Q&A Page

Date- 7 April 2321

Time- 16:23

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Card Creationist Association, Auction House

"Get out of my VR-Saferoom," Volunteer No.2 yelled at Volunteer No.1 believing he was invading his VR-Saferoom. 

"Friend, relax. My image in your VR-Saferoom is just an illusion," Volunteer No.1 seemed to be getting the hang of the VR-Cocoon card. 

"Volunteer No.1, why don't you invite Volunteer No.2 into your VR-Saferoom and together watch the live stream of the card demonstration?" I ordered Volunteer No.1 and addressed the audience, "Multiple consciousnesses can enter a VR-Saferoom as long as they have the permission of the admin of the said VR-Saferoom."

Entering the VR-Saferoom of the Volunteer No.1 Volunteer No.2 was surprised and said, "Wait, you can watch a video while on a video call? Fuck, isn't this awesome?"