand stove, watched Xi Liang Dan in the firewood shed from the scream to the end, burned dazed, messy, dirty, careless, completely lost the original beauty, and was transported the lock of iron.

After Lu Qiao told herself about Xiliang Dan's unusual behavior and her concerns, she knew that the opportunity had come, and it was a chance to kill two birds with one stone. After Xiliang Dan's personality, it was impossible for them to hit her, he was completely desperate Silence.

So the only possibility is that Xiliang Dan was spurred on by the news to make a desperate gamble, to make a move on himself.

Therefore, he carefully designed this office. He did not leave the house on weekdays, and even brought many maids with him when they came in and out of Duke Yasukuni. The only chance for Xiliangdan to deal with her was at Duke Yasukuni's home. study.

Unexpectedly, the effect exceeded his expectations: he kills two birds with one stone.

"Zhuangzi's four younger sisters are for self-cultivation, not for pleasure and pleasure. Aunt must study the younger sister's temperament well, so as not to cause serious disaster in the future, not everyone will be able to save him." Xiliang Mo told Li's family. She said with a smile.

Xiliang Dan, it's time to get a taste of what it's like to be subordinate, but I had stayed in this situation for many years.

Li Shi is a smart person and seems to have a strange resentment towards Han. At this moment, her eyes lit up and she immediately smiled and said, "I will tell the people of Zhuangzi to 'treat' the fourth lady well." .

Xiliang Mo covered her lips and smiled, her eyes shining: "Don't let the lady think that the people of Zhuangzi have treated the fourth sister harshly and that not everyone will look good on her face."

Li knew that Xi Liang Mo was reminding him to be careful around Han and he tacitly nodded, "That's natural."

He was born into a family of civil servants and was in charge from a very young age, naturally he knew many ways to torture people without seeing the scars. "

Just when the Han family was completely distraught and in pain, crying and saying goodbye to Xiliang Dan who was imprisoned in the carriage, the wedding date between Xiliang Mo and Dewang Mansion had been set, the sixth day of the first lunar month after the year New.

When the news reached the Xiliang family, the Xiliang family suddenly sent an elder of the family to send a gift, and he suddenly proposed that Xiliang Mo is not only the princess, but also wants to marry De's little prince and become in princess. The ancestral hall, Xiliang Mo's name is written in the clan's family.

After all, she was not well received from the moment she was born. For so many years, she has been intentionally or unintentionally forgotten, and she should be registered as the prostitute.

Duke Yasukuni thought for a moment and felt that there was no problem, so he agreed, since he has already faced the existence of this daughter squarely, it is natural for him to use genealogy.

So, he handed the matter over to Li Shi to handle.

But after Li Shi received the assignment, he got bored. After thinking for a long time, he decided to breathe Xi Liang Mo and went to Xi Liang Mo's lotus house early in the morning.

Bai Yu knew that she would arrive early in the morning, waiting outside the Lian Zhai early, and took her to Xiliang Mo's house.

"What wind brought the third aunt early in the morning, and Bai Rui brings the tea?" Xiliang Mo just finished cooling off, smiled and greeted Li: "Third Aunt, she's okay to eat. How about we eat with Mo'er?"

Li Shi didn't really eat and came in a hurry. At this moment, seeing her Mother who prepared a small table wonderfully before her, she knew that Xi Liang Mo had prepared something for her, so she relaxed a little in her heart. and she did not refuse. And she sat gracefully.

"That feeling is good, your third aunt, I really didn't use it before." Li Shixiaoxiao also sat at the table of the eight immortals in red sandalwood.

The two chatted and laughed, and finished their breakfast. Xiliang Mo took a step back and looked at Li Shi and said, "Third aunt, I'm not the second sister. I don't like doing silly riddles in the least. Aunt, can you tell Mo'er?"

Seeing that she was so open and honest, Li also saved many kind words and only said, "The princess must have known that the Xiliang family has sent an old man to discuss the opening of an ancestral hall and the inclusion of the princess name in genealogy ".

Xiliang Mo took a sip of tea and nodded, "Yes, I know."

"Last time, my family proposed to use the princess as a candidate for their pro-Hehe. An important event happened the day I went to live with the family. Some people in the family rumored that it was the princess's dissatisfaction with him. family, so I burned my family. Rumors, but the discord between the family and the princess must be true. In that case, why is the family so generous this time to open an ancestral hall for the princess?

