
"The county ... the princess ... the old man ... I don't know anything!" Hearing what Xi Liang Mo said, the hostess finally recovered, she knelt on the ground in fear and hugged Xi Liang as Mo's legs beg for mercy.

She didn't know why things that had been so stable had become like this!

She had seen those stinky girls and the two women fainting in Suyuchi just now, and no matter how she knew she had just led people, she heard the sound of beating and scolding.

She hadn't recovered yet. It was only amid her anxiety. When the curtain was opened, two fierce girls directly approached to catch her as she was about to run, and then dragged her here, only to realize that not only were those girls not fooled, and even this little princess had no nothing to do.

I thought that the two girls and women were fierce enough, that they knew that the little princess looked at a weak woman so soft and gentle, and her heart was so cruel.

Xi Liang Mo nonchalantly kicked her and only said to Bai Rui, Bai Yu and others, "Get down first, take off these Tianli believers' clothes and put them on."

Bai Rui was a bit puzzled and looked at these Tianli believers in disgust: "Miss, why do we want to change these stinky men's clothes?"

Seeing these stinky men with wrinkled clothes and a lot of mud, I don't know how many days they don't bathe.

Xi Liang Mo groped for those people's swords one by one, took the dagger, hid them separately, and said: "The Qiushan is quite large, if the beasts of the Xiliang family come towards me, I will not have him. scared. I'm just hiding in the forest, but I'm worried that Tianli will teach more than these people. It's always good to do some preparations first. "

Xilianghe is not an impulsive person. He colluded with the Tianli cultists, if it were only to deal with her, it would be a bit too low.

Now that the situation is not clear, it is better to be more cautious.

Bai Rui and Bai Yu did a bit, and immediately followed his instructions. After a while, they took off some relatively clean clothes from the Tianli cultists that did not have the ability to resist, and went to the adjoining room with Mother Bai to change their clothes.

Mother Bai looked at Xi Liang Mo hesitantly, trying to say something, but after all, she turned her head and left.

Xiliang Mo turned away from his maid and Mother Bai, and took a brocade bag from her waist, sprinkled something on it, and then threw it into the air, coldly saying, "Mei Five, Mei Six, Mei Qi, let these people take each of these medicines, the blue one for the people of Tianlijiao, and the red one for the teacher and the princess's cousin. "

A black figure appeared out of nowhere and took the medicine out of the air, then immediately distributed it to the other two men in black who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. His common characteristic clothes were embroidered with a blood-red lotus flower. .

Xi Liangmin watched the black clothed people move quickly and did not know what method they used to force the other party to open their mouths and wipe the powdered medicine in the other party's mouth. Those people began to tremble.

He was so scared that his face was pale and he hissed, "You ... what are you going to do!"

Do you really want ...

"What, didn't I just say what I just said? Cousin is so kind to entertain me, I always have to pay and enjoy it." Xi Liang Mo smiled patronizingly at him.

Red medicine is the base and blue medicine is the root. It was originally a veterinary medicine. She has slightly improved it and can cause people to lose their minds, blood, and violent abnormalities. He added a smile to these medicines, part of the antidote for these people, these people are going to regain some strength, although it is not enough to escape, it is enough to do certain things.

Mei Qi had already reached out to pinch Xi Liangmin, who was screaming and desperately shaking his head. How could Xi Liangmin allow him to feed the medicine and bite Mei Qi's hand in a hurry? A bloody light flashed across Mei Qi's eyes. With an expressionless 'Kaba', Xi Liangmin's chin clenched cruelly, and at her painful cry, half of the red medicine was poured directly into her mouth.

Xi Liang Mo watched him shrink into a ball of pain, and did not hesitate to order, "Once the matter is over, don't let anyone here escape."

Since these people have the courage to stand up to the court and take action against it, they should naturally have the courage to accept that fate.

In Xi Liang Min's pain, he still heard the sound as a reminder and looked at her in extreme horror and resentment: "Xi Liang Mo, what a vicious heart!"

How could a man of eight feet and a six-foot man, how could he be humiliated and killed by others?

