Chapter 3

Evan's POV

Class just started an half an hour later. We didn't start on our lessons since its just the first day, so its orientation at the moment. I'm kind of annoyed by this. I mean I understand that this orientation is targeted to the new students but I don't see the point for me to attend. Also there is only two new students in this class, why must we suffer from the boredom of hearing this again?

I looked to my left and saw Alistair looking down at his phone, scrolling through his Twitter. I looked to my right and saw Jacob's head on his arms on his desk, sleeping with a slight snore. I chuckled and shook my head, I already expected that this would happen. A phone on my left moved forward and I knew that Alistair is taking a picture of Jacob. We both chuckled and we gave each other a fist bump.

"I think he'll look good with a bow, don't you think?" Alistair said.

I looked down at his phone and saw Jacob's sleeping picture on a editing app.

"Give him some makeup, too." I chuckled.

Twenty minutes have passed and we only just reached page ten of our handbooks. I was playing on my phone, Alistair reading a manga, and Jacob still asleep. Miss Crystal, our adviser and research teacher, was still talking while standing up.

When I first stepped into this class I groaned mentally when I saw Miss Crystal sitting on her desk. We had her as our adviser last year so why is she our adviser this year again? I swear she is the most strictest teacher I have ever met. Usually when you have a teacher they are usually a bit strict, but they sometimes adjust our deadlines and help us when we're in trouble with an assignment. Miss Crystal is not like those other teachers. I mean we had a hard time last year that Jacob barely passed her class. Also she never miss a chance to give punishment. It was a nightmare, let me tell you. Now we have to repeat that same nightmare this year, too.

For those who don't know I took up the Arts and Design Track, which I expect it to be easy because I'm aiming to be a filmmaker. Why do we have too many academic subjects than actual art and design? Miss Crystal is far than the artsy type.

The school bell finally rang, meaning it's our first break time of the day. Jacob finally woke up with a huge grin on his face. Everyone started to get up but Miss Crystal called for Jacob.

"You, Mr. Harver." Miss Crystal called out. "I would like you to stay."

Jacob groaned while me and Alistair giggled. It was expected anyways.

"We'll get you something to eat later, dude." I said.

Me and Alistair walked out of the class with Jacob staying put. I turned to Alistair once we were outside.

"I'm not hungry, so I'll probably take a breather." I said.

"Alright, dude." Alistair said. "See you later."

We walked separate ways. I head to the one place I thought that can give me air to breathe and some alone time: the roof.

The roof is probably my favorite place to get some alone time. No one ever comes up there. The roof is actually a bit safe. There is a door that lead to a flat cemented roof with tall railways that are used to avoid accidents. The air is so much cooler, even on summer days. Though this is Baguio, hot days are rare.

I opened the door to the roof and discovered that I am not alone. Leaning on the railway is the boy I bumped into earlier. He was asleep with his head a bit low and his mouth slightly open, not big enough for a fly to come in. He has his guitar laid across on his legs and on top of it was a sketchbook of some kind. I walked towards the boy to see what was on the sketchbook and saw a drawing of an anime, probably an original character since I have never seen this character before, especially since I watched a lot of anime.

The boy must have felt my presence because he slowly stirred up awake. He blinked a few times and looked up at me. His eyes widened and struggled to get up.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said quickly. "I didn't mean to disturb you or scare you. I just didn't expect to see someone here."

He stopped and calmed down a bit.

"Oh, do you go here for alone time, too?" He asked. "I'm sorry. I'll head back downstairs."

"Oh, no need." I said. "Its just the two of us here anyways, so lets share this spot together."

"Uhm, are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, its not problem." I said with a smile.

I sat down beside him and he stared at me for a few seconds before going back to his drawing.

"Nice drawing." I said. "Original character?"

"Thanks, and uh, yeah." he said softly.

"I'm Evan Johannes." I said, reaching out my hand for a handshake.

He looked at my extended hand and slowly reached out for it for a handshake. He quickly pulled away.

"Beaumont." He said. "Beaumont Evergreen, or Beau."

"Huh, cool name."

"Thank you."

He kept drawing and I noticed his guitar bag on his lap.

"Do you play guitar?" I asked.

"No." He said softly.

That's strange.

"Are you a learner?" I asked.

"Something liked that." He said

"Can I borrow it for a bit? I want to see what kind of guitar you have."

He froze and looked at me for a few seconds, probably debating if he should lend it to me. Finally he took out his guitar out of it's bag and handed it to me. I inspected the guitar. Its colored back with a bit of red as outlines. Its a pretty cool design for a guitar, simple yet cool. But I noticed that the D string, or the forth string, is gone.

"Hey," I said, "where's the D string?"

"The what?" He asked.

"It's the forth string of the guitar."

"Oh, it snapped."

"Why not change it?"

"... I don't know."

This boy is a mystery to me. He brought a guitar without knowing anything about playing it, as well as not changing the string. Who does that?

"I have extra guitar strings in my bag." I said. "You can have it. I can put it as well."

"Oh really?" He asked with wide eyes. "You don't have to."

"No, I insist." I said with a smile. "It's just a leftover anyways from the manager of a music store. I have no need for it and it's just one strand."

I pulled out my wire cutters and guitar string from my bag. I noticed that the strings on Beau's guitar is plain colored silver while the spare string I have is red.

"Sorry." I said. "Its red, so it might stand out from the rest. But its suits your guitar though. It's just temporary anyways."

I attached the red string on the D chord. After attaching it I tuned it. One the melody is in perfect harmony I play a short tune. I looked to my side to see Beau looking at me and the guitar back and forth with wide eyes.

"There." I said. "The string stands out but its fine. I'll bring new strings when I have the chance."

"Oh, no need." He said. "Its fine the way it is. Thank you very much."

"Your welcome, Beau." I said with a smile, putting the guitar back in it's bag and handing it to him.

The bell rang, meaning break time is over. I sighed and got up.

"Looks like break time is over." I said. "It was nice meeting you, Beau. I hope to see you again."

I smiled at him and he stares at me.

"Yeah." He said with a small smile. "Nice to meet you, too."

I gave him a thumbs up before leaving the roof.

In my mind I though when would we see each other again, because I want to.