She also uses hers own news channel from hers. The old woman, Xilianglin, and other people do not like Xiliang Mo very much, saying that she is domineering, disrespectful to elders, and that she is not a virtuous and little filial person. Now her attitude has changed one hundred and eighty. degrees. suspicious?

Now Lord Yasukuni entrusts the matter to her to make the arrangements. If there is nothing to be done, then if there is something, he is a rat in the bellows, and neither of them is pleased.

Xiliang Mo knew of Li's doubts, and smiled slightly: "Aunt is also a happy person, and Mo'er is also telling the truth. As for whether it is attributed to genealogy, Mo'er doesn't really matter, but her father He believes it is necessary. Mo'er is naturally obedient, and I really don't like the people of the Xiliang family. The errand my aunt ran today is truly thankless. "

She paused and said weakly, "But Auntie, don't worry. The water will cover the ground and the soldiers will stop them. If they can't produce any monsters, that's fine. If there's a ghost who wants to be a ghost, to Mo'er He doesn't care. Give them a ride. "

Seeing Xiliang Mo's soft face she seemed to have a playful smile, but her eyes were weak and unfathomable, but Li Shi couldn't help but tremble.

How can such a gloomy look in the eyes of such a teenage girl?

Unconsciously, she felt that Xi Liang Mo could do it.

"Since the princess knows her heart, the aunt doesn't say much, she should do her best." Li Shi nodded and said.


But unexpectedly, the attitude of the Xiliang family towards Xiliang Mo appeared to be a huge 180 degree change.

Although she is not enthusiastic, respect and respect are enough.

Because the ancestral hall is in the home, the ceremony of entering the clan tree and returning to the ancestral hall must take place in the old house of the Xiliang house, so please move at least three days in advance.

Xiliang Mo looked at the welcoming pomp in front of Xiliang's main house better than before. More than 20 girls and women led a dozen family members outside, still standing in front of the door under Sister Feng's leadership as before. Hands down respectfully.

Sister Feng is still a rich but slightly flirtatious dress, dressed in a mink hair cape inlaid with red brocade with butterflies and flowers, adorned with jewels and extremely dazzling, this time holding a four-year-old with pink and jade makeup. She standing in front of the door.

Seeing Xi Liang Mo get up from her sedan chair, she led the boy forward. Sister Feng patted him on the back, and the little boy shyly smiled at Xi Liang Mo and said in a milky voice, "Hello, my sister." "

Xiliang Mo was stunned. She did not expect Ms. Feng's son to be so young. She looked at the little baby and involuntarily smiled gently: "My dear baby, what is your name?"

The little one was shy and he hid behind his mother and refused to come out again. Sister Feng was a bit anxious, so she immediately answered for the little boy with a smile: "This boy's name is Xiliang'an. In the past, everyone called him Brother An. On weekdays, Pi is really very I don't know if he suddenly felt embarrassed today, I'm afraid I saw the princess as a fairy in Yaochi, so he was embarrassed. "

Sister Feng's mouth was always a coincidence and everyone laughed.

Xi Liangmo looked at Sister Feng tightly holding Brother Ang's tender little hand, his eyes filled with love and compassion for the child and an invisible concern. He suddenly understood why Sister Feng would secretly inform him at that time. Be careful.

This woman from a merchant's house is extremely cunning and she has a natural instinct for danger.

She hopes that with the favor of the adult that she sold herself, she will be able to live in peace in the future. In this aristocratic family, she can obtain the status that she trusts today by virtue of such a despised and despised identity. She must have some respect for the Xiliang family. This is a very essential understanding.

As Xi Liang Mo looked at her mother and Sister Feng's son, Sister Feng was also silently watching Xi Liang Mo out of the corner of her eye. She has always felt that Xiliang's house is like a beautiful old house, but the foundations are rotten and full of worms. In such an environment, if there is no way out, perhaps sooner or later, she and her children will be buried in it.

But Xi Liang Mo, such a young girl, unconsciously made her feel that she was approaching danger.

So she risked selling this little princess a favor. If she couldn't escape, she would be her life. If she was safe, not only would she send a favor, but it would also appease her conscience.

Who knows that this 15-year-old girl not only escaped from this catastrophe, but even her uncle and her nephew who wanted to invade her mysteriously died at her hands. Later, she burned almost half of Xiliang's house. The Xiliang family paid a painful price for despising and offending her.