Xi Liang Mo's lips curved into an indifferent smile: "Thanks for the compliment, it's better than you beasts who even deal with your own blood."

After that, he turned around and left. Xiliang Mo didn't want Bai Rui and Bai Yu to see the bloody scenes, so they fired them. Now Bai Rui should change her clothes.

As soon as he stepped out of the curtain, he saw Bai Yu and the others approach, and the curtain behind her whinnied and gasped like a beast, accompanied by bursts of screaming and crying.

Bai Rui and Bai Yu are no longer the naive girls they were at first, and they probably know Xi Liang Mo's temperament, and the people in them won't end well. Although they looked pale after hearing the screams, they still calmly waited. Following instructions from Xiliang Mo.

Xi Liang Mo thought for a moment and led everyone back to her room. Her room was the best place to see.

She opened the window, narrowed her eyes, and listened intently.

The night is heavy, the cold wind whispers and the lights flicker in the forest. The hot springs run by the family temple are scattered throughout the upper part and half of the Qiushan mountain side. The location is different, as if only the sound of the wind whistling through the forest.

But I still heard the faint sound of Jin Ge being hit by the wind and the screams of the people. Although this sound was not loud, it was enough to explain one thing.

Xiliang Mo slightly condensed his brows and began to ponder.

There are definitely more than these Tianli believers sneaking into Huaqing Lake here. Tonight seems destined to be a sleepless night.

I don't know if the Yasukuni Palace family members have been killed?

"Miss, what should we do now?" Bai Yu is an extremely caring and sensitive person. Seeing Xi Liang Mo's expression, she knew that the situation was a bit bad.

"We have all changed the clothes of the Tianli cultists, we will wipe our faces with incense ash after the meeting, and then ..." Xiliang Mo paused, and his eyes were sharp and authentic: "Burn the temple! family!"

She seems like she is really destined to shoot or she had enmity with the Xiliang family in her previous life.

"Lady, this ... this ... I can't help it, it will be condemned by heaven!" Mother Bai was shocked. She could understand why Xiliang Mo burned the Xiliang family, and she could understand her treatment of those who tried to violate her. People are not ruthless.

But ... Burning the family temple is equivalent to digging the ancestor's grave. How can it be done?

Even Bai Yu and Bai Rui looked at Xi Liang Mo in disbelief.

Xiliang Mo knows that in her thinking of this age, the ancestral tombs and ancestral temples are the most important things, and they should not move, but she does not have these taboos, and only calms mother Bai with a smile: "Mother. Don't worry, Xiliang's family is so downcast and shameless in their actions, that they should have been condemned long ago. Now Mo'er is walking towards the sky and burning the family temple, which can be considered as a warning to them. ".

"Wha ... what?" Mother Bai was dizzy from Xi Liang Mo's pun, she only felt that there was some truth, and it seemed that there was no reason. She just looked at Xi Liang Mo in a daze, wanting to refute, but then don't know how to refute him.

And Bai Rui and Bai Yu, the two Wei Xi Liang Mo, were Zun's girls, and they had already prepared candles, lamp oil, and the like.

Waiting for everything to be packed up and properly fixed, the Meiwu, Meiliu, and Meiqi who were sent by Li's supervisor along with Xiliang Mo finished their slaughter and returned to Xiliang Mo.

"Reported to the princess, 16 people, all killed, subordinates beheaded 14 people, Xi Liang Min and the host died of a broken body." Mei Wu arched her hands, without any emotion.

Bai Rui's complexion was a little green when he heard the words, Xiliang Mo nodded without changing his face, and then ordered, "The nuns in the family temple will not see the host. They will definitely go to Huaqing Pool to look for him. Let's hide in the host. first. Wait for the people of Tianli to enter before setting fire to their residence! "

The Tianli teaching people discovered that the believer who had gone out to perform the task had tragically died, and they would definitely report to their guardian leader. For a while, they panicked and guessed. At this time, it is the best way to start the fire. And it can cause a lot of panic, and they got out of here themselves without a problem!

Although the martial arts of Mei 5, Mei 6 and Mei 7 are strong, it is not easy to take their female relatives to escape safely.

