"Okay, the point of this exercise is to find a stable balance of chakra. The balance you find during this exercise is most like that balance of chakra that you will put out every time you perform a Jutsu." I explained to Kiba and Shino as we stood in the humid Jungle.
"You will focus a fixed amount of chakra to the bottom of your feet, and use that to climb a tree without using any hands. If the stream of chakra is too weak, you will lose your footing on the tree and fall off. If it is too strong, you will be pushed away from the tree, causing the tree to break around the point of contact, and you will fall. Watch me."
I turn around, focus my chakra and begin to walk up the tree until I was standing upside down beneath a tree limb.
"Come on, boys. Are you really going to leave me up here all alone?" I pout a little, and they look at each other before getting a running start at the tree.
Naturally, Shino was better at chakra control than Kiba. He was just a brute. I didn't expect much. Eventually, both failed, and I released an overdramatic sigh as I moved to get myself upright then sat on the tree branch. I watched until the sun went down, and Shino finally climbed to the top of the tree.
I cheer for him as he did do a good job. But, "Too bad, it took you so long. Maybe you'll do better water walking. "
I then leap from the tree and start to give Kiba a few pointers before leaving. "Don't train too hard! I expect to see you both in the morning."
A moment later, I found myself atop of a tree as Kiba and Shino were talking.
"Shino, we aren't men if we keep letting her show us up," said Kiba.
"We don't let Hinata-Chan do anything. She's just that good. All we can do is try to keep up." Said Shino. "Come on, let's get you up the tree. At least we can keep with the training as to not become burdens."
I watched as Shino coached Kiba up the tree. By dawn, they were both walking up, down, and across the trees with ease.
"Oi!" I call out.
"Hinata-Chan!" they exclaimed.
"You guys did fantastic! Come on! We can train later after you get some rest." I tell them.
They looked appalled by my care, even offended.
"We can rest when we get back to the Village." Said Shino.
"Yeah! Bring on that water walking stuff you and Sensei were talking about." Kiba added.
I smirk a bit as I had the obscene thought of turning the boys into masochists. Only Rock Lee and Might Guy can survive my training regime. Even Tenten and Neji falter when I go all out. But they asked for it.
Sometime later, after they got some food, I took them to a beautiful Jungle oasis with a waterfall. Then threw them both into the water, and they sank immediately. "Try again!" I shout.
They each managed to climb to the surface and take few steps before I chucked rocks at them, causing them to fall into the water.
"What was that for?! I almost had it!" Kiba shouted and snickered at him.
"You'll know when you know. Try it again." I tell him.
The process repeated itself until Shino pushed his chakra to his feet and dogged. I could see the sudden and enlightenment as I counted to chuck rocks. After a while, Kiba discovered what Shino had discovered. Before long, both of them were bouncing on the surface of the water.
When this happened, I began to speed up my volleys until they had unknowingly started running and jumping the water surface. But even then, I didn't stop as I wanted them to fall into the water after expanding all of their chakra.
Splash! Splash! One after the other, they fell, and they had no more chakra to get themself back up. I then pull them out of the water, and they noticed the sun was going down again.
"Come one, boys, get up. You really can't make me walk back to the Inn alone." I made sure to look sad with a bit of disappointment.
I watched as Kiba growled to move.
I sigh a little. " You wouldn't have overexerted your body if you had focused your chakra and moved it like you did to adjust to the changing water surface."
I looked at Shino. " On the water...When I was throwing rocks. To make up for your lack of knowledge and speed, you used the chakra in your legs to bridge that gap. When you learned how to walk on water, my rocks were too fast, so you kept pushing chakra to your legs for power. But, if you would have focused the chakra on your feet and adjust the output, your chakra would have trusted you giving you the same amount of speed but a lot safer and without side effects."
"And how the hell would we do that?!" Kibe shouted.
"The same way we walk on water, by controlling our chakra to adjust with the movement of the water surface. Same principle but on a bigger scale." Said Shino.
"Ding! Ding! Another point for Shino-Kun!" I sing, "Know you two can walk on your hands back to the inn. And if you have problems staying up, you can always focus the chakra on your hands. I suggest you hurry because we're climbing the waterfall tomorrow."
