Prelude To Destruction

Zhao turned his face and smiled at her: "The princess, according to the rules, must personally bring the genealogy to the Qiushan Family Temple for consecration. When do you think she will leave?"

Xi Liang Mo looked at her and said nonchalantly, "I am waiting for my aunt's arrangement at any moment."

The Zhao nodded and said, "After the noon family ritual feast, I invite the princess to leave. Then, Qiushan, you too have been there. After consecrating the genealogy, you can relax and bathe in the Fan hot spring bath. ".

Xiliang Mo couldn't honestly deny it: "Thank you Auntie for your concern."

Zhao looked at her, then turned and left slowly.

Xiliang Mo silently looked at his back and instructed Bai Rui, "In a while, we are ready to pack things. We will spend the night in Qiushan tonight."

After the lunch banquet is over, Xiliang Mo plans to go to the Meilin. The variety of plum trees in the Meilin at Xiliang's house is unsurpassed in the capital, even in the imperial garden, so the emperor will occasionally visit in winter. Xiliang's house came as a guest to appreciate the plum.

Xi Liang's wife suddenly came over to talk to her. This time, she did not have the earlier hostility towards Xi Liang Mo.

"Sister, my sister has not congratulated her on finding the eager man, the prince is our best son in Beijing," Xiliang said with a jealous smile.

Seeing that she was still calm, Xiliang Mo smiled politely: "Yes, sister, I am just a person who does not appear in the empress's eyes, and now my second sister and I have been approved by others, and the other is not well, the sister-in-law said that one day she will be the phoenix that flies on the branch, and she will have to enter the Qianlong mansion to accompany the dragon on the ascent.

The so-called Qianlong Mansion mainly refers to the residence of the emperor when he was a prince before he became king.

Sure enough, Ms. Xiliang coughed slightly as if she was shy: "The sister doesn't dare to make such a deception, it's just ..."

Xi Liang Mo looked at Xi Liang's hidden appearance and smiled into her heart, but her face did not appear, "Just what?"

The three daughters of the Xiliang family all entered Prince Liangdi's selection banquet, and now both are useless. So the one with the least hope has become the most promising?

Don't you dare fool yourself, if you really don't dare fool yourself, why should you go to her to hear the news from her?

Xiliang bit her lip and sniffed a plum blossom with some hesitation, as if inadvertently saying, "I don't know why my sister was unsuccessful, but your voice was the highest before."

Then, as if she was concerned about Xi Liangmo's misunderstanding, she quickly added, "My sister only feels sorry for her sister, I have no other intentions."

Xiliang Mo stroked the sideburns of her hair, smiled softly, as if accidentally saying, "Why did my younger sister ever care? As for why she lost the election, her younger sister doesn't know, but I heard that the Princess Taiping is highly respected, and the prince and this sister-in-law are very close. Okay, so your opinion is also very important when it comes to the selection. Perhaps the empress and elder princess think that I am not too suitable for him. the prince. "

Xi Liang's eyes lit up when she heard her words, as if she had an idea right away, she dropped a sentence to Xi Liang Mo: "Sister, there are still some things here, so I'll take a step forward." .

After that, she left in a hurry.

Xi Liang Mo looked at her leaving her back from her, and the corners of her lips formed a strange curve.

She pointed out a new path for Xi Liangwu. The princess was originally a barrier that all women who wanted to become princes could not get around. Success does not depend on Xi Liangwu's skill.

Become a beautiful future for her, if not, it will be the price paid for her life.

Xi Liang Mo left Mei Lin and prepared to return to her residence and depart, but she saw Sister Feng approaching. She had just prepared Ange's nap, so she went out to find Xi Liang Mo.

Now that she had just met someone, she greeted him with a smile: "The princess."

The two of them went to Xiliang Mo's courtyard together.

"Sister-in-law, Mo'er has something to ask."

"Oh, please tell me." Sister Feng rolled her eyes, but she very simply agreed.

Xiliang Mo asked weakly, "After me, who is my family planning to go to Hehe to establish a relationship?"