It's not easy to lurch here, waiting for opportunities, and ...

Xi Liang Mo looked at the moonlight and narrowed his eyes slightly. The people she was waiting for should be arriving soon.


At that moment, a great clamor was suddenly heard nearby, swords and fists, horse neighing, and even the anger and screams of many people.

There seem to be a lot of people at war.

Xiliang Mo slightly furrowed his brows and immediately opened the window. Looking down from above, he saw a group of people heading towards the family temple not far from the family temple. Behind the group of people was a large group of soldiers chasing, yelling and striking to kill.

"Hugh has to run, kill them!"

"People who dare to pretend to be us, kill these canine fish and meat officials!"


Xiliang Mo was shocked, how come the government people came? Could it be that Bailiqing's movements were so fast?

But looking at the person who was chased and fleeing in shame, it didn't seem to be the same.

Xiliang Mo simply asked, "Is this your person?"

Mei Wu said coldly: "Our supervisor of ceremonies would rather die than run away!"

Since they are not the superintendents of the rites, could it be that people from other government offices have discovered something wrong?

Xi Liang Mo bit his lower lip and a sharp light flashed in his eyes: "Don't worry about those people, let's go to the host's room first according to the established plan!"

It doesn't matter if these people are from the government or not, since they have been discovered by the people of Tianli, and they are obviously missing, she naturally cannot help them. Now it's good not to feel burdened by this bunch of idiots who rushed to get rid of them.

Xi Liang Mo turned his head and ordered the crowd to quietly head to the presidency room immediately. The two or three nuns encountered along the way were first treated by Meiwu and others.

The host's room was near another relatively secluded Falling Creek valley on the mountainside, and the scenery was great too - at this time, this place was extremely quiet. Xiliang Mo and others hid them in various places in the room, covering their figures.

Meiwu's first-class assassin was hung directly from the beam and hidden in the shade.

And under the bed and in the cabinet are naturally the two weakest people, Bai Yu and Bai Rui. After Xiliang Mo chose a closet by the window, his light work is already pretty good, so if something goes wrong then you can jump in. out of the window and escape to the valley.

There was a strange silence in the air in the room, as if there was no one.

But the noise in the distance gradually grew louder, and the group of people outside planned to enter the family temple and used the family temple as a fortress to resist the teaching of the Tianli people.

And not everyone knows that the host has colluded with the Tianli masters. Seeing such a scene, they were already scared and fled. Those who broke into the temple gate ignored these nuns, but closed the temple tightly. The gates, each occupying the upper part of the wall, shot arrows or fought each other with swords and arrows.

Several people were guarding their own master and rushing to the temple, one of them caught a nun and asked her anxiously: "What about the medicine, take out all the medicine for the wounds, otherwise you will take your head off?"

The little nun saw the blood on the person's body, with a hideous face, and a long knife in her hand hanging over her head. She was shaking with fear. Before she could say a word, she rolled her eyes and passed out with a pop. .

Seeing the moisture under the other part, Mo Xiang was so angry that he threw the nun to the ground, cursing under his breath: "Useless things are afraid to urinate!"

Si Chengqian covered his bloody shoulders and said with a pale face to Mo Xiang, "Go and ask the host of the temple!"

Mo Xiangdelling turned his face away and yelled at the nuns that they were too late to run and crouched on the ground trembling in fear, and yelled, "Bring your host!"

Seeing their bloodstained knives, most of the nuns were completely incoherent with fear, but the older ones screamed, "Host ... host ... dead!"

She knew about the host, and she just wanted to see if the host was done, so she could figure out how to divide the money. But as soon as the Huaqing Pool curtain was opened, she saw blood flow all over the place, and the host was everywhere, naked death was extremely miserable and terrifying.

She was so scared that she went out and called someone when she ran into these evil stars and rushed inside.

passed away?

The people in the temple suddenly became alert, could a thief with the principles of heaven break in?

Then, Si Chengqian looked, and Mo Xiang immediately brought in two guards to mention that they forced the old nun to watch the scene.

Not long after, Mo Xiang returned with a cold face. He didn't expect to see such a bloody image. Most of the dead were people taught by Tianli, and the killing method was swift and extremely cruel. It was almost like torture, which she reminded him of. A person ...