I then leave and do as I did the night before --quietly watch them from a distance.
"Is it me, or is Hinata scary cute?" asked Kiba.
"Like a she-devil," Shino added, and the boys visibly shiver. I took pride in their analysis and laugh to myself.
"Yeah! A she-Devil! Can't her Byakugan see chakra flow? She could have told us we were doing it wrong." Kiba complained.
"And we should have felt that we were doing it wrong. If she had told us our mistakes when our mistakes were causing us pain, then we would still be relying on her," said Shino.
"We can't rely on that She-Devil forever," Kiba added, and Shino just shook his head.
"Come on, Shino. Let's show her what we're made of!" Kiba shouted, and his body contracted as he pulled himself into a handstand and began to walk. This time it was Shino who had a hard time progressing.
I watched as they walked on their hands and fell over and over again. Honestly, I was proud of the boys. Instead of watching them all night, I went off on my own to practice my kenjutsu and further my knowledge on medical ninjutsu in the jungle animals. I know it's extremely complicated to master everything at once. So, I have to prioritize the thing immediate things -- Medical Ninjutsu and the Flying Thunder God Kenjutsu. Unlike the gentle fist, a Taijutsu I was raised on along with Jutsu that flawlessly merged with it, Kenjutsu and medical Ninjutsu was something I really had to work at.
When I found a nice place, I created two shadow clones, one to practice kenjutsu techniques and the other to practice the Flying Thunder God. I then create a shadow clone to practice medical ninjutsu.
Off to the side, I worked on furthering my chakra control by training to recreate the Rasengan based on my knowledge from the show and the knowledge I acquired throughout my life here. Besides chakra enhanced strength, the Rasengan Jutsus are at the pinnacle of chakra control right next to the Chidori and puppeteering.
The Rasengan requires extremely refined chakra control, something that very few ninjas naturally possess. For this reason, the Rasengan is difficult to master. In order to help others gain the necessary chakra control, learning to use the Rasengan is broken into three steps:
Rotation - the user learns to spin their chakra in multiple directions at once. To help in this regard, users may be given a water balloon so that they can mark their progress by churning water; this step is complete once the users are able to burst the balloon with their chakra. It is important for the user to know which direction their body naturally spins its chakra for this step (clockwise or counter-clockwise).
Power - the user must increase the volume and density of the chakra they output. To help in this regard, users may be given a rubber ball: there is no water inside to help them burst the exterior, and the rubber shell is thicker than a balloon's.
Containment - the user must combine the first two steps into a contained sphere. To help in this regard, users may be given a balloon to help them visualize the intended shape; if the balloon is popped or otherwise moves, mastery is not yet achieved.
Naturally, I started with the water balloons and worked all night to complete rotation. It was honestly the hardest thing I ever tried to do in both of my lives. By dawn, I finally stopped being hard-headed and created a shadow clone to help pop the ballon.
I dispersed all of my clones, then returned to the Inn. I found Shino and Kiba passed out. Creating two clones, I sent them away to practice until each of them could pop the balloon by themselves. I then join Shino and Kiba for some much-needed sleep.
When we all awoke, Kurenai was sleep in the chair, seemingly watching overuse. She probably sensed us moving as she promptly woke up with a smile.
"I see you've then worked hard," she said.
"Yeah, this she--"
Pah! Shino smacked Kiba's arm.
"This what, Kiba?" I asked while releasing a bit of aggression.
"Princess...I was going say this princess of our has blessed us with her amazing training, and we can walk on water now." Said Kiba.
"Aww, Kiba!" I hug him tightly, "You're so sweet! I'm so glad you appreciate me! But I was hoping you wouldn't practicing with Kurenai Sensei today."
"And what will you be doing?" Kurenai.
"Practicing my Kenjutsu. I can really feel myself at the brink of something new."
I wasn't lying. I really did feel myself at the threshold of a new level.
"That can wait. I just received word from the Hokage, and it seems we're in deeper shit," said Kurenai.
I quickly got serious, and we all prepared for whatever Kurenai was going to say next.