Sister Feng seemed to have known that she would ask that question, so she sighed slightly: "She was the daughter of an uncle who was born this year. This year she is only twelve years old. This fire in the family has burned many places, so this girl lives now. In my garden, she depends on me. "

Xi Liang Mo nodded his head. She knew that Sister Feng was secretly conveying a meaning. This girl is still in no danger at the moment and she will not be harmed by the dirty rules of the Xiliang family.

Those who are favored, like Xiliang, do not care about being selected to marry him. They even choose the prince and Liangdi for the sake of a beautiful future, and reject the original relationship without being blamed unfavored will have life as a herb and a duty As Piaoping, she can only win a place to live with the mercy of others .

But what about the future?

Now there is no more convenient place to do things, but if the shameless and extremely shameless rules and concepts of the Xiliang family remain unchanged, sooner or later, Xiangmoxuan will be reset and there will be the next Xiliang family. His daughter suffered such insults.

But they are only women. Who can change a family so stale and ingrained?

Xiliang Mo was close to the warm fur, her eyes fell on the misty sky on the white wall and blue tiles, and she lightly sighed with cold eyes.

Only the overthrow of the Xiliang family can change the fate of women who are not favored by the Xiliang family.

At the same time, he also avoids the spies of this group of monsters who are always looking behind him.

And he doesn't seem to have that much power right now.

However, he knows that if a person is willing, it is not impossible to uproot the Xiliang family.

But he also knew that Bailiqing was a useless person who did not get up early.

The heavenly family is intertwined. A great family like the Xiliang family for hundreds of years has an even longer history than that of the Heavenly Dynasty, and the interests of the family are closely related. If dealing with the Xiliang family, it will inevitably involve other families from the same century.

For Bailiqing, there is no benefit, but it will involve many problems.

Therefore, he would never act because he had to deal with the Xiliang family.

But he no longer seemed to have any interest in whetting her appetite.


Just create a reason for Bailiqing to get rid of the Xiliang family!

Xi Liang Mo narrowed his eyes dangerously and a calculating light flashed on him.

And somewhere, while he was reviewing the memorial, while leaning his long legs on the beautiful maid, someone who used the person as a warm stool couldn't help but sneeze.

The blue-robed eunuch Xiaoshengzi who was waiting by his side immediately opened the curtain sadly and yelled at the attendant who was pulling the carriage outside: "Why are you pulling the carriage? It is so unstable. Let the wind come in and cool. to the thousands of people. - Lord of one year. Be careful. The head of the dog ~! "

The two drivers smiled bitterly. The sandalwood-scented eight-horse carriage was covered with cotton brocade on the wheels to reduce the impact.

However, their complaints only dared to be in their hearts, but they immediately nodded and bowed: "Yes, Sheng Gong-gong."

Xiao Shengzi turned his head and respectfully said to his master, "Master Chitose, sit down patiently, this Qiushan is still some distance away, I'm afraid it won't be so soon."

Qiushan is on the outskirts of the capital and it takes about an hour to get there. Chitose feels a bit windy and cold, and wants to go to the Qiushan hot springs to recover. He will go at the current speed. I'm afraid it won't be three hours.

Bai Liqing lazily stretched out her thin white fingers and rubbed her delicate nose: "Never mind, slow down, slow down, anyway, that girl will live there tonight."

To say that there is something to discuss, what good things the little fox can do, to look at that means nothing more than to talk about his marriage, to fear that he will disagree, and to upset the little bastard Si Liufeng.

Hmph, an ungrateful girl, who is not good to choose, that she is the girl who chooses, she will suffer sooner or later!

Bailiqing clutched his temples and said discouragingly, "Slow down a bit, this seat can't be bumpy."

If Xiliang Mo saw it, she would probably curse in disdain: the wrongdoer is a hypocrite!


In this ending, the Yasukuni people, Xiliang Mo, and the Li family continued down the road to Qiushan a few days ago. Xu is that most of the things on this journey have already ended and the sacrificial rituals have been completed. Everyone was looking forward to the warm and comfortable hot springs of Qiuzhan, so they laughed and spoke calmly along the way.