Mo Xiangfu then whispered into Si Chengqian's ear, and Si Chengqian's eyebrows instantly twisted, her face turned gloomy.

Did it turn out to be the tactic used by Master Tai Fu?

In other words, did Bailiqing also find out that this is the Tianli Sect's hideout?

That person is truly omnipresent!

This caused Si Chengqian to instantly feel a complex emotion mixed with depression and oppression.

"If Master Tai Fu has discovered that there is a problem here, the ceremonial overseer's staff will arrive soon and we will be safe." Mo Xiang is completely reluctant to keep the prince's pride right now, but he feels lucky. The prince is already injured, if there is another accident, he really will not survive.

The others also felt a moment of relief and rejoiced.

Mo Xiang then sent someone to inform the guards below to fully defend themselves and await rescue.

The news made all the combat guards angry, not once have they heard that the prison guard, an institution that represents the power, the blood and the darkness of the court, is as happy as this time.

No matter how unhappy Si Chengqian is, he must also admit Mo Xiang's views. This time, he was too eager for quick success. The strength of Li's supervisor's staff is not comparable to that of his guards. The supervisor belongs to Him ...

Mo Xiang didn't know what his master was thinking, his number one task now was to find medicine to treat the arrow wound on his master's shoulder.

In order to please Mo Xiang and be able to survive, the old nun immediately moved all the medicines, even said flatteringly: "Master, there is the best medicine in the temple in the presiding room, and the poor nun will take you to get that!"

Mo Xiang looked at his subordinates who were cleaning the wounds or bringing water for the prince. He dispelled the idea of letting the others go, and decided to go there alone, by the way, to see if there was anything else that could be used.

At this moment, Mo Xiang did not know what this small decision was, but then it caused a series of waves.

He carried the knife and led only one guard to the host's wing.

As the wing room grew more and more remote, Mo Xiang's original readiness relaxed, he lifted her up again and carefully looked at the dark corridors around him.

The old nun didn't notice. Holding the crazy wind lantern, she opened the door to the room she presided over and smiled flatteringly: "Master, this is the place. The poor nun will take you to find the medicine."

From the brightness of some lights, although the room was a bit dark, it seemed that there was no problem when it was empty.

Mo Xiang relaxed a bit, followed the old nun and looked around her.

The old nun chanted Amitabha Buddha in her heart and quickly dismissed these evil stars so that she could divide the host's money.

So I opened some drawers to get the medicine, swept up all the golden medicine, and gave it to Mo Xiang.

Mo Xiang had checked and pulled out some clean cloth towels such as sheets, wrapped up the medicine, and was about to leave, but suddenly he felt something was wrong. He seemed to hear the breathing of more than three people.

As the first bodyguard expert, Mo Xiang can naturally hear something wrong, but today's internal aura is a bit messy, causing him to ignore it, but at this moment he suddenly realized the problem, and finally his Suspicious eyes fell on the bed in the Zen room.

If he was a little careless, maybe there would be no further disturbances.

But at this moment, he narrowed his eyes, grabbed a bottle, and crashed under the bed. Sure enough, he heard a slight gasp, and then the bottle suddenly snapped in half.

A black shadow attacked him like a ghost as if he appeared out of nowhere. He was not surprised and immediately confronted him. As soon as he met, he discovered that the opponent's martial arts were extremely high, and he did not lose to himself. not at all, and the road was strange and cruel.

"Damn it, there's an ambush!" Mo Xiang yelled, blocking the path of the black shadow with a horizontal knife, trying to get his subordinates to go to the front immediately to inform him.

At the same time, a woman's voice suddenly sounded cold and merciless: "Take as little time as possible to solve them, don't lead people to us!"

Following his order, another ghostly shadow ran towards the guard who was trying to escape. They were nothing more than the incomprehensible martial arts of a third-class guard, but the other party used two or three tricks. The two black daggers stabbed through the heart and sliced through the vocal cords of the neck. Without even shouting, the guard fell to the ground.