When he heard the decree of the empress, he understood that the treasure that he had staked on this girl was not in vain.

This little princess is absolutely extraordinary, capable of breaking into a world under such a tough and powerful Madam Han, step by step, and even attracting the attention of the queen's empress, her tenacity and poisonous methods of her leave behind. stunned people.

The only thing she needs to be sure of is whether she Xi Liang Mo accepts her love, or is she not different from most of the selfish and cold-blooded beasts of the Xiliang family?

At this moment, Sister Feng was giggling absently, as she carefully watched Xi Liangmo's expression.

Bai Yu is a very careful girl. She prepared some exquisite contraptions early. Xi Liangmo took a chain of exquisite gem-encrusted golden peanuts from the brocade bag she offered him and handed it to Brother Ang, smooth and authentic: "Brother Guoan, Auntie plays for you, okay?

When Ang got something so novel, he immediately became happy and showed Xi Liang Mo a charming smile. Two small dimples were looming and her cheeks flushed like a small apple, very naive and pitiful.

"Thank you Aunt!"

Sister Feng's willow leaves flashed in her eyes, but she scolded her with a smile: "You dare to accept such a small thing, such a valuable thing, and don't give it back to my sister-in-law."

Ge'er Ang narrowed his mouth at once, feeling aggrieved and reluctantly touching Gem Peanuts, glaring at Sister Feng and looking at Xi Liang Mo with pity.

Xi Liangmo looked at the boy's tender and charming face, which was so pure that he was soaked in darkness and blood for a long time, and it was difficult to see the purity. He had a Microsoft in the heart of him. He looked at Sister Feng and smiled. : "This is my little aunt for Ann. Brother, if the sister-in-law refuses to accept it, wouldn't it mean that Ang de Ge shouldn't be allowed to recognize my aunt?

Sister Feng's eyes were shining and she became very happy, she squeezed Brother Ang's little hand and said quickly, "Thank you sister-in-law."

They were both intelligent people, and Sister Feng knew that Xi Liang Mo had inherited love from her.

Ang's plump little hand held Jinzhu Peanuts and smiled again: "Thank you Auntie!"

Li Shi was chatting with Madame Zhao and they came together.

"Princess." The Zhao clan called out to her in a low voice.

Xi Liang Mo had already seen her out of the corner of her eye and smiled slightly: "Ms. Zhao."

Zhao looked haggard again, the soft squirrel fur cloak beneath the dark red brocade embroidered acacia under her with pleated black underwear. It was supposed to be festive, but when worn on her body, she seemed in her place. There's a kind of desolation at the end of the crossbow.

After losing her beloved daughter and son one after another in a miserable way, the originally energetic wife of the great clan chief quickly grew old.

"The princess's appearance is becoming more and more poignant, and I have not congratulated you on being about to become Princess Deshao," Zhao said stupidly, looking at the girl in front of him with a small blink, some days without see it. she grew more and more poignant, letting him think of her daughter who had tragically died.

And the son who died at the hands of this girl.

She should hate the person of hers in front of her, but upon seeing Xi Liang Mo, Zhao's heart is more of a complex emotion that is almost intertwined with fear, hatred, and regret.

Women who have been immersed in the high door infighting all year have a natural instinct.

The seemingly innocuous and pure girl in front of her had a dark and bloody aura that was beyond her age, floating between her smile, her turn, and her balance.

At first, if she desperately stopped Ting'er ... if she didn't provoke her, maybe nothing would happen.


It is too late to say anything.

She can only go two ways now, when it's time to make a decision ...

Zhao lowered his eyes to cover the twisted emotions in her eyes.

"The lady is polite." Xiliang Mo picked up the thick brocade cloak studded with white fox fur, looking at Madam Zhao's numb face, but felt no pity for her. This woman, she gave him a chance, but she did not make a wise choice like Sister Feng.

After the greeting, everyone entered the mansion without mentioning it.

Still sitting in a small sedan chair, passing the wide path of blue brick and black bluestone tiles between tall houses, I met Old Man Taijun Yu in Liufangtang. The old woman caught the wind and cold a few days ago, and she was sick in bed and The old woman also wore a lot of jade jewelry, supported a little weak, dressed in red fox fur, dressed in Songhe Yannianjuzi, a hundred children and thousands of grandchildren, sitting in the main seat, with a stiff and majestic face Waiting for Lord Jingguo to guide Xiliang Mo and Li Shi to bow and bow.