Autumn Mountain was originally a picturesque place. The day three days ago, they weren't in the mood to slowly appreciate it, and at that moment the spirited minds of the girls were all awake.

Xi Liang Mo was sitting in the car, raising the curtains, watching Bai Rui and Bai Yu chase past the car with a smile. She couldn't help curving her lips slightly. After all, she was still a teenager and shouldn't always be with her. "The living heart was consumed in the backyard of the silent and boring deep house.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves came from behind, and a fast horse passed behind his convoy. Xiliang Mo looked at the horse rider who was wearing Gyeonggi North Daying's service and frowned slightly, looking at him. The knight was in a trance for a moment.

After a while, I saw Lord Yasukuni, who had been riding the horse in front, leading his entourage and following the talented knight beside him.

Yasukuni looked at the people in the car and said aloud, "Mo'er, Gyeonggi North Daying has important tasks to report. For father, he needs to return to Gyeonggi Daying immediately, leaving Ning'an and half of our family in the government office here, escort you to the family temple, and when your business here is done, I'll send someone to pick you up. "

Li, who was in the car in front, looked at Lord Jingguo's eyebrows with a hint of anxiety. He assumed there was an important military task, so he immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry Lord Guo, I will take care of the princess."

Xiliang Mo also looked at Duke Yasuo gently and thoughtfully: "If my father is busy, he will take care of himself. Family and country matters are important. There are three aunts here."

Master Jing Guo looked at Xiliang Mo's general knowledge and estimated that after going up to the family temple, it was also an ordinary ritual, and there was nothing that required him to be present, so he shook hands with the Li family. . : "Then I will annoy my younger brothers and sisters."

Seeing Master Yasukuni leading people on horseback the entire way, Li sighed: "Master Guo has always done everything for the court. These days are even busier. It is rare to rest. It is easy to break free today, but he has to get back quickly. It's really unfortunate. "

Xi Liang Mo looked at the steaming tea in his cup, his eyebrows were slightly blurred as the mist from the tea steamed, Xi Liang Mo nonchalantly said, "Yes, it is a coincidence." The group arrived at the Qiushan Family Temple. The temple is dedicated to the teachers, and they have already received the news that the princess will return to supply the genealogy to the family temple. They cleaned the wing again in the morning and prepared the flowers and sesame oil for the spring bath.

Xiliang Mo and others entered the temple one by one, re-seating without mentioning.

Also, most of the accidents in this world.

On the other way up the mountain, a black clothed man and a black horse led a group of powerful guards to the foot of Qiu Mountain.

Someone whistled, as if Ye Xiao was whinnying.

Soon a hooded man in yellow clothes, blue headscarf and a dark blue cape with a red background and a dark blue cape appeared flying out of the forest. As soon as the man appeared, he knelt in front of the tall knight in front of him, his head and gave a report: "The prince grandfather is here. Recently, spies reported that there are often changes in the skies that teach thieves to move. We suspect this is his hidden stronghold. "

Si Chengqian nodded, coldly narrowed his eyes, looked at the lush forests of Qiushan and coldly said, "Everyone changes their clothes, leaving fifty people to guard the trails to and from the mountain and inform the soldiers of the five cities Ma Si and Beijing. Zhao Yin, don't let anyone leave, others will enter carefully with me! "

The guard chief following Si Chengqian suddenly knelt on the ground, his expression solemn trying to prevent Si Chengqian from entering danger: "Prince, prince, you must take no chances. your subordinates to find out and report back. To Jing Zhaoyin and the people of 50% soldiers and horsemen, all these criminals will be annihilated. If you are injured, how will your subordinates explain to the empress, how to explain to Master Tai! Fu! "

"Mo Xiang, do you look down on my martial arts?" Si Chengqian looked dangerously at the head guard in front of him, and his eyes grew sharper when he heard Bailiqing's name.

Mo Xiang suddenly felt that his body was pierced with two holes by Si Chengqian's sharp eyes, and he couldn't help but sweat. He knew that although the prince was respectful of the Taifu, he probably hated the Taifu in his heart, after all, there were no People like a eunuch to be his teacher.

