"Come on, boys. Let me have it, don't be shy." I sang.
Kiba and Shino were standing in front of me as we were about to start the bell test. I wanted to know about them, but, as I said, good Shinobi have secrets, and they were being tricky.
"How about you tell us what you can do." Said Kibes.
"Too easy..." I reply, " Hyuga taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and clan's dojutsu -Byakugan. I can the lead or the rear. It all depends on you, fellas."
"Ehh. Well, Amkamaru and I partners. Good at tracking and brawling." Said Kiba.
"Good stuff." I coo, " How about you, Shino?"
"Insect-based Jutsu. I'm decent at Taijutsu. I can use some work. But my insects are my finest quality. Like Kiba, we're good trackers."
"You're also a control type. I know about your clan. Can any of those insects eat chakra?" I ask him, and he gives me a silent nod.
"The set them free. Turn the battlefield into your hive, Shino." I tell with a sly smirk. "Kiba, you will protect Shino while I locate and drive Kurenai sensei to you guys."
I pull out some smoke bombs and create a smokescreen. When it cleared, only Kiba and Shino remained after I went on my way. With my Byakugan, Kurenai could hide anywhere.
But after a few minutes of leaping tree to tree, I stopped and looked around to see nothing but trees for miles...I was in a genjutsu. How odd, I hadn't even seen Kurenai Sensei since the start of the task. Ho could she have...
"She never left..." I hiss, "Kai!"
I broke the genjutsu and rushed back to my team to find Kurenai sensei toying with them. I suddenly stop and send a shadow clone in my stead. I watch as my clone joins the fight.
I have no idea if Kurenai knows the truth, but my clone would have the battlefield set for a guaranteed win move in a few more exchanges.
My clone exploded, and I form a hand sign before vanishing. The next time I appeared, my ninjato was drawn, and I cut to bells from Kuerani Sensei's waist, sending them to Kib and Shino.
The guys went for the bells, and Kurenai tried to move when two clones appeared to help me engage her while Shino and Kibe snatched the bells from the sky.
Kurenai frowned as she saw the two clones next to me. It seems she had no idea I was using the second Hokage's kenjutsu style.
Kurenai then hummed with an approving nod.
"Well, you have the bells. Now it's time to choose which one of you will be sent back to the academy." Said Kurenai, calm and serious.
"You can't be serious, Kurenai sensei."
"I am. I said, get a bell and pass the test. There are only two bells and three of you. All of you can't have 'a' bell." she explained.
"Uhh, Hinata-chan... You can have my bell." Kiba spoke softly held his hand out.
Aww, I just wanted to hug him and never let him go. He was really willing to give up his chance to be on the team for me. Kiba was always kind of sweet to Hinata. I guess he's crushing on me.
I walk over to Kiba and take the bell before kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you, Kiba-Kun. But you aren't going anywhere. We're all staying, we're a team, and that's the only she can have us. Deal?"
"Deal." Shino agreed first, and I could faintly see a difference in him that made me think he was smiling. Really...both of these boys are just the sweetest things.
"Deal!" Kiba blurted out. I must have been staring at Shino too long as I sense Kiba's prideful aura. He really is a beast. I couldn't help but giggle at him.
"Is that your final decision?" Kurenai asked.
I hummed in affirmation, causing Kurenai to smile.
"You all pass." She said.
Shino and Kiba were struck dumb, and I roll my eyes at Kurenai sensei. If she insisted on going through the motions, I figured I could coax the boys into the right answer. After all, that's part of what kunoichi does... cute stupid boys.
Kurenai sensei puts me in a headlock and asks Shino and Kiba if they wanted hotpot.
"Yeah," they reply.
"Good. And you... you're going tell me who taught you that forbidden Jutsu." Said Kurenai.
"It's not so forbidden if you can recognize it." I quip.
"You little brat," Kurenai growled as she rubbed her knuckles into the top of my head.
Honestly, she was more like a big sister than anything. I never had a sister, so our exchanges were more than welcome. I know your people thinking about cute little Hanabi. But that's different. My dad wants her to be super Hyuga Princess, and we don't get a lot of bonding time together. It is what it is.
"Oi! Sakura!" I call up to her window. A moment later, she pokes her head out.
"Hinata! What do you want?"
"You, Gorgeous. Come on! A night at my place to celebrate becoming a kunoichi. No drama, just fun!" I tell her.
I could see her lips purse, then morph into a smile as she turns to rummage through her room then hope out the window. We then go to Ino's and Tenten's house before heading to the Hyuga Compound. This uptight place could really use a Kunochi's night.
When they started pulling things from their storage scrolls and setting, I started the night off by telling them all why I really invited them over.
"Ladies, we suck." I looked at their faces, and it's priceless. "Tenten, can you beat Neji? No, can you beat Rock Lee?"
Tenten looked off to the side. I just nod my head. "Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, Choji. They have us beat. So, I suggest we band together and become the strongest Kunoichis the leaf village has ever seen."