Xi Liang Mo looked at her old bark face, writhing into a ball from time to time due to coughing up sputum, but still trying to maintain her solemn and lofty expression, she couldn't help but be funny.

This old woman really has no cure. She was frustrated with her own old woman and she fought openly and secretly for so many years. She now she is still irritated by her children and grandchildren. She has to wait for the descendants of the 'enemy' to come to her and worship her, and she feels overwhelmed as the 'enemy', it is ridiculous.

My old woman, although cold-blooded, is smart, let us fight, young people sit on the Diaoyutai stably, anyway, whoever wins, who loses, wins a lot of face and benefits, she is just as smart.

Indeed, she is not a person of the highest level.

After waiting for the people from Yasukuni Palace to come to see him, Old Taijun Yu was a bit unbearable and let his mothers help him to rest.

Seeing her increasingly collapsed, almost as a consequence of being pushed away by the girls from her, Xi Liangmo narrowed his eyes at her indifferently. It seems that half of Xiliang's family was burned last time and all five descendants tragically died. The blow to Yu Lao Taijun was not insignificant.

If she's more honest, she's fine, otherwise, she doesn't mind sending this old woman for a walk down the road to gather Lao Taijun Yu and her underground descendants.

After Ms. Yu left, Xi Lianghe approached with a calm gaze to greet Lord Jingguo, Xiliang Mo, Li Shi, and others.

"My niece is truly a man of wealth and destiny, the flower in the prosperous country, whether from the Qianlong mansion or the heavenly imperial palace. If there is something wrong with my uncle's previous words, my niece will be called Haihan." . Xi Liang Mo and Dao joined hands with a smile, and there was no indication on their faces that the shouting at Xi Liang Mo at that time had subjected her to family rules, like an old man who kindly loves the Generation more. young.

Or a flattering person flattering.

Duke Yasukuni looked at Xi Lianghe, slightly dismissive: "The cousin doesn't have to be like this, Sister Mo is a young woman, so there's no reason for you to ask her to sin."

Xiliang Mo also smiled softly: "Uncle, you are going to kill Mo'er."

Xiliang and seeing each other didn't seem to blame them, they seemed to have finally cleared up her misunderstandings and let her previous suspicions go. With a smile, they each arranged the residence of the king's mansion.

This time, Xiliang Mo arranged himself in a courtyard near the plum garden, close to all parts. It is said that the courtyard used to be the place where the Xiliangyan sisters lived in their childhood. The furniture was made from Huanghuali, although some is old, but it is exquisite everywhere, and the curtains and tents have been replaced with new ones to show the importance of Xiliang Mo, the princess, but no problem.

Waiting for the girls arranged by Xiliang's family to finish processing everything. After each retreat, Bai Rui exhaled, as if his taut nerves suddenly relaxed, and then moved to Xiliangmo's side and said, "Great miss, today is really strange. Have the people of Xiliang's family slapped us flatteringly on us? ? Could it be that the older lady is about to become the princess of Germany, so everyone comes together to please us, it's really a shame. "

Bai Yu brought the hot tea she had brought and handed it to Xi Liang Mo. She was not as optimistic as Bai Rui, but rather vigilant and genuine: "The slave and the maid did not think so. The princess should be more careful. . "

After learning that he was going to Xiliang's house again, Bai Yu was very nervous about this and directly prepared three days of dry food and three days of water. After arriving at Xiliang's house, he only used what he brought.

Although Xi Liang Mo felt that her demeanor was a bit exaggerated, she was touched by his caring for her. He drank Bai Yu's hot tea and smiled as he drank: "Yes, my uncle, don't look at the official child. A little sesame official who walks in the household department, but he has great power. He has to pass all the expense documents. submitted, which will not prevent you from being detained from the expense documents. Many officials who are older than his official position even respect him. Temperament is imperative. If I were Prince Liangdi, his behavior would not be surprising, but now he is rare to get to please my future innocent princess. "

I don't know what gift my uncle has prepared for you.

Bai Rui and Bai Yu suddenly became nervous. The last time Xiliang's family escaped from the dead it still left them with lingering fears.

Xiliang Mo patted their hands and said calmly, "Don't get too nervous, just wait and see the changes."

After dismissing Bai Rui and Bai Yu to do their own thing, Xi Liangmo sat in a daze on the warm sofa in front of the window and called out to Mother Bai: "Mother Bai."