"Prince prince, your subordinates do not dare. They only hope that you take the Jiangshan community as the most important thing. Do not take risks with your body. Do not forget that the great marriage is imminent. If there is damage, your subordinates will not be enough to make up for a death or two! "Mo Xiang gritted his teeth.

He knew that the crown prince wanted to do meritorious deeds. A few days ago, Tianli cultists not only intercepted the tax money sent by Suzhou and Hangzhou, but also killed the officers and soldiers who were escorting the tax money.

Those officers and soldiers and those who looked like Prince Tai Fu Bailiqing were actually His Royal Highness's staff. This lot of taxes and silver was an important bargaining chip used by his Royal Highness to expand his forces and train private soldiers, and among the officers and soldiers who were intercepted was the Crown Prince. His Majesty's confidant, so after receiving the secret report, his Royal Highness was furious and rarely agreed with the Taifu on the matter of the Tianli Teaching, and promised to get rid of the Teaching thieves Tianli.

If done, it will be a great achievement for the Royal Highness of him the prince, but if there is something wrong ... you and the family guarding the East Palace do not have to die!

So, Mo Xiang, no matter what the prince thinks, he still has to do his best to stop the prince.

Hearing Mo Xiang mention the grand wedding, Si Chengqian's eyes shone with coldness and disgust. He remembered the charade when he selected Prince Liangdi a few days ago, and Taiping didn't know what it was used for. The method caused the mother to get bored with the Zhenmin County Lord, and to maim the Duanyang County Lord, who had won her mother's heart, into madness.

When he questioned her, Taiping admitted without shame, and even said that it was all because of him. To say that Zhenmin's heart belongs and that Duanyang's character is impure is not a good combination!

For so many years, since her return to her relatives and now, what wife and concubine see that she pleases his eyes and a good partner?

It's nothing but the ugly jealousy and possessiveness of women!

Except for their use in sex, these women are useless.

Although she did not like Zhenmin and Duanyang, the woman wanted to control her face, so arrogant and domineering, she reminded Prince Fu Bailiqing that he was so favored in front of her father.

In front of him, her worthy prince had to obey the mentor and apprentice ceremony, and she couldn't even refute his decision. Even if Bailiqing is really knowledgeable, he is only a eunuch, and a servant who serves the members of his royal family. Now he's riding on his head, it's unforgivable!

One day, he will let all who dare to ignore him as a prince of a country and offend his dignity fall into the mud and kneel to pray for his mercy!

"Mo Xiang, you don't have to say much. No one can rule out the prince's decision. Do you want to threaten the prince as well?" Si Chengqian said nonchalantly, as if her inattentive tone made Mo Xiang instantly cold and sweaty.

Others just say that his Royal Highness is calm and self-sufficient. It is a rare choice for the crown prince, but only those who are close to them know that the crown prince has a fierce temper. He belongs to the royal cruelty and tyranny, I hate others for interfering with his decision, so many employees and servants were killed.

Thus, at this moment, Mo Xiang could only bow deeply: "The subordinates don't dare ..."

"Huh!" Before finishing his words, he felt a whip on his back, and then a cold wind passed by his side.

Mo Xiangyi raised his head. After the prince had already waved his whip, he mounted a horse on his head and headed for the mountain first.

Mo Xiang was in a hurry, ignoring the burning pain in his back, immediately turned on his horse and chased Si Chengqian towards the mountain.

And just when various forces gathered at this time, consciously or unconsciously, at the Xiliang Family's Qiushan Family Temple, Xiliang Mo had already sent a representative of the Xiliang Family, the son of the third Xiliang Tree Master: the Xiliang Min's host. Next, the family tree with Xiliang Mo's name was presented in the treasure box containing the volume of the family tree.

Xiliang Mo offered the Three Pillars Fragrance, which was considered a gift.

"Congratulations sister, now Licheng, why not have a good time on this autumn mountain?" Xi Liangmin smiled at Xiliangmo.

He has a very handsome face, and his whole body is full of books. He is quite similar to Han Wei, except that a pair of thin, slightly curved eyes blink from time to time, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Especially when he looked at people and spoke, people always felt a strange lust in his eyes.