Mo Xiang also blew out a cluster of blood, and when the light from the sword flashed, the old nun who was trembling and screaming by the door also fell gently to the ground.

The cold, slender figure standing in the moonlight with her back to him, holding a blood-soaked sword, wearing a yellow robe, a blue headscarf, and a dark blue cape with a red background.

Tianli teach? !

There are even masters in Tianli teaching here!

Mo Xiang was shocked. Following that person's command, the man in black who had just killed his subordinate also joined Mo Xiang's siege. Mo Xiang suddenly felt exhausted and immediately tried to escape to report the letter.

It's just that between moves, the opponent's body is strange, and all the swords are blocking his way. Although his wide-ranging martial arts approach may temporarily resist, he fell to the ground and was unable to get out. He could only be beaten passively. , and his body was bruised.

"Kill him immediately!" The cold voice of the woman in the Tianli sect outfit rang out again.

At this time, the third black figure also joined the attack on himself, one block and one, Mo Xiang still has a chance to win, but he fell into complete despair, bloodied, but the sword aura of the three assassins was fierce. Mo Xiang was so oppressed that he couldn't speak at all, he could only clench his teeth and was about to die on the spot.

But at this moment, there was suddenly a loud call to kill not far from the front.

It turns out that the Tianli cultists also knew that if they couldn't attack until dawn, if they leaked the news, they would face cruel strangulation from the government and the priest.

They were very familiar with the Qiushan Family Temple, although could attack from the front door, a small leader led people to sneak through the other side door, losing the ability to confront.

He can only run away while he fights.

Si Chengqian hastily evacuated the interior of the temple under the protection of the dead.

But at this moment, Mo Xiang fought with the Mei Wuyi sword on his shoulders and desperately shouted, "Master, here are the remnants of Tianli's teaching, run away ... ah!"

Originally, Si Chengqian and the guards planned to evacuate to the other side, but when they thought of hearing Mo Xiang's roar from the other side at this time, they heard that Mo Xiang was fleeing from the noisy side and they thought that Mo Xiang had a way out. He suddenly he rushed to this end.

The teacher and Mo Xiang's colleagues who were looking at him rushed to this side, suddenly dumbfounded.

Xi Liang Mo originally looked at people to resolve, but let out a cry. Instead, he attracted all the people who were far away, even the ones who had Tianli's teachings. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "Pay attention to this idiot, sweetheart. Six, Mei Qi, take Bai Yu and Bai Rui with you, and I will retire to the valley separately with Mother Bai and Mei Wu. After sunrise, we will meet on the way to the mountain below the mountain! "

Bai Yu and Bai Rui had crawled out of the bed and cabinet, glaring at the dying man found in his hiding place, and they wanted to cut him off.

Mother Bai had already nervously looked to this side with sword in hand, listening to the master's order, Li asked Meiliu and Meiqi to help Baiyu and Bairui out of the window.

Xiliang Mo estimated that it would be too late to await rescue here right now, and now he can only rely on himself.

Relying on his and Mei Qi's abilities, if you only meet a small group of Tianli believers, you won't have to worry about your life. I'm afraid it will be troublesome if there are too many people. Fortunately, everyone changed their clothes in the beginning, and they can cover it for a while.

Xi Liang Mo saw Bai Rui and Bai Yu go out the window. He was about to crawl out, and a sharp sword slammed into the window with a screech. With this hesitation, Si Chengqian had already led people to run here. .

Si Chengqian and others originally thought there was a way out, so they saw the valley and the forest outside the window in the moonlight. They were very happy, but the next moment they seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and the people who had the right to teach were already here, and he killed a guard and seriously injured Mo Xiang.

There were soldiers chasing behind and snipers in front. Most of his own people were dead and he was never rescued. Si Chengqian almost felt extremely desperate. Was he going to die in heaven? !

Desperate, he blushed and yelled angrily, "Kill this group of chaotic officials and thieves!"

The East Palace guards were also desperate, awakening the last bloodthirsty temper and rushing forward independently.

"Kill the thief from the Tianli Sect!"

"If you die, I'll be back!"

