I'm not one for small talk. I like to get straight to the point. After Kurenai critiqued my seductive arts, It was all too easy to lose my mesh armor shirt and change from pants to shorts. I prance in front of Gonzo all innocent like and even made friends with his daughter. Of course, I put a genjutsu on her, and by nightfall, I was in her house to sleepover.
Just as Kurenai said, the man came to his daughter's room faithfully. But how could I sit by and let that happen? When I slipped under the covers to sleep, long before Gonzo arrived, I made sure to strip down to just my lavender-colored panties and slept with my new friend. I positioned myself brilliantly, all but offering myself as a replacement for her.
I felt his large, strong hands caress me, and his beefy fingers move my panties aside and toy with my virgin lips. Honestly, I couldn't help moisten under his touch. My sweet juice spilled from my sex, coating his fingers and soaking the sheets. I let out a small whimper and gently grab his hand. He became spooked and tried to pull away but held him, moving quickly to take his fingers into my mouth. I almost lost my mind at the taste of my sweet fragrant nectar. I moan in euphoria on his figures, and his body trembles with excitement.
My small hands grasp his face, and I lean forward to bring my lips just shy of his until I fire a chakra needle through pressure points on his face, connecting to a point in the brain that paralyzed him.
I sigh to myself as I look at the man. His eye moved in a panic, and he groaned for help, but his body betrays his mind, and not even his mouth moved. Stepping off the bed, I straighten myself up and get dressed. Taking a kunai, I stabbed him once, and he releases muffled cries.
"I see you can still feel. That means I hit the right point. Yay, me." I speak in a cold, haunting tone.
I didn't have time. I move my kunai to take his balls, and then I take his cock. I let the pain do its job, but I stop the bleeding before taking his hands then I slit his throat. I look over at the girl named Rini, and she was shaking as she laid in bed facing the wall, too terrified to move.
"Girl..." I call out softly.
"Girl, are you scared of him or me?" I ask.
"Y-you killed him..." she whispered.
"I did. It's what I do. No one touches me unless I let them. And those who get put on my list are blessed to see my beauty before the light of the world leaves their eyes. What about you? What makes you special?"
"N-nothing..." she replied.
"Did you love your father?" I ask.
The room fell with silence for a moment.
"Been touching me since I was 10. I wanted to be free, but I didn't want him dead," she spoke.
"Well, you're free, and he's dead. You can't have your cake and eat it too. So do you want to come with me or not?" I ask.
"N-no. You are a killer. You enjoy it just as much as his touch. You made me watch." she cried.
"I made you do nothing but think we were friends. If you do not come..." I buried my kunai in the nape of her neck, " Then you must die. Never leave a witness to an assassination. I also can't have you hunting me down later in life."
I rip my Kunai out and begin to raid the merchant house for all of its worth. When I was finished, I rolled my storage scroll up and left into the darkness.
"What happened to the girl you wanted?" Kurenai asked once I returned.
"She refused, and I'm not in the business of slaves," I reply.
"No witnesses?" she asks.
"None. Now let's find this fucking client and get this mission done."
"Such a foul mouth for a little girl." Kurenai tittered, "We leave in the morning."
"Kurenai Sensei? Do you think we will make it back before the Chunin Exams start?" I ask her. It'll be great to get my own team to move how I please.
"You want to leave me already? You're like the little sister I never had." Kurenai replied, and I could feel her sincerity.
"I would love to be apart of Team 8, but not all of the time. I have my plans, and honestly, I haven't been this excited for a long time. I want danger, fun, absolute decadence. People fear this dark world, but it's freedom for me to live how I've always wanted to live, unfettered by everything and by my own will no matter where it takes me." I explained with brimming passion as I couldn't help the feeling in my heart, mind, and throbbing pussy. Fuck! I should have just killed the bastard before I let him touch me.
"Fine. If we do this right, we can make it. And if you become a Chunin, you stay with me. The boys will just have to keep up. And you get to one run one mission a week on your own, but I come with. At least until I feel you and the girls are ready." Kurenai caved, and it seemed that she was already aware of my plan to take Tenten, Ino, and Sakura with me.