Xiliang Mo didn't bother to get too involved with any man in the Xiliang household, but only slightly nodded, "Thanks to my cousin, Mo'er will leave first."

Xiliangmin stepped forward and prevented her from saying, "My sister is not familiar with Qiushan, so it is better for her brother to guide him. Her brother knows that there is a hot spring next to the hot spring so what the temperature is quite tall, so the flowers are in full bloom, very beautiful. It is suitable for reciting poems, drinking wine and admiring flowers. "

Xiliang Mo didn't appreciate it, but said in a low voice, "My cousin doesn't have to worry about Mo'er. Mo'er is also a bit tired these days. I just want to rest today."

After all, she guided Bai Rui and Bai Yu around Xi Liangmin without looking back.

Xi Liangmin didn't seem upset, he looked at the other party's slender back, laughed softly, turned around, and walked away with his hands.

After dark, the silvery light of the moon shone on the lake shore under the autumnal mountain peaks. In the night sky, the great eagle hovered, the moonlight reflected the icy shadow, and the mountain walls were drenched with emerald green flowers, stained and intoxicated by the mountain. peaks that hug the lake. The family temple is in a great location, and you can see the beautiful scenery of the mountains during the day. Even after dark, you can see the night in the wing where Xiliang Mo is located.

Bai Rui propped up her chin and sat in front of the window to admire the night of the autumn mountains, but suddenly she remembered something, she couldn't help but ask, "Miss, aren't you going to the hot springs? Everyone's gone."

The people he called were the servants who followed Qiushan this time. Most of them were from the Xiliang family, and Bai Rui, Bai Yu, and Madam Bai and Madam He were close to them. The servant never left Xiliang Mo for a while. half.

Xi Liang Mo put the various powdered fragrances that she was sorting out in her hand and looked at the night outside the window. The scenery was really good, so Bai Rui, the girl, did not mind the coldness of the mountains and the colder than usual, and she preferred to go with two hand stoves. Enjoy the night view.

But she did not say anything. Bai Yu, who came in with the hot tea and sandwiches, said in an unpleasant way: "Sister Rui, it is not Yu'er who told you. Earlier, the princess told us that everyone should be on the alert tonight. Doesn't that seem strange to you that people have not taken any action so far? "

Bai Rui turned her head and pouted in disgust: "Then we can't just sit here. I watched Master Min and the people in the family who always caressed us in the hot springs. I thought it was strange, so it's better to go." . . Look what is strange, this is not what the old lady said, take the initiative! "

When Xiliang Mo heard the words, she chuckled and lit Bai Rui's forehead: "Okay, you still take the initiative to attack, let's go."

Bai Rui's words actually have three points of truth, which matches her expectations.

Seeing that the teacher nodded affirming her thoughts, Bai Rui immediately packed her things happily and prepared to go to the hot springs.

The five masters and servants asked the nuns in the family temple where to go to the hot springs, and under the enthusiastic guidance of the master, they chatted and laughed with the bath towel, pancreas, and sesame oil.

When she arrived at the hot spring place, the hostess smiled and said to Xi Liang Mo, "Princess, the Huaqing pond on the left is used by a noble master like you, and the Shuyu pond on the right is used by other girls. and women."

Xiliang Mo looked at the middle-aged nun and suddenly seemed to say nonchalantly, "All beings before the Buddha are the same, so why does the teacher here also distinguish between tall and short?"

The host was stunned, but could not answer, "This ..."

"Master, you don't need to be nervous, I just speak it casually. There is always a difference in respect and inferiority in the human world. For example, you are naturally different from this princess. Master should learn more about Buddhism, and Mo always thinks so. The sesame oil money. " Xiliang Mo smiled slightly, turned around, and entered Huaqing Pool from the left.

The nuns suddenly blushed. They were consecrated nuns in the family temple of the Xiliang family. Originally, they only depended on regular money for their lives. Later, incense here became more and more popular, and they mainly depended on operating the hot spring pools here. Little by little it developed, and later it became more convenient for wealthy people to fuck, have banquets or come here for fun and living with an outdoor room. As for the original duty of a monk, it was the second.

