
A figure was approaching her and by their physique, she could tell it was a man. He strode towards her, a sinister smirk on his face. Squatting down right in front of her battered body, his calloused fingers gripped her chin, forcing her to look up.

Her eyes remained down, staring at his shoes. It wasn't a difficult task, looking down. She had already hit rock bottom. For here she was, the leader of Oasis, chained in a room, squatting in a corner. She shivered as a cool draft blew in through the vents in the ceiling as a sorry excuse of muslin scrap covered her body.

"Look at me," the man coaxed, his grip on her chin tightening. Her eyes stayed down.

"Look. At. Me." He punctuated every word, his fingers travelling down the column of her throat, fingers tightening at a deadly rate. She could feel the pressure constricting her windpipe. A gasp threatened to escape her throat, but she swallowed it, unrelenting. She could not show fear, she would not submit.

"Look at me, you bitch," he growled, his other hand making contact with her cheek. The sound of the slap resonated through the barren room. And yet, she did not flinch, despite the swelling that was occurring on the side of her face. She could taste the blood in her mouth, as a prickling sensation took over half her face.

Slowly, she dragged her eyes to meet those of her assailant. There was a shadow of a smug smile on his face, satisfied that he had successfully made her look up, that she had obeyed his orders.

"How does it feel to submit, huh?" he taunted, his voice unable to conceal the conceit he was currently swimming in. His eyes glimmered wickedly, arrogance glinting in them as he sighed pompously.

He folded his arms behind his head, leaning against the wall as he stared at the vents that were pushing out more wintry air.

She couldn't tolerate his satisfaction, he was an egotistical asshole who needed to be taught a lesson. In the middle of Afghanistan, hung upside down, butt ass naked and caned. With these thoughts, a "Fuck you," escaped her mouth as she spat the blood and saliva that was pooling in her mouth, on his face. A manic grin made its way up her face, seeing him freeze in his tracks as he processed what had just occurred.

She could see the anger that she had sparked within him. Within a blink of an eye, he had yanked her by her hair, pulling her face close to his. Her grin had not yet vanished, if anything, it was bigger. Her teeth stained with a pale red as remnants of her blood stuck on them.

"You little cunt," he growled. One hand gripped her hair, the other on her collar. She let out a small laugh.

"I don't take orders from brainless bastards like you," she choked out as he yanked on her hair harder.

"Is that so?" his voice lilted with fake curiosity. Without wasting another breath, he ripped open her shirt, buttons flying out.

"Let's see what else that mouth of yours has to say," he growled, unbuckling his belt. Wrapping a part of his belt around his hand, he swung the belt up high and brought it down onto her bare chest. She flinched as the leather came into contact with her breast, a painful gasp came out of her mouth. The burning sensation on her chest was unbearable but she would not give in.

He continued for an hour, revelling in her agony. The sound of her soft screams, the silent tears that were running down her face, he relished in it.

"That's enough," another voice sounded in the room. She craned her neck to see who the newcomer was. Although she didn't need to for she could recognise that voice anywhere. She squinted, trying to fixate her view to the woman who was standing a few feet away. Blinking away her tears, she squinched her eyes, trying to make out the woman's figure in the dim lighting.

As the blurriness dissipated, her blood ran cold.

Standing beside the future leader of the Orchids was her lover. Well, ex-lover.

"Ma'am," the man bowed deeply, retracting his belt.

"Has she said anything?"

"No, Ma'am,"

"Hmm, Dione… What would you recommend to get something out of her?" There was a pause before a hesitant reply dragged across Dione's tongue.

"A wire might be the best chance we have,"

Her heart stopped beating, it was like time had stopped. She could feel the blood pounding in her ears. Never in her lifetime, had she thought such a situation would arise again.

Fear began creeping up on her. She hadn't felt such fears in a long time. The walls were closing in on her, as she began hyperventilating. Horrifying memories were dredged up from the very depths of her brain as she saw the man bringing in a thin, cylindrical strand of metal.

A wire.

There was a perverse grin on his face as swung the wire up high. It crackled before catching the swollen side of her face. Blood gushed out from the ripped skin.

"Tell me what Oasis is planning to do."

She looked at him, armed with nothing but a glare.

"In your fucking dreams, jackass," she spat out defiantly.

"Dione, you said the wire would work. She hasn't said anything. I gave you a chance, now we're doing it my way. Jung Soo," she didn't like the implication of that order. At all.

Before she knew it, he had unzipped his fly and was stripping down. Roughly shoving her down to the floor, he ripped open threadbare pants. She could see the lust in his eyes that made her want to gag. She was disgusted.

"I'm going to enjoy this," he uttered, hovering over her. Her attempts to push him off was to no avail as her arms had been restricted by the chains. She struggled underneath him, trying to slip out of his grasp. His hands roamed her body, roughly groping and pinching her body. The pain that she felt was overwhelming, a sickening feeling running through her.

Yoora's eyes snapped open, ragged breaths coming out of her throat as she shot up and sat ramrod straight. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, as she recalled her dream. Well, nightmare.

"It's just a dream, it's just a dream," she chanted in her head, trying to calm her pounding heart. She ran her hands through her damp hair shakily, trying to calm her trembling hands. She gripped her duvet tightly, knuckles turning white.

Slipping out of bed, she silently padded towards the kitchen and filled a glass of water.

"Couldn't sleep?" she heard Areum's voice from behind her. Replying with a grim nod, she downed the drink in a single gulp.

"It's okay to not be okay, you know. You don't always have to be strong, and especially not in front of me," Areum wrapped her arms around Yoora, embracing her from behind. Yoora leaned into the hug, silently grateful for the tactile comfort that her friend was providing her.

Areum, she was a beautiful person just like her name. She had been through so much with Yoora, because of Yoora and yet, she stuck around. For that, Yoora would be eternally grateful.

"Come on, I'll sleep with you," they were both making it up the stairs when they heard the doorbell ring. They both stilled. The lazy atmosphere around them vanished as they hurried down the stairs. Areum drew out her gun from the waistband of her jeans as Yoora stood at the door, positioned to allow whoever was outside to enter. On Yoora's count to three, she opened the door, as Areum was getting ready to shoot the trespasser.

"Wait! It's just me. Geumjae," a panicked voice informed, flinching at the sight of Areum with a Glock in hand.

Both Areum and Yoora let out an aggravated sigh as they saw Geumjae crouching, knowing that this would happen.

"What are you even doing here? And so late at night?" Yoora growled, not appreciating the scare that he had caused them. Geumjae gulped nervously, squeezing his hands together.

"I need you to come back to the Oasis,"