Xi Liang Mo was scared and angry, and she could hardly help but yell at the stupid, but the situation was as anxious as a spark, and it was urgent that she had to draw her sword and swing her sword at each other.

Mei Wu first rushed up noiselessly and cut through many people at once, but the room was small and crowded, so he couldn't play well and was restricted everywhere.

Mei Six and Mei Seven looked outside Xi Liang Mo in a dangerous situation, they immediately turned around and turned, Bai Yu and Bai Rui also rushed back immediately.

But Xiliang Mo brandished a sword filled with blood on a guard, turned his head and coldly shouted, "Mei Six, Mei Seven, immediately take them to the fastest speed, otherwise, I will die here."

"To lose!"


Bai Yu and Bai Rui were shocked. They had decided to live and die together with Xiliang Mo. They were about to run back anyway. Meiliu and Meiqi had already stopped. The order they received was to protect Xi regardless of her life or death. Liang Mo, if Xi Liang Mo lost his life because of them, it would be a task of self-destruction, and only life is better than death!

So the two of them only hesitated for a moment, and they immediately turned around to pick up Bai Rui and Bai Yu regardless of their struggles, gradually disappearing into the dark night forest in a few jumps.

At this moment, under the cover of Meiwu She's body, Mother Bai jumped out the window and was about to drag Xiliang Mo away, only to find that Si Chengqian's sword was had tangled with Xiliang Mo.

Si Chengqian's gaze is very accurate. The little man in front of him must be an important person among these few people. Seeing that there are such masters around them, if they can capture the next person, they might still survive. !

So he blocked Xi Liang Mo's escape route everywhere, but he didn't want Xi Liang Mo's life.

Xiliang Mo was anxious, but for a while, he couldn't understand what this person was going to do. In the dark, he couldn't see the other person's face. He also did not know which person wanted to make him speak, but the other person did not give him the opportunity to speak, the pressure was such that he could only avoid it and her body ached.

He has only studied martial arts for a few months, and his skill is not very exquisite, but his inner breathing is long and light work is very good, but he has no room to show off.

Now that Mei Wu is tangled up, Mother Bai stops by the window again, she has nothing to do!

When the two sides played against each other, she knew that she was not the other side's opponent, and gradually she was forced to stay away from the valley window, instead she was forced to go to another window nearby. from the edge of the cliff. .

It is not very accurate to say that it is a cliff. It can only be said that it is a very steep and long slope, almost eighty degrees of slope. You can only see an endless bush in the distance from the bottom of the slope. , and I don't know where to lead. The steep slope is covered with wattle.

Xiliang Mo was anxious and there was no time to brush the poisonous powder from her waist. When he saw an incense burner on the side, he took a large amount of incense ash and addressed Si Chengqian with a loud cry: "Look. My one hundred snakes and one thousand spiders are poison powder!

If Chengqian felt bad when she saw a handful of gray things thrown in front of him, accompanied by the wild name that the other party drank, and at the same time was furious, what a despicable Tianli teaching demon!

Dodge the poisonous powder Su Na, he kicked towards Xi Liang Mo, wanting to kick him, but he didn't want Xi Liang Mo to be very good, so he dodged it all at once, even turned around behind him and took the opportunity to hit his lap. With a violent kick, the entire person also tried their best to hit Si Chengqian's back, knocking Si Chengqian out of the window. She chuckled, "Get out of here! Idiot!"

If Chengqian was caught off guard to avoid being hit out the window, and when he looked at the steep slope, he felt desperate and cold in his heart!

Feeling like the other party was knocked out the window by herself, Xi Liangmo was delighted and was about to retreat, but she didn't want to turn around and she was grabbed by a large hand behind her cloak. Her strength was almost in the west. Liang Mo also crawled out the window.

Xi Liang Mo was shocked, he thrust a sword into the window lattice, but only slowed the momentum of the fall for a few seconds. The strong arms of the man behind him suddenly wrapped around his slim waist like a snake, and a man heard from his ear. He whispered viciously, "Follow the prince to hell! It is also your blessing to be with the prince!"

Under the drag of the enormous gravity, for a short time, even Mei Wu, who was shocked and flew to the rescue, had no time to help, and saw the two of them scream and fall straight down the steep slope. like a rolling stone. Disappeared in plain sight.