Xiliang's family was happy to save a lot of money, so she opened and closed her eyes.

Seeing the teacher enter, Bai Rui and Bai Zhu looked at Grandma He and Grandma Bai, smiled, and entered the Shuyu Pool together.

The host saw that everyone entered the pool, and then he snorted on the ground very indignant, and said with a sneer: "What a princess, waiting for the meeting is something to play with, and I do not know if there is anything left. A few bones, um! "

Xiliang Mo entered the Huaqing Pool and found that the place is truly exquisite. The hot spring mist is as warm as spring mist, and exotic flowers and plants are in full bloom by the hot spring pool. There are plenty of fresh seasonal fruits, wine and flower scented oil by the pool.

Xi Liang Mo chuckled, but he was fully prepared.

He rolled up his long hair, Luo Shan untied slightly and walked slowly towards the clear water along the edge of the pool.

The thermal water soaks every inch of his skin, giving him a very comfortable feeling, as if all the pores have been opened, which makes people feel drowsy.

Xiliang Mo seemed unable to bear such an adventure, leaning against the edge of the pool and closing his eyes as if he were insomniac.

I don't know how long it took, the curtain on the door blocking the entrance to Huaqing Pool suddenly moved, revealing a face that looked a bit distorted due to pride, and it peeked inside and turned to the stranger and said: "It is fine me. " I am asleep! "

It was the middle-aged hostess who took Xiliang Mo and Bai Rui Baiyu to bathe.

A group of men with swords outside the door, all dressed in yellow clothes, blue headscarves and dark blue capes with a red background, describing the vulgarity of Jian Yun, listening to the words of the nuns, they could not help but show emotion.

This is the first time their Tianlijiao has attacked a true nobleman, and they are still a princess. When they thought of seeing those maidens who had fainted, they were already beautiful and their temperament is better than that of ordinary Xiaojiabiyu. I do not know how beautiful this royal princess was born. The idea of waiting to be able to absorb such distinguished beauties simply excites his group of elderly people who are so poor that they only occasionally walk in and out of the prostitution hall very excited.

A gentleman holding a folding fan next to them looked at her vulgar expressions and frowned in disgust: "That is the lady of my Xiliang family, she can afford it at will!"

Who is this man if he is not Xiliangmin?

The little Tianli teaching leader headed by a big yellow tooth immediately confronted him, nodded and smiled: "That is, naturally, the Lord will accept it first, and we will wait for you to finish it, and then He will reward us."

The man snorted in satisfaction and took the lead to lift the curtain and walk towards the Huaqing Pool.

Da Huang Ya looked at the other person's back, and a cold squinting eyes flashed in his narrowed eyes, huh, waiting for the teachings of the heavens to spread all over the world, not sure who is a noble person!

The pool water is full of smoke, covering the entire interior with a vague gauze, but you can still vaguely see a slender beauty lying on the edge of the pool, with long hair half rolled up and her body below the neck. . the water, only a small patch of delicate white shoulders were exposed.

There were several overturned flask cups protecting the side.

Xi Liangmin smirked. The whole temple was his people. As said before, let the hostess put Mongolian sweat medicine in all drinks and snacks.

All the people who have plunged into hot springs for a long time will unconsciously want to drink a little water or eat something, so they will definitely be caught.

She stepped forward, looked at Xi Liang Mo's dainty little white shoulders, and couldn't help shaking her head, expressing regret.

"It is a pity, it is a pity that such a beautiful lady, who is so icy and jade, is humiliated in the hands of those great chiefs for a while and turned to mud, but dying in the water can be considered as washing all the earth. Huangquan Road will send you a ride. "

"Seriously, does Mo'er still want to thank your cousin for your kindness?"

An indifferent and gentle female voice suddenly floated up, scaring Xi Liangmin, and she immediately took three steps back, looking around her, only to find that Xi Liang Mo had sat for some time, and the entire person was half submerged in Water. People cannot see her body clearly and she only feels a touch of white coming, but it is abnormally stimulating people's vision.