Mother Bai was fixing the quilted brocade robe that she wore when she entered the family ritual of the ancestral temple. Hearing Xiliang Mo calling out to her, she walked over, smiled and asked, "Miss, what's wrong?"

Xiliang Mo was silent for a moment and then suddenly asked, "Mother, can you tell me what happened to my mother's family and my grandfather Lan?"

Mother Bai was shocked, the smile on her face disappeared, she looked into Xiliang Mo's cold and sharp eyes, and was a little lost: "Miss, why do you think about asking this, but ... but because Ms. Lan refused to come out and participate.As for the young woman's sect, the older lady is almost an outsider, so the lady need not worry.

"A person outside of the party?" Xiliang Mo held the exquisite golden heating stove, with a cool color between her eyebrows, remembering the first time she entered Jinglan's most remote courtyard in the courtyard that day. No, maybe it's called Jinglan. The Buddha Hall is also a retreat for Ms. Lan.

If it weren't for Lord Yasukuni's sign, it is possible that even she might not be able to enter the door of the Jinglan Buddhist Hall. She stood in the courtyard, waiting for the nuns in monk robes and hats to enter the room to report to Mrs. Lan.

Maybe it was because when he woke up, he inherited the memory of the true Xi Liang Mo, maybe there was still a trace of spiritual awareness in this orphan's soul, so he really had a little more expectation and hope for the Lan family than never had before.

She really wanted to know, why, why was Lan, as her mother, able to ignore her for so many years and let Xi Liangmo suffer all the harassment?

Isn't it the birth of the Lan clan itself?

Now, she no longer needs her mother's "asylum", and even the people who bully her pay the price one for one for her.

Even if it was Duke Yasukuni, she let the man taste the pain of his own flesh and blood by pulling out a knife.

But Lan ... the mother who had never met, truly owed an answer to Xi Liangmo.

After standing in the courtyard for a long time, she finally persisted, even almost threatened, and finally managed to get out the figure of a woman.

Xiliang Mo recalled that at that moment, she was so nervous that she could barely breathe, as if there was another person in her body whispering and screaming: "Mom ... Niang ..."

They were the remaining soul fragments of the true Xiliang Mo, and she was so happy that she wanted to cry.

It is a pity that the woman in the monk's dress and hat was standing in the shadow of the door, with a threatening face, which was seven points similar to her, but pale and indifferent. There was also a kind of old indifference that was revealed Since Ella stood in the shadows, he said without expression: "The donor, come back, the poor nun is already an outsider, and will not participate in any secular thing. From now on, do not come to the poor nun again."

After speaking, he didn't even wait for her to react, he turned around without hesitation and left slowly, leaving only an indifferent and stiff back.

She was stiff and cold, as if hearing a broken sound in the air, and then, in the cold wind of early winter, the curled dead leaves were blown through the air, turned to dust, and completely disappeared.

Xi Liang Mo lowered his eyes and saw a drop of crystal clear water on the back of his hand, as if he had seen a calm face. I don't know when his expression turned to apathy and the last moisture in it, his eyelashes turned away. they had dried up.

She knew it was the last remaining spiritual sense of the abandoned girl in the body that longed for her mother and she stubbornly refused to leave. Following Lan's words, she turned to shards and dust, dissipated into thin air, and then Doesn is no more.

She sighed softly, turned and left.

One of the biggest lies in the world is that all parents will unconditionally love their children deeply.

Otherwise, how could there be abandoned babies and children who died from abuse?

However, my heart still aches and I am not willing ...

Xi Liang Mo nonchalantly spread his hands and covered his chest.

One day, he would make these people regret what they did and let Lan's eyes look at the dead child.

Before that, he needs to find out what happened to the Lan family, whom they were all taboo and never mentioned.

The decline of a man who once held the military might of the imperial court and was almost the marshal of the world's soldiers and horses, and the first female general Lan Ling who once crushed the court, why did he suddenly turn well after becoming a child? .

Xiliang Mo looked at Grandma Bai and said, "If Grandma does not want to say it, I can leave you alone. There must be many channels to listen to the news on the nine thousand year old boy. Or, he said. Little more of the court for more than ten years, I must know a lot. "

Mother Bai looked at the girl in front of her and knew that Xiliang Mo would not do it, surely he would get rid of all kinds of dangers, and even do it by unscrupulous means.

