Superfluous Letter

Eun's eyes glided across the paper, skimming through the contents of the letter. His mouth was pressed into a straight line. He could feel the others' eyes burning into his face, waiting. Waiting, for him to say something, anything.

He looked up from the paper and sighed. He looked at the other members who were returning his look with their own curious one.

"What is it about hyung?" Iseul spoke up, his voice, soft.

"It's a letter from the Orchids." That was all that needed to be said for silence to take over once again.

A letter from the Orchids only meant one thing. A warning. Usually, such letters were sent to let them know that they had a target on their back. But for then to get a warning when nothing had occurred at all left them nonplussed. Yet they knew one thing, they were going to get killed. The letter was a death threat from the Orchids, their rival gang. Eun, Jiwon, Young Jae and Iseul were a set, and they were a part of the Oasis. However, what baffled them was that none of them have done anything to provoke the Orchids so they were all quite confused.

"What are you going to do?" Young Jae asked.

Eun sighed, massaging his face with the heels of his palms, clearly stressed.

"I don't know," the raw honesty in his voice was all it took for the members to slowly approach him. Jiwon encircled his arms around their leader, hugging him. Iseul took the letter from his hands and read through it, Young Jae doing the same from over his shoulder.

The fact that his parents were no longer around had taken a toll on Eun's mental stability. The usually level-headed and quick-thinking man had been replaced with a mourning son who couldn't tell what was right and wrong.

Young Jae frowned as he wondered what had caused this letter to be issued to them. They most definitely didn't need this threat hanging over their heads with so much going on.

"It's going to be okay. We'll figure it out; we always do," Jiwon said, tightening his embrace on Eun. Burying his head deeper into Jiwon's chest, Eun sniffled, his fingers pulling at the hem of Jiwon's shirt.

Iseul and Young Jae looked at the sight in front of them, understanding how the loss of a loved one could affect a person. They looked at each other and without a word, swiftly left the room, heading in the same direction.

Young Jae climbed into the van and started up the engine as Iseul clambered in, letter in hand.

They knocked on the door, letting themselves in, not waiting for approval to enter.

The steady thrum of machines beeping and whirring could be heard as they shuffled in. Computer screens covering a significant space on the walls of the huge room

A man was pacing around, eyes moving from one screen to another.

"What are you guys doing here?" The man prompted, glancing at the screen in front of him.

Iseul pulled the letter out of his pocket and displayed it in front of him.

"We got a death threat from the Orchids, Boss,"

That made him turn around, an eyebrow cocked as he stared at the limp piece of paper in Iseul's hand.

"What the fuck did you guys do?" He asked as he grabbed the paper, scanning through it.

Iseul and Young Jae grimaced at his accusing tone.

"We didn't do anything, Geumjae hyung," Young Jae grounded out

Said man looked up from the paper, his eyes narrowing, calculating.

"Whatever, that doesn't matter the most right now. We need you to keep away from the Den for a while. All of you. Do your dealings at the warehouse. Always have guns on you, is that understood?" Geumjae advised them.

"But we're going to be targeted until we're dead. What are we supposed to do about that?" Iseul quipped.

Geumjae ran a hand through his hair, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the ground.

"I'll figure it out. Don't worry, I know what to do,"

Trusting their hyung, they walked out of the control room silently.

The ride back to the mansion was tense, both of them worried about what would happen soon.

They were still halfway from the mansion when, "Iseul," Young Jae voiced out.

Iseul pulled out a Glock from the glove compartment immediately. The strain in Young Jae's call to him was enough for Iseul to know that something was wrong. Judging from how Young Jae kept staring at the rearview mirror, he knew they were being tailed, and that an attack was about to happen in the next few minutes.

"Who is it?" Iseul said as he pulled out a few clips for easy access for reloading.

"Who else? Orchids," Young Jae growled.

Wordlessly nodding, Iseul turned around to get a view of the black Jeep that was following them.

"How many?"

"Four- no, five," Iseul answered, his mind whirring, planning their deaths.

"Can you-"

"Yes," not waiting for Young Jae to finish his question, Iseul interrupted.

"Don't question my ability, Jae," were Iseul's last words before the first bullet was shot.

Iseul ducked, laughing.

"Step on it, Jae," Iseul instructed. The van accelerated forward at an almost inhuman speed. Loading the gun, Iseul pulled the trigger. Smirking as his bullet met his mark, he reloaded the gun yet again.

"Losers think they can kill me that easily," he muttered under his breath.

It took Iseul ten minutes before all of the Orchids were down. The maniacal laugh bubbled past Iseul's lips as he saw the black Jeep swerve and hit the noise barrier.

"It scares me sometimes. How you find so much joy in killing," Young Jae sighed. Iseul let out a breathy laugh.

"Don't worry, Jae. I'll never kill you, I love you too much," Iseul teased him. They were nearing the mansion.

As they got out of the car, they saw a concerned Jiwon standing outside.

"Where did you guys go? You should no better than to just leave without saying a word. Especially with this stupid target on our backs.

"Relax hyung, we just went to see Geumjae hyung," Young Jae answered.

"Well, what did he say?"

"He's figuring something out. But for the time being, just be careful, no more dealings at the Den,"

Nodding, Jiwon ushered the both of them back into the house.