"Didn't you get sweat medicine from Mongolia ?!" Xi Liangmin shouted unconsciously in surprise.

Xiliang Mo lazily leaned over by the pool, looking at the man in front of him with a smile but not smiling, "Does my cousin really want me to sleep? If I fall asleep, couldn't he see your performance?"

Xi Liangmin was shocked by his treacherous look that he seemed to know everything, and then he felt embarrassed and immediately snorted: "Whether you are asleep or not, you are in danger today!" Then, as soon as he turned his head, he immediately greeted the Tianli people to enter.

The Tianli cultists rushed forward with their swords in their hands and saw a great beauty plunging into the hot spring pool. They immediately showed greedy and obsessive looks, and couldn't help but tsk.

"Oh, is this the princess?"

"That beauty!"

"Indeed, the noble lady is different."

Xi Liang Min looked at Xi Liang Mo, who didn't seem to panic at all. Seeing her gaze on the people of the Tianli Sect, she thought she was scared and stupid, and then she shook her head and said, "Cousin, don't you blame me for being ruthless, who made you? He rebelled against the old prince and the clan elders, and killed Si's uncles and brothers in the family. They violated the clan rules. The second uncle, the old princes, and the clan elders have decided to take you to Shenjiang. After a while, you will die at Huaqing Pond, and it will be a soul fragrance sent to clear water. "

Xiliangmin was born to the old woman's third son, Xiliangshu. Xiliangshu was sick and weak. It was impossible for him to be in charge of the family, and he was unable to enter the official career, so he was not taken seriously in his family. Xiliang Min also remained unfavored.

Although Xi Liangmin passed the Juren exam, he was never able to pass the Jinshi exam. He just likes to recite some bitter poems every day, and he thinks of ways to pierce the camp, trying to win a part in front of Yu Laotaijun. and his uncle Decent of his, so when Xi Liang and gave him that task, he just hesitated for a moment and happily accepted.

Anyway, waiting for Xiliang Mo to die, no one knows what he had suffered before his death. The woozuo they bought only said that she drowned and died after falling asleep in the hot springs.

"Oh, it seems that my uncle has never forgotten the oath to take the clan rules to bring me to Shen Jiang. You brought these people because the princess did not intend to go to hehe to marry as well as Xi Liangmin and old Yu Xi Liang Mo chuckled lightly, looking a bit lazy.

Since there is no way to directly expose her to Shen Jiang, should you try to drown her? Of course, add some foreplay like abuse before death.

Xi Liangmin looked at her calmly. He didn't know why she felt guilty. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't understand it. He just thought that a weak woman couldn't get out anyway, so he thought. He shook the folding fan and said: "Yes, no, you rebelled against the elders, it is already intolerable, so cruel, you killed your own uncle and cousin, not killing is not enough to calm the anger of the spirits of my Xiliang family, you don't have to want to escape, Lord Jing Long ago we moved the tiger away from the mountain. The hot springs where the servants of the princes' mansions are located, stay away from here, obediently, and be brother so that you suffer less sin ".

It seemed that it was already very regrettable.

Xiliang Mo couldn't help but smile and said very politely, "Okay, does my cousin come first?"

Even the people of the Tianli Sect did not expect the little princess in front of him to make such an invitation.

Even Xi Liangmin was shocked for a moment, then his eyes showed dazzling light, and she continued to shake her head and walked towards Xi Liangmo: "Well, your brother he naturally wants to satisfy his sister's desire. "

Who would say that he had just taken a step, inexplicably softened his knees, snorted and fell straight to the ground, his nose and mouth hit the hard ground directly, his nose bled and some teeth came out.

"Ah!" Xi Liangmin yelled, covering her face in shame, trying to get up, but somehow she couldn't get up. Her funny actions made the people of Tianli laugh, except that she saw the beauty pillow. her legs are weak.

But after a while, even they were stunned, because Xi Liang Mo actually rose out of the water slowly, and only then did they discover that Xi Liang Mo was actually wearing clothes and a rather thick moon set. Her white robe and skirt were wrapped around her, even if he was wet, he couldn't see anything.

I just thought he was looking at his shoulder, but it was because the clothes were the same color and the mist was too thick in the water.