I squealed in delight as I threw my arms around her and gave her a big hug. "Thank you! Thank you! But if I have to stay in Team 8 full time, then we have to hunt at least two bingo targets every month. I heard it's really badass."
Kurenai laughed and squeezed me tight. "I'm proud of you, Hinata. You're not afraid of this life. You embrace it and progress. Nothings going to stop you unless you let it."
Fuck! I'm still wet, and Kurenai is starting to smell delicious. My god. I quickly push myself away from her, and she looks at me with a confused expression. I give her a half-smile and tell her that I'm tired before running off.
Once alone, I get myself under control. Just as I slipped into my blanket to sleep. A rush of knowledge and exhaustion washes over me as my clones finally managed to pop the balloon with a single hand. God, I love being a Hyuga. Our control over chakra is many times better than the average shinobi. Hell, we're one of the few clans that can exert chakra in other places than just our hands and feet. Now it's time for step two in Rasengan training.
Without my knowing, I fell into a deep sleep and was woken up by a ray of morning light beaming through my window. After a shower and breakfast, Team 8 and I hopped a caravan in civilian clothes. The caravan really was life savior as we passed many shinobi after leaving the harbor town. But as Kurenai planned, we were written off as employees of the merchant.
Kurenai and I never told Shino and Kiba what I had to do that night, and Kurenai taught me the unspoken rule of being a shinobi --Wealth acquired on a mission doesn't exist. Many everything I took is mine to keep and would never find its way into the mission report. Many of the shinobi clans remained wealthy because of this, as many of them don't have any other real source of income besides shinobi work. I know the Hyuga don't. With our eyes, we're probably the best thieves around.
The caravan took a week to crouse the Land of Jungle. Every night when the caravan stopped, Kurenai hammered us with training. Because I killed Gonzo, the merchant didn't mind that we slept all day. Of course, we didn't all sleep at the same time. Two slept while two kept watch. We did this every day on two-hour rotations.
I would create shadow clones to practice the Rasengan, Kenjutsu, and medical ninjutsu during the day. Naturally, my knowledge and experience jumped leaps and bounds. But I was hungry all of the time.
Whenever we weren't training, things got interesting for Team 8. Sometimes we would help Shino catch different types of Jungle battles, and other times, we helped Kiba with a modified Taijutsu form that didn't require him to turn into a spinning missile of destruction all of the time. Kiba and Shino actually kept me interested as the things we were coming up with were incredible.
Shino wanted to breed a swarm of more aggressive battles. Faster and flesh-eating instead of just feeding on chakra. But my favorite new project was Shino's hungry palm Jutsu. He dawns an insect glove around his hands, and with every touch, he would drain his opponent's chakra. The amazing part was that Shino acted as the King beetle and received all of the chakra. The only problem was the chakra transfer.
Kiba's Taijutsu is titled Wolf Tempest. It's like a wild form of Filipino martial arts and jujitsu. But once he adds his claw gloves and bladed bracers, he will be even more deadly, especially during his fang over fang Jutsu. The problem was adding Akamaru into the technique. It's not that he didn't fit in, but he was just too small for now.
Finally, Since Kurenai was keen on keeping me with Team 8, she wanted to up her skills by diving into the forbidden Genjutsus. The type of genjutsu that kills and tortures in moments but can also make the Shinobi who performed it go mad in the process.
Looking at us now and thinking about the Team 8 that I grew up watching. We were, without a doubt, a completely new Team 8.
What of my progress, you ask. Well, I was being generous the entire time, and my clones did most of the work. I'm firmly sitting at the third and final stage of Rasengan training. My Medical ninjutsu hit a wall, so I can't progress until I return to the village for instruction. And unless I get into a fight, My kenjutsu isn't going a step further. But on our last day in the Land of Jungle, something amazing happened.
"Hinata- chan! come on, it's over here." Shino shouted as he led me on another journey through the jungle to catch a colony of chigger-like battles.