"But what about--"
"No! No more talk of Lady Tsunade, Tenten. She hasn't come back to the village in years. And if she returns, it won't be for us. We're on our own." I told them.
Orochimaru...Yeah, I could feel you cringe when you read that name. If I can get us, girls, to band together, I won't need Orochimaru. Well, I still might, but at least the village won't be in the hands of idiots.
"How do we get stronger? I mean, my chakra pool is bearly enough to be a shinobi." Said Tenten.
"Mine too," Sakura added.
"That doesn't matter." I say, "We start with chakra control, Physical training, Jutsu selection, and the style."
"Style? what does fashion have to do with this?" Ino asked.
"Ino, dear. Your gear is everything. But your style is also the type of Kunoichi you become. Kenjutsu is a devastating art that can cut through ninjutsu. But any weapon can do that. So Tenten, with a few adjustments, can advance by leaps and bounds overnight."
Sakura's eyes went wide as she looked at Tenten. "That's right! You're a weapons expert."
"She is. And if she could master a few of those weapons combine with her weapons summoning, Tenten would become a whole new kunoichi." I add.
The girls looked at me in shock as they must have imagined what a true weapons expert on a battlefield looks like.
"Hinata? What's gotten into you? You never talk this much, and when you do, it's never to express such in-depth intellect." said Ino.
"Shinobi art of deception, love. I figured since we were fighting for our lives now, It would hurt to reveal a few secrets to my best girls."
"You little snake!" Tenten jumped across the room and tackled me. Saukra and Ino then piled on as we melted into a pool of laughter.
In my past life, I was a woman born in the wrong century. Crude, vulgar, independent, and free to live out my deepest desires. In 'modern society', that way led to me losing a lot of friends. But in this vicious world where life is momentary and Kunoichi are taught to be sexually free. I find myself wondering if this group of girls are the friend that I've been dreaming about all my life.
"Okay! Bitches! You know my secret. I'm smart and kind of a badass. And I dress better than Ino but don't worry. I'll give you all a make-over tonight." I sang.
The girls squealed with excitement and no longer wondered because I knew these were the girlfriends I've been waiting for.
Throughout the night, we laughed and joked. We played around, gossiped a lot thanks to Ino, we went through my closet, and I set the girls up with new looks as we talked about the few things that they each could do to become a badass kunoichi.
The Hyuga compound didn't sleep that night as I eventually pulled out the sake, and there was no end to our party. Well, that is until we passed out. I know I said that I didn't drink, but I could open up a bit with these girls, and I controlled my drunkenness pretty well.
The next morning, we slowly woke up one by one. The girls wanted to clean up, but what's the point of having servants if we don't use them. Instead, I led them all to the bathhouse, and we had a nice morning. We went to breakfast, and I laughed at my father, who looked incredibly annoyed by me.
Oh, well, he'll get over it. Breakfast wasn't long. After our little Kunoichi's night, Ino and Sakura scarfed down food like hungry ghosts. 'Good girls.' was all I thought when I saw how much food they put away.
After breakfast, we all packed up and went our separate ways.
Later that day, the girls and I sat around and talked about our easy day filled with low-ranked missions to build team cohesion.
Days like this continued, with occasional training. When the team missions were over, we all got together to hang out or train some more. It didn't take long before everyone was walking on water. We then moved on to low-level Jutsu, the required shape and nature transformation of our chakra.
The physical training was grueling for Sakura and Ino, but I didn't worry about them as they were finally eating properly. Tenten was accustomed to the physical training as her join sensei was none other than Might Guy, my fucking hero.
Tenten eventually found three weapons she wanted to master, further advancing her chakra training. Ino dived deeper into her Clan Jutsu with her father and picked up poison after talking with her mother.
On the other hand, Sakura had no clan Jutsu or weapons skills, though she was damn good with Senbon. So we found Senbon Jutsu for her. I started her in medical-nin and proper taijutsu training.
A week passed, and Sakura left on her first high-level mission, followed by Ino and then myself.
"Oi! Kiba! Shino! You boys ready for our first C-rank mission?" I ask.
"Yeah! It's about time!" Kiba shouted.
"I think it will be thrilling. I've been working on a new swarm technique." Shino added.
These guys are way more enthusiastic than I thought. Now I just need to get them bloody, and we may just have a team to trivial the main cast. It'll surely keep us alive when shit hits the fan.
"I can't wait to see it, Shino. Does anyone know what our mission is?"
"Search and rescue." Kurenai appeared from thin air. "Land of Bears. It's a heavily forested country, and a little boy has been lost. We will find him, dead or alive, and return him to his parents."
"Sweet." I comment, " Where's the employer?"
Kurenai gestured to an elderly man walking up. Right away, I knew he was strong regardless of the fake limp he had. When I meet his eyes, he quickly but calmly averted my eyes. Something was off this guy.