At the same time, all the Tianli Teaching people who moved a little also "puffed up" and "puffed up" one after another, their bodies all weakened, and the knives couldn't hold them gently and they fell to the ground.

The sword fell to the ground staggering.

"You ... you ... how could you!" Xi Liangmin watched in disbelief as Xi Liangmo walked towards the shore gracefully. She didn't even have Chinese medicine for Mongolian sweat, and now someone who appears to be herself has Mongolian sweat medicine.

Xiliang Mo took the brocade silk cloth and dried her hair, and looked at the fallen human with contempt: "Putting a large ax in front of Luban's door. These tricks are used by the princess's elder, so they ashamed. Wear it to show your ugliness, how about the smoke from Menghan's hot springs from this princess? "

Medicine is only an inferior method in wine and food, and it is not poisoned with a little caution, but as long as it enters here, the steam from hot springs will be everywhere.

So she tried the improved version of Smiley Half Step here, and the effect was really good.

"Did you know we were coming ?!" Xi Liangmin gritted his teeth and said, no matter how stupid he was, he knew he had followed the path to the other side, but he thought he had no flaws, and he had practiced many times with his cousin and others. Will he be noticed by the other party?

Xi Liang Mo raised his eyebrows and kicked the pool-side kettle into the pool, with an indifferent expression: "Xi Liang and Elder Yu, who should be compared to each other, will be so kind to open an ancestral hallway for me. ? Since you haven't done anything before, it's just waiting for the last day, thinking that everyone will relax their defenses due to things completing smoothly, and then doing it again, you're just as stupid as pigs, too? do you want others to be as stupid as you? "

A bit of mockery and sarcasm made Xi Liangmin's face blush, almost bleeding, and it was not easy to curse him: "You ... actually insult the old woman ..."

"That's your old lady, but she's not mine." Xi Liangmo finished speaking dismissively, and was about to go behind the screen to change clothes. His eyes suddenly fell on the believer Tianli who was lying on the ground, he smiled and crouched down to the body, the believer Tianli took off his coat three times and then appeared on the screen, leaving behind a confused Tianli believer and Xi Liangmin.

When she came out, she was already dressed as a Tianli believer.

Xiliang Mo squatted down, picked up the waist card that believer Tianli had dropped to the ground, and then said slowly and logically, "There really is a way to heaven, you don't want to go, and there is no way to hell. But really good! news! "

"Good news, what do you mean?" Seeing Xi Liang Mo's strange behavior, Xi Liangmin couldn't help but feel a bit hairy, where there is still the slightest desire to enjoy the warm fragrant nephrite.

"Well ... For example, what is the good news that the Xiliang family has been destroyed?" Xiliang Mo's eyes were awkward and authentic.

"You ... you ..." Xi Liangmin was speechless for a moment, and he could only stare at the girl in horror.

Xiliang Mo suddenly laughed, comforting Xiliangmin: "Of course, I am only joking. The princess's last name is Xiliang."

Seeing Xi Liangmin relax and look his best, Xi Liangmo smiled and added, "But I have bad news about my cousin."

When Xi Liangmin's heart suddenly rose, the Huaqing pool curtain suddenly opened again, but this time, it was Bai Rui, Bai Yu, and Mother Bai who entered. They all had swords in their hands, Mother Bai. The sword was still stained with blood, and Bai Yu and Bai Rui were carrying a nun in a monk's dress and hat.

She was the middle-aged hostess in this moment.

"Miss, what should I do with this thieving nun?" Bai Rui pushed the nun to the ground fiercely.

The host stared in astonishment at the Tianli Cultist who fell to the ground and Xi Liangmin who fell with blood all over his face and had not yet recovered.

I heard Xi Liangmo smile and say, "Since this teacher likes this kind of skin and meat business, may she and my cousin take care of all the Tianli believers here. By chance I got some money from Lao Lin in the barn. The drug planted for animal husbandry has been slightly improved, but I don't know how effective it is. I heard Lao Lin said that if the drug is used too much, the animals will never die, and it will be counted until the intestines are broken."