After all, he sighed helplessly: "Miss, the old slave is not very clear about the specific things that happened back then. It's just that Miss Jing and his wife had handkerchiefs, so they knew that Lan Bing was the head of the Lan family ... Marshal General, Marshal General and Marshal's wife met at the end of Wei Mo, love is very, even Marshal Lan Bing ascends step by step, the first emperor once wanted to marry Princess Anyang At twenty-seven years of the year, Lan Bing, who is already a powerful marquis, but was said to be 'shit. His wife refused to go to the house' but he refused, but Princess Anyang admired him and did not give up When Ms. Hou was giving birth, the midwife made her hands and feet and put gold bars in her belly.

The wife, who had a healthy delivery, died of abdominal pain and heavy bleeding. The woman should have removed the gold bars without a trace. Who knows if Lord Hou knew that the wife had an accident and she ran to the delivery room at All Expenses. The midwife hadn't had time to remove the gold bars. Come.

There is no waterproof wall in this world. After Hou Ye found out, he was bitter and regretful. He was holding the newborn Miss Lan Ling and was about to beat her to death in front of the Imperial Study Hall. The First Emperor was ashamed of Lord Hou and lashed out at Princess Anyang. After a meal, he married her to Dog Rong and married her. The young woman was appointed princess and she was allowed to freely enter and leave the palace. The queen personally raised her and I was very honored. "

Mother Bai paused and then said, "Although Lan Ling has the title of princess, she is lively and carefree. The mighty Lord Hou walks in and out of the battlefield, and never accepts his wife. He often takes Lan Ling. by his side ". and he teaches martial arts, the art of war. Lan Ling I often heard people say that it is a shame that she is a daughter, otherwise she must have a great achievement. She is so stubborn that she has to pretend to be a woman on the battlefield. In fact, she won many battles and won a number of jade-faced Rakshasa. "

After she returned to court, I don't know how obsessed she was with Emperor Xian. Regardless of the opposition from all his officers, Emperor Xian gave her a Phoenix Wing general, and she actually brought a team that belonged to her. , her and Xi The second son of the Liang family, Xiliang he is speechless, that is, today's Lord Yasukuni is married. The two of them really had a moment where they didn't know each other and they fought side by side. It's a shame ... . "

Mother Bai's eyes were shining, as if she had fallen into a reminiscence of the past, and she felt a bit confused, but her old face seemed to show a strange glow, which made people want to explore.

Xiliang Mo has been listening and observing Mother Bai's expression, knowing that at least in this paragraph, Mother Bai did not lie, she asked in a low voice, with a seductive tone: "What a pity ... ...? "

Mother Bai looked at Xiliang Mo and sighed: "It is a shame that the Xiliang family asked Lan Ling to resign her military post and take away the title of princess. Since then, the advantage has waned and she will be allowed. go home to Xiliang. " After a wordless marriage, Lan Ling loved Xiliang so much that she finally accepted. In a few years, the new emperor became the throne and has never had children. So the Xiliang family again argued with the Han family, and Han Wanyan, who is Han Er. The lady married and became a concubine. "

"When Madame Han got married, she was pregnant with Liujia, and Marshal Lan Bing had passed away from a serious illness. Since then, the Lan family has declined and there is no way to stop this, and the Han family has also invited decree Your Majesty, Mistress Lan Ling is very sad, not long before she was also pregnant with you ... "

"Ms. Lan Ling was so sad that she finally gave birth to you, but since then she only wants to be with the ancient Buddha of the blue lantern, and she no longer wants to worry about the affairs of the world."

Xiliang Mo held the tea and slowly rubbed the rim of the teacup between her fingers. Her expression was indifferent and sarcastic: "So this is a stupid woman who gave up everything but she was broken by a man with a heart and she hated a man." , even herself. Does the daughter hate history?

I really can't understand these stupid women. From ancient times to the present, there is no shortage of such things. They think that if they give up everything, they can make a man thankful and compassionate for life, but they men are the most realistic animals. Liang is speechless, who knows if there is interest in consideration in her love for you.

"Princess, are you… are you still complaining about her?" Mother Bai did not seem to expect Xiliang Mo, as her daughter, to ridicule her mother so ruthlessly.

Xi Liang Mo opened the window, let the cold wind in, and swept the heat from the room. She casually said, "Lan Ling is a stupid woman who cannot see her situation clearly and she feels sorry for herself. How can this kind of person be my mother?