"The prince!"

"The prince!"

"To lose!"


Numerous exclamations rang out at the same time, and Mei Wu silently turned around with a sword and forced the tangled guards behind him back. Without hesitation, he jumped off the steep slope and rolled down.


And this end, at Qiushan's feet, next to the precious sandalwood car, the man in black has already knelt on the ground.

"Can't find it? If you can't find it, look for it again, otherwise, you can raise your head and see this seat!" Standing next to the car, Baili Qingman said casually, as if she didn't care. her a lot about the task she assigned, but she originally he was holding her. The golden teacup in his hand instantly turned to porcelain powder in his hand, and he knew he was already angry.

Who does not know that the wrath of the nine thousand years must be appeased at the cost of flesh and blood.

The people of Meibu and Shadowbu immediately said in a solemn voice, "Yes!"

Seeing the dead who were used to the slaughter of life and death, under the lifeless eyes of Bailiqing as the prison of the nine ghosts, they could not prevent their pupils from shrinking a little and their bodies shrinking.

Bailiqing had been slow, and reluctantly reached the foot of the mountain, he received a report from the shadow club to report that there were Tianli believers in Qiu Mountain, and the momentum was enormous and the behavior was strange. At that time, Bailiqing ordered his subordinates to rush in and send people to keep sniffing for news.

Unexpectedly, they came and listened, but they only knew that the princess had disappeared, and the situation was not so wonderful, and even the envoys Meiwu, Meiliu, Meiqi and others lost contact.

Seeing everyone from Meibu and Shadowbu disappear into the forest, Xiao Shengzi immediately brought the re-served hot tea closer and said in a shrill voice: "The governor does not have to be angry, it is not good to hurt his body! princess is so smart, there must be a natural outlook for lucky people! "

Bailiqing had a gloomy and charming face, took a sip of tea, as if it had calmed his emotions, and then coldly snorted, "Who said this guy is worried about that stinky girl, but he belongs to this guy? than a chess piece, but the people of Tianli taught Qiushan as a fortress, and the spies of our head of ceremonies did not realize that those thieves had done something so great! Do you think Xiaolianzi? This seat is a good account of what he did as a spy leader! "

It's a hundred mile, nine thousand year old thing. Before he can play enough, he can only touch and kill. Ordinary people just have a coveted look, and they have to squeeze their eyes out!

Now your thousand-year-old Lord has just carefully raised a funny little fox and a little apprentice. He hasn't even touched half of his hair and hasn't had a bite yet. If he is gone, how can he not do? He is so angry that he wants to kill!

Speaking of the ending, the haze and bloody air in Bailiqing made Xiao Shengzi, who often accompanied him aside, dare not look up.

I just whispered in my heart. In the past, I did not see the Dugong that he was so furious about a toy, you jumped in anger and even angered your loyal subordinates. The weight of this little princess as a toy is too heavy, to make them loyal. All subordinates prove it ...

But Xiao Shengzi didn't dare to speak freely, so he could only honestly watch Bailiqing get angry, and then he followed him to yell at Meiwu, Mei6, and Meiqi for "useless trash, no one can look good"!

After a while, someone from the shadow club suddenly approached and said something in Xiao Shengzi's ear. When Xiao Shengzi heard him, he secretly smiled. What happened these days?

After hearing the news reported by Xiao Shengzi, Bailiqing was not as impatient as he thought, but he raised a delicate eyebrow and said, "The prince is also hunting these Tianli and teaching Yu Dang, and he is missing?"


Bailiqing groaned for a moment and said coldly, "The people from the Life Shadow Department searched for the girl and also checked where the fool Si Chengqian went. Her life is still useful at the moment."

Xiao Shengzi is speechless, this is really ... The person sad and not fate?

All of them are disciples of the millennial Lord, and the deal is really on two levels: just by the way ... verify the whereabouts of the prince of a country.

On the west side of Xiangshan Mountain, after an unknown period of time, under a group of meadows, a figure moved and Xi Liangmo opened his eyes with difficulty.