"I hate this bitch! Why Me?!" was the first thing that I asked myself, and when I realized that it had become Hinata Hyuga.
I mean, even after she gets a get-out-of-jail-free pass and no longer has to be the heiress of the Hyuga Clan, she spends her life as a mindless distant follower of some loud-mouth bastard that would have been killed if the show wasn't named after him.
The fact that Talk no Jutsu was born because the MC talked his way through the hard shells around the hearts of mass-murderous villains tells me that there is something wrong with this world, and it's called plot armor. Something I don't get unless I'm hiding behind a tree gushing after Naruto.
Onsided wast of love aside. Here problem-solving skills suck. If she wanted to be stronger, she could have. Hinata had the most potential out of all of the Kunoichis. Hell, fuck Sakura, Hinata could have been Tsunade's successor. She could have taken the Tenseigan, trained her body with Rock Lee, used her phenomenal creep abilities to steal Huyga Jutsu.
None of it means anything anymore, as I am now Hinata Hyuga, and I have already changed my life for the better.
Allow me to start from year one. I woke up from the void and took me a weak before realizing that I was in the Narutoverse and realize that I was Hinata. I was a medical student who spent more time partying, fucking, and masturbating in my past life than I did studying. But I'm proud to say that I was a 2.95 GPA student. For those who don't know, that means I had one too many tequila shots the night before a final that could have given me a 3.0 GPA.
Anyways, I had to figure out what Hinata's mysterious illness was. I faced palm myself when I realized that I and many people and this world suffer from a weak constitution, which actually makes sense.
Unlike a strong constitution, a weak constitution also referred to as a "delicate constitution," is a person who received not enough nutrition, stability, and activity during development in the womb. With a weak constitution, a person lacks energy, deals with physical limitations, and struggles to maintain physical health. As a result, this constitution is often quicker to change and incorporate healthy habits into their lifestyle. Even though a weak constitution started physically behind a strong constitution, they are still capable of gaining strength and vitality, living an energetic and bright living with a nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Now, if one's Chakra pool is determined at birth, it's safe to assume that some of my nutrition in the womb went to the physical component of my chakra creation. Everything leftover then filled my development. In this world, Chakra is life. Without it, one dies.
With that being said, I threw myself into culinary arts. No, I was not cooking at one year old. But I did observe as the infant years are when I absorb the largest amount of knowledge in the shortest time.
I noticed that our meals are drastically unbalanced. And the way some things were prepared could use some alterations. When I finally turned 1 and began to walk. It made sneaking into the kitchen with the servants a lot easier.
When I wasn't focused on food, I just walked, unlike stories where the main character is eager to stand at the top of the world. I showed no advancement whatsoever. I didn't even speak a single word until I was two. All I did was express myself as a peaky eater, practice Hyuga Taijutsu, and cling to my grandfather -the only man that matters in the Hyuga Clan as he was the keeper of the family library.
With this lifestyle, I was never known to be a sickly child. I was actually in good health, which surprised my father. A few months after turning two years old, thanks to the Hyuga Gentle Fist, which I practiced properly, I unlocked my dojutsu, Byakugan.
Gentle Fist is all about flow, and it is integrated with chakra. Only a fool can practice the gentle fist and not sense the movement of chakra within them. All I did was use the pathways to send Chakra to my eyes.
And just to troll the clan, my first words were 'Byakugan' as I activated my Dojutsu. My grandfather was proud, and my father nearly fell over. I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't say much after that. I was actually more of a robot. Things like socializing and playtime didn't interest me. I might be a kid, but I'm a grown-ass woman on the inside.
A few things happened around three years old that allowed me to further change Hinata's fucked up existence. I killed my first man, my uncle didn't die, and Neji would no longer be a numbskull.
In canon, a shinobi would kidnap me, and my uncle died after he saved me. This time, I learn two kill points on the head. I didn't have to be crazy strong or a genius. I just needed to get close and act.
When my kidnappers entered my room, he bent down to grab me, and I pierced his tempo with chakra. His body dropped in an instant. They remain two shinobis were shocked dumb. It's a good thing a planned for more than one.
No, I didn't fight them. I simply used my existence to kill them. With a single kunai attached to a paper bomb, I threw at the furthest wall from me, and it exploded. After that, Hyuga guards swarmed the place.
My father asked me how I killed the man, and I referred to the scroll he's been teaching me since I was two. That's when I found out that Hyuga's don't actually use their full potential. Most of the chakra nodes in the body align with vital organs. Instead of repetitive and large strikes, they could increase their kill rate by handing out on hit kill shots.
So, after that night, my uncle lived, and Neji stayed happy for now. Did I mention that Neji and I are training partners now? Yeah, my dad is a dick sometimes and likes to belittle the branch family. So as long as I manage to keep up with Neji, Neji remains my training partner.
Finally, my constitution had grown strong enough to seek out the man that held the key to my successful life...Might Guy. However, I didn't seek him out until years later. The older I became, the more gruesome my father's training became. My silent hard-working nature gave me a cold reputation. The ease with which I handle my father's training regime gave me the reputation of Byakugan Princess as many believed Hyuga Blood was the strongest within me. Which it is.