In the royal family, there is a father who loves his hand and the adopted daughter of a queen, but he only sees the flowers as a brocade, he cannot see the burning oil underneath, the dark ghosts, and he will not use power and forces. in his hands. The life of this Master is not ordinary stupidity. An immature idiot who is full of illusions about life can only escape, but he has turned his innocent daughter into a man. I just blame how there is such a stupid mother! "

Mother Bai seemed to have been beaten, she looked at the indifferent girl in front of her with a bit of disbelief and said with difficulty: "She ... she just can't understand people ... you ... you don't have to blame her. ... at that time she couldn't be better. She's a teenager. "

"Ha ha ha ..." Xi Liang Mo sneered suddenly, laughing uncontrollably, as if she had heard something extremely funny.

Mother Bai looked blankly at Xi Liang Mo and asked a little embarrassed, "Miss, what is she laughing at?"

Xi Liang Mo pursed her mouth and finally closed her smile, her lips curving in a cold arc: "Lan Ling, is this woman just a teenager in her life? She's used to running away, she never thought about where she fell. Where do you get up mother, let me ask you again, how much does Moer cost this year than Lan Ling? "

"Now, I don't have to depend on her, I don't have to depend on Xiliang's family, haven't I come into the world today, Xiliang's family must also admit that I am a prostitute today?"

Mother Bai was speechless, looking at the amazing young woman in front of her, she finally smiled bitterly: "Yes, Ms. Lan Ling, she is not as good as Ms."

Xiliang Mo pursed his lips at her. She knew that Mother Bai had not told her everything, but in the future she would have time to investigate. She didn't ask before, but it was because time hadn't run out.

"Okay, mother, I will not talk about these things for now, I will only talk about the moment. I ask Mother He to go with the nine thousand year old boy who he borrowed from the priest's superintendent to prowl in our place. He just needs pay attention to it. I am not afraid of some monstrous moths in the Xiliang family. Xiliang Mo seemed to have talked a lot, rubbing his brows wearily, with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

There is the shadow of the Xiliang family in everything. From ten years ago to today, the people of the Xiliang family are not really energy-saving lamps. That day it was half burned, and it really made them cheaper.

Mother Bai knew immediately: "Okay, mother knows, these three days have held back those girls."


But unexpectedly, during the three days, I lived quite peacefully in Xiliang's house and there was nothing unusual.

Including a group of people who go to the well-known Qiushan hot springs, fast and bathe, they first live in the Qiushan Fragrant Temple, where the ancestor's spiritual seat is enshrined, and then return to the family to open the ancestral hall and introduce new names in genealogy.

Everything went well, Xiliang Mo also comfortably soaked in the hot springs for three days.

On the third day, she wore a golden crown on her head and wore a beautiful and majestic outfit. In the ancestral hall, under the tribute to the world, Xilianglin, the patriarch of the Xiliang family, was officially entered in the genealogy and her name was corrected.

Standing under the extremely tall mahogany archway, watching the housekeeper's mother in the Xiliang family mansion guide the daughter-in-law and bowing deeply to herself with respect, they all shouted, "Princess Wanfu."

The servants who followed Guo Gong's house knelt down and said, "Miss Wanfu.

Xiliang Mo stood hand down and sighed as she gazed at the gloomy sky. Although she didn't care if she was included in this genealogy, Baimei's dead spirit and Mother Liu in the sky would want to see it.

And Lan, have you seen that, Xiliang Mo doesn't trust you, and she lets everyone call her the princess and the eldest!

Bai Rui and Mother Bai, the two elders who were the first to serve Xi Liang Mo, had red eyes, tears were shining, and the older lady finally came out of her head.

One side was still holding a banquet, and the other side Xilianghe and Zhao came with him.

Xilianghe congratulated her and went to greet Lord Jingguo. Before leaving, she looked at the Zhao family and ordered, "Let the wife handle the rest, don't neglect the princess."

Zhao nodded and said lightly, "Don't worry, you will never be wrong."

Hearing the usual words, Xi Liang Mo seemed to feel a strange breath.

Zhao turned her face and smiled at her: "The princess, according to the rules, must personally bring the genealogy to the Qiushan Family Temple for her consecration. When does she think she will leave?"

"Really?" Xiliang Mo looked at her with a smile but a smile: "Listen to the aunt's arrangements at any time."