To Capture a Prey

Amaris was walking very fast and not paying much attention to what lay ahead. Her concentration was on her bag as she checked whether she brought Mrs. Sprouts homework or not. Today they had to submit their essay. If Raine did not put it in her bag then she was doomed.

All of this was Disney's fault. He loved being outdoors and when he was with her he always had his way. Amaris was completely helpless against that adorable dog, really.

This morning he took advantage of her absent-mindedness when she was looking at the flowers and ran away. Amaris had to chase him down all the way to the next four blocks. When she finally got him back to Mrs. Baxtor's house she knew she had to rush otherwise she will be late for school.

The hallway was empty or so she thought. Kai was looking at the girl rushing with her head into her bag. This girl he thought how could she be so careless? What if in a hurry she crashes with someone? Or slips as these hallways are always slippery. He looked at her feet and was glad to see that at least she was wearing flats.

But the next moment he smirked as he thought of something. Poor Amaris had no idea what will happen to her next. She has become the target of a certain bad boy.

Kai very conveniently stood in her way. Once again he was in all back. He looked dangerous with that smirk on his face. He had one hand in his pocket and the other loosely hanging by his side. He looked carefree as he very slowly took a few steps ahead.

It was time to capture prey.

When Amaris collided with someone she lost her balance and fell forward.

The unaware prey very easily fell into the trap.

Kai was still grinning when he caught Amaris by the waist with one hand and fell backward. His other hand was behind his head so that he won't get hurt too badly. Although he was the firm supporter of no pain no gain, unnecessary pain was still a pain in the ass hence whenever possible it should be avoided.

He let out a bit exaggerated grunt and his expressions changed drastically when Amaris looked up to see the person whom she crashed into. The familiar face stunned her to silence. The apology was frozen on her lips when her mind registered that he was the guy who stole a kiss from her.

Kai watched with interest as to how her eyes spoke volume when her lips remained silent. He has noticed the initial apology, the recognition, and then slowly burning anger in her beautiful orbs.

For a moment he has forgotten the act but he was brought back to reality when he felt her punch him in the chest.

'You… You…' Amaris fumbled for his name to deliver the curse rightly but she could not remember, so she settled with a different name that came to her mind at this time. The meaning befitted this person.

'You rapscallion! How dare you!' Amaris seethed in anger.

'Hey, hold on with the punch, it was you who crashed into me. And what's with this rapsc something?' Kai made a hurt expression hoping that it would help and to this surprise, it worked but only for a few seconds.

Amaris was starting to feel guilty as she recalled how she has hurt him other times but then she also remembered what he did and the guilt was washed away.

'It's rapscallion and you deserve it, for what you did to me yesterday.'

Kai had taken out his hand from behind his head and covered her with his so that future punches will not take place. His other hand was very comfortably resting around her waist. He did not want to move that one.

'What did I do yesterday?' he asked innocently.

'You kissed me!' This guy had the gall to look all this hurt as if he was wronged Amaris thought furiously.

'That's just how I seal a promise.' Kai said with all the sincerity he could muster.

'As if' Amaris huffed.

'I am telling the truth. I am sorry if I offended you. But you did hurt me yesterday and even now too.' He spoke ingenuously.

Amaris could not determine if he was sincere or tricking her. Once could be said as a promise but she recalled that he had kissed her more than once.

Reminiscing about yesterday Amaris felt her cheeks flush with heat. It was pointless to argue with this guy.

Kai was feeling great.

He saw as her cheeks turned slightly pinkish. He wondered if she was recalling their kiss. Her reaction pleased him immensely. It meant that she liked his kisses. His fingers were itching to explore her newfound territory and just as she started to trail his fingers up he froze.


The sound of the bell made Amaris jolt upwards and she hurriedly got up. She would be late because of this guy. Amaris glared at him fiercely and then left for the class.

Kai was mourning the loss of a missed opportunity nonetheless he was on cloud nine. He felt that nothing could temper his mood. The credit for that goes to one and only Miss Amaris. His mind was filled with this single sentence.

She liked his kisses.

Nothing else matters to him anymore. He noticed the angry look that she gave him before her departure. But to his eyes that feistiness was adorable… just like an angry kitten.