Without the previous Hinata's personality, I knew exactly how strong I could become if I'm willing to grind hard. During the years, Neji and I became close despite his mistreatment from the main family. We often sparred in secret so that I could truly display the full extent of my skill.
Neji was a true genius as we were often at a stalemate. His progress was also incredibly fast as I stole Hyuga Jutsu for us both. Why not? I already had them, and all he had to do was look over my shoulder. This also allowed me to keep a good sparring partner.
By this time, I had also received my younger sister Hanabi as a sparing partner. Naturally, I hid my skills and waited for an opportunity of freedom. When it finally came, I purposely lost to my younger sister and was disinherited.
From that point on, I only had three people I could trust: Kurenai Yūhi, Ko Hyuga -my bodyguard, and Neji Nii-san. Ko and Neji turned up my training the moment I was free, and Kurenai started my shinobi training. When I showed her my potential and honestly told her that I didn't want to be the clan leader, our training sessions also became aggressive.
At this point, is when I asked Kurenai-Sensei to meet Might Guy. He happily gave me his training method as great physical strength should be the foundation of every shinobi. Of course, we altered a bit for a woman's physique, but the workload didn't decrease in the slightest bit.
I'm sure everyone wants to know if I tried to learn the eight Inner gates. Of course, I did. It was a dangerous technique that anyone could learn with the right motivation. I also started my studies in Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu, and Medical Ninjutsu.
It was a heavy workload, but I had time as I only attended the academy when Kurenai sensei was on a mission. It was a pleasant break from time to time. I befriended Naruto, Ino, Shikamaru, Tenten, Rock Lee, and Sakura. If I want to survive, I have to stay in the loop. The canon shows major events, but the series couldn't show us every day. And it definitely didn't show us every dirty mission that the characters went on, only the ones with happy endings.
As you can tell, my life as a workaholic continued, and the academy was my occasional resting period.
I'm twelve years old. I'm still quiet and aloof. My hair touches the middle of my back, and I'm a little more developed than the other girls -I eat healthily. I wear long-sleeve black mesh armor and a sleeveless lavender and tan crop top sweater. I wear lavender cargo pants with a tan strip down the sides with black shinobi sandals.
Along the back of my waist was my ninjato with the hilt facing upwards to the right. Both of my legs have ninja pouches, as I figured being ambidextrous was a good skill to have.
Where do I keep my weights? Around my forearms like bracers and strapped to my legs underneath my cargo pants. The weights are inscribed with fuinjutsu, compliments of Hyuga money. To much bulk from weights would reveal my secrets, and every good shinobi has secrets.
Today I find that I am extremely happy for multiple reasons. My actions didn't affect canon as I figured they wouldn't. Yesterday, Naruto stole the forbidden scroll, and I happened to be in the woods for my nightly training.
I practiced the Shadow Clone Jutsu with Naruto and quickly learned it as my chakra control was extremely more refined than his. Watching the Anime, I didn't realize that Naruto actually too most of the night learning the shadow clone technique. On the other hand, I learn the Second Hokage's Flying Thunder God Kenjutsu Technique and the Fourth Hokage's sealing technique that trapped a Biju and absorbs its chakra while converting it to Jinchuriki's chakra.
Everything ended the same, except that I officially knew Naruto's secret. The Hokage spoke to me about it, and I told him that I didn't care. I just asked if I could look at the forbidden scroll again to learn the second Hokage's Kenjutsu.
The Hokage spoke to me like a kid and acted like a kid for everyone's benefit. I then did some spill about Naruto being a special person to me. I blushed a little bit and acted a bit coy to seal the deal.
The Hokage refused my request to see the scroll again, but I memorized enough to start me off. Now I sit in my class patiently listening to Iruka Sensei announce the teams that come as no surprise to me.
However, my mind couldn't help but wander to the future. Not the events but things like the Hashirama cells, Strength of a Hundred Seal, Kimimaro's DNA, and the Chakra wraiths at the edge of the Land of Demons. There was only one way to get all of this efficiently, and it left a bad taste in my mouth.
So deep in thought, I had failed to notice that Kurenai Sensai had come to collect Kiba, Shino, and myself. Together we make up team 8.
"Hinata! Are you coming to celebrate later?" Ino called out while standing next to a group of girls who no longer be Leaf village shinobi after tomorrow.
"Uhh, Kurenai Sensai says she wants us to be the number one rookies. So, training starts tonight. Sorry, Ino." I reply before grabbing Kurenai's hand dragging her away.
Kurenai laughs at me. "I thought you two were friends. Why all the dodging?"
"Because those bitches are always sneaking alcohol, and I'm not going to partake. Nothing good happens when I get drunk. At least not for the time being. I'll go out with the girls tomorrow night. Without all those waste a space nobodies."
Kurenai smiles at me. "Nobodies? Aren't they your fellow kunoichi?"
"Tsk. You know better than that, Kurenai Sensai." I reply, "Let's go get some hot pot."
Kurenai quickly grabs my head. "Little girl, we have a team now. Behave yourself," she growled.
"Yes, Kurenai Sensei," I reply with a shriek and a chill rolling up my spine.
And so my journey to become a badass Kunoichi officially began. Unfortunately, it didn't involve hotpot.