"In the Land of Fields is a meeting location of a rouge leaf village ninja and Iwa. We are to intercept and retrieve the stolen parcel before it can be delivered to Iwa. To maintain peace, there will not be any retribution for what happened to us, and Iwa isn't to find out that we assassinated their contact." Kurenai explained. "It has to look accidental, and the parcel is to be switched out with a fake."
"B-but we're just Genin..." said Kiba.
"Genin that survived an ambush and killed to do it. You even saved your Jonin Sensei. I told all of this to the Hokage. As rookies, I know it's a lot, and I wish I could turn back the clock and take out the original mission, but I can't. But as Genin, this is everyday work. Our target is a Chunin, within our capabilities." Kurenai finished, and she had this look of guilt.
"It'll be fine, Kurenai Sensei. But doesn't Hokage-sama send another team? A team more experienced?" I asked.
"When we return. The Chunin exams will be held. And Everyone not assigned to the Exams or village protection has been sent put into making up for the loss of manpower. Everyone is spread thin right now on chain missions. So today, I'm going to teach you how a Kunoichi survives. Kiba and Shino, you two will take a day off."
Outside of the Inn, Kurenai started by revealing a secret I never thought she had. And if she told Hinata this secret in the Canon, I would completely understand why a shy closet pervert would opt to be a housewife.
"I originally opted to be in intelligence. With my looks and curves, combined with my genjutsu skills, I would have dominated. Even the best seduction artist in the hidden graduated number two beneath me."
"What happened?" I asked.
"This big idiot decided to man up." She replied with a light blush.
Asuma-Sensei, I sequel in my mind. Kurenai is so in love. I'm definitely going to pull all of the juicy details from her later. It's probably better than Icha Icha! Which, by the way, is definitely worth all the hype I saw in the show.
"Anyway, In the academy, they teach you how to be a lady. In the real-world, a Kunoichi is a vixen. And that's exactly what you'll have to be during chain missions. As part of a tracker team, you have to be invisible to a group of the most dangerous and vulgar men around the world. You have to gather information about your target. And the only women who can get close to these men and gather sufficient evidence is a whore or a girlfriend with wife-potential. What you become is based on the man's character. Anko-chan is the best in the leaf village, so good that she only sleeps with her target if she wants to. The first technique I'll teach is the Honey Trap."
My mind was nearly broken. This the shit that they didn't show us. The real work of a Kunoichi. But Kurenai Sensei doesn't think I can Honey Trap a man. She's out of her damn mind. Kurenai walked me across the harbor village and showed me my target.
"Gonzo Ichimaru....Merchant and lover of little girls. He touches his daughter and shorts his clients. One client happens to have a bar in the Land of Grass. He said he can take us there. It's the best way to evade Waterfall Shinobi. But first, we need to kill Gonzo. The goods he has, are ours to keep."
My smile seemed to go from ear to ear as I looked at the handsome bastard that turned out to be an incestuous pedo. I'm going to kill him, and I'm going to enjoy it, but first.
"How old is his daughter?" I ask Kurenai.
"Thirteen," she replies.
"I want her." I say, "We should take her back, and I'll make her a servant in my clan."
Kurenai is smart and has been my Sensei for a few years now. She smiled at me and said, "You don't think I know about your little Kunoichi's night and the training you've been giving your friends?"
I just smirk at her.
"If I didn't know you, I would think you're flipping leaf shinobi. What are you doing really?" Kurenai asked.
"Isn't it obvious? Why should we have to rely on men to protect the village? Most Kunoichi wash out after they have babies or get married. But when we stay strong and apply ourselves to be the best, we're terrifying. Tsunade Senju, Mito Uzumaki, Kushina Uzumaki, You, Sensei. Tell me the last time someone has mastered the Second Hokage's Genjutsu?"
Kurenai was speechless. I was all for girl power, but I also needed test subjects for the crazy shit I wanted to do, and I need spies to spy on the spies, along with an army. I've always wondered where the higher realms and different worlds of the Naruto universe. And If Kurenai asked Asuma to go explore those worlds, he would. That's why I am creating an army of women.
"Kunoichi power? Okay. We can take her, but it has to be a secret." said Kurenai.
"Don't worry about the boys... I've been had that under control." I brag.
Kurenai giggles before taking me off to train me in the art of seduction.