
Date- 7 April 2321

Time- 15:58

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Card Creationist Association, Auction House

"Chris Ainsworth ran away!"

"In the surveillance footage, Chris just vanished out of thin air." 

"He must have used a high-level teleportation card."

"I can't believe he ran away after all that big words he spoke."

"What did you expect from a Westerner?"

"His forefathers ran away with their tails between their legs during the monster war and now Chris ran away knowing he was going to lose." 

"Back then those Westerners escaped the accountability of their actions and now their descendant is doing the same, escaping the accountability for his actions."

"What are you guys talking about?" 

"Kid, anybody who lived through the monster war era knows what I am talking about."