We found ourselves at the edge of another jungle oasis near a dirt mound that surrounded a tree's base. Purple beetles scattered all around without a worry in the world. Shino had taught me the finger technique his clan uses to catch wild and dangerous insects. It was a delicate technique that explained why his chakra control was more refined than Kiba's. Too much chakra crushes the insect while too little risks touching the bug, opening up a world of possible dangers.
Shino and I spent a while collecting purple insects when I stopped for a moment to take a piss. Shino got all flush, but what do I care? We were going to be teammates for a long time. Intimate situations were going to happen. I might as well start chipping away at the embarrassment.
However, it wasn't Shino's reaction that mattered, but the reaction of the snow lion that somehow managed to creep up on us and drink water from the oasis without us knowing. The beautiful beast was watching me pee. In her eyes, I saw intelligence but most importantly, her eyes were cosmic deep and pulled me in.
As I was dragged into the darkness, I finally understood what it felt like to be fish on a hook. I didn't know if death awaited, but in my 12 years as Hinata Hyuga, I lived better than my 28 years as Leta Lestrange -Yes, my father was a Harry Potter fanatic. My sister was named Bellatrix. With a last name like Lestrange, he was obligated to give us such names. At least that's the way he saw it.
Anywho, I'm not a stubborn bitch, and this is my second life. If Death was punching my ticket in such an overbearing manner, then struggling was pointless. It wouldn't be for years that I realized that this simple truth is what saved my life that day. But before I returned to reality, the gorgeous she-lion showed me the truth of my character, shining a light on the deepest reaches of my soul.
I witnessed a young Leta Lestrange and all her years until death, being a debaucherous whore of decadence. I watched the gangbangs, the orgies, the threesomes. I watched the drugs and murders. I witness the nights I got shit-faced drunk and what happened after I blacked out. I was a heinous bitch with a taste for chaos, destruction, and an insatiable hunger for pleasure, be it sex or murder. Finally, I saw Leta's death. While my holes were oozing the jizz of eight me, I laid about in a blissful splendor, messaging myself with the cum they spurted on my milky breast.
In my cum drunk haze, I didn't notice that my childhood friend's older brother had walked in and put his long blade through one of my ears and out the other until his crossguard kissed my cheek goodnight. I was shocked when I saw the man who killed me. But I guess I had it coming being that I sliced his sister up and discovered that I wanted to be a doctor at the tender age of eleven years old.
What a way to die. But thankfully, I did. Now I'm in a world where I can openly be me. That's when the vision changed to Hinata. I watched myself grew and learn to kill. I watched as I took the life of an Iwa shinobi, and my body had a premature reaction that only happened again in the heat of battle from that point on. I saw the memories of how I practiced medical ninjutsu and pressure point techniques on servants, causing pain for the fuck of it. I'm a monster, I thought, A beautiful lunar-eyed monster.
I didn't shy away from what I am. I took pride in it. Then I found myself laying in the jungle with my pants around my knees in a puddle of my own piss. The she-lion licked my cheek, and the moment I awakened, she was gone.
The weirdest part is that Shino asked me what the hell I was doing, and I asked, "Didn't see the white lioness? She was over there." I point to the other side of the oasis. "Then she was over her."
Shino laughed. "If a lioness was here, she would have bitten your head off for peeing in her territory."
'shit' is all I thought. That explained why the pussy attacked me with her mind games. It's a good thing incarnation and shit like that existed in this world. Besides, no one's pumping that badass lion for information. But it was odd that Shino couldn't remember her. Though I was a little spooked and couldn't wait to get the hell out of the Land of Jungle at the time, I didn't think much about the oddity.
About an hour before dawn, Kurenai got us together and decided to judge our progress in a team battle. Needless to say, this fucked mission turned out to be very beneficial for us as it changed something in Kurenai. Unlike the bell test, she opened up and thoroughly ground us into the Jungle floor. In her eyes, we weren't rookies but Genin that need to be able to kill a Chunin, survive a Jonin and evade a Kage. We were at war against death, and she wanted us to win every battle.
Honestly, she was super fucking hot and a lot more destructive without genjutsu than I originally thought. Here fire release was also soul-shaking. But I was happy she was getting more than cock from Asuma Sensei.