The rest of the day the school was in a unique state of mess. The atmosphere traveled between confusion and anxiousness. Well, the pointer was more biased towards the later one. This phenomenon occurred more frequently in the places Kai visited.

Students, the male ones were scared by his smile that would appear out of nowhere. While the female population would swoon over that devilish grin and contemplate what or who specifically made him like that.

Rudy and Drake were also having a hard time with this new attitude of their friend. Kai was in a good mood and without knowing the actual reason for that they were feeling a tiny bit worried about his mental state.

Did in the last fight he hit his head?

Their basketball practice had just ended. It was a good one. Since they were short of people when Drake suggested bringing Kai and Rudy the scary gorilla aka their coach gave in provided that Kai behaved.

When Kai had come inside with a bright smile on his face their coach has frowned with a determination that he would definitely make trouble for the rest of the students. It won't be the first time or the last if that would happen. He felt a headache was on the way. But since Kai has yet to do anything, for the time being, the old gorilla was helpless.

Nevertheless, he stared him down and then blew the whistle to start the game.

Drake had noticed the smile and ignored it as he immersed himself in the game. Halfway through the match a student accidentally hit Kai's shoulder and stood there in a daze when the anticipated punch never came.

Kai had instead patted his back and said with a smile that it happens since they are playing and resumed the game good-naturedly as if he had not just scared the shit out of that student.

The old gorilla's mouth remained open for a while at Kai's rare display of sportsman spirit. Now that rest of the students has left Rudy turned to Kai and asked the most awaited question of the day.

'Why are you in such a good mood, K? I am happy for you but dude, tell me the reason.'

'Yeah, bro, what's with this smile? It sure looks good but you are scaring students away.' Drake too inquired. 'Is it some sort of new trick to keep people at arm's length?' He added.

Kai looked at their perplexed faces and then stood up. He took the nearest basketball with him as he got up. He contemplated for a second whether he should tell them or not. After all, it was his personal matter.

Throwing the ball towards the hoop he turned towards them.

'I met her in the morning.' Only this much he was willing to share with them.

'Her?' Drake thought out loud.

'Amaris.' Rudy clarified for his friend with a look on his face that said. Really, Drake, how many girls do you know that Kai is willing to acknowledge other than her?

Drake rubbed his nape. He felt stupid.

'Is that all?' Rudy was sure that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

'That's all you need to know. Bye the way, when are you going to text that girl, aren't you planning to go on a date?' Kai had his own plans for asking about this.

'Yeah, I should text her. Rudy forward me her number.' Drake said feeling a bit nervous for some reason. He was reminded of those blue eyes filled with indignation staring at him. His ears felt hot and he once again rubbed his nape.

Both Kai and Rudy noticed the change in Drake. This action of his is a telling sign of his nervousness. They looked at each other and nodded in understanding.

'Later, first, let me talk to her. She sure is interesting.' Rudy made sure to notice all the changes that his friend underwent after his comment.

'But it's me who is going on a date with her. So it is only right that I talk with her.' Drake claimed, feeling jumpy all of a sudden.

'Nah, I think Rudy should talk with her. Plus, are you sure she will talk to a PERVERT.' Kai taunted.

'Hell… it was a misunderstanding. Moreover, we already cleared that.' Drake stated.

'But I feel like this girl is quite something. She punched you, man. She sure has guts. So I am a little interested in her.' Rudy teased.

'NO.' Drake roared.

'Why? You like her?' Rudy drawled out the last word.

When Drake stayed silent Rudy thought to provoke him a little. This guy can really be blind even to his own feelings.

'If you don't then I don't mind giving a try. She looks like a lovely girl.'

'Yeah, you go for it, Rudy. I will root for you two.' Kai added fuel to the fire. And it worked.

'I like her.' Drake blurted out. He had felt something when that girl had punched him. That night he had stayed awake until the wee hours.

'I like her, so you back off.' Drake looked at Rudy meaningfully.

'Sure, Drakey.' Rudy grinned widely. Drake looked at him and then at Kai who was also sporting the same ridiculous smile. He realized that they had tricked him.

'You rascals!' Drake shouted and then tacked Kai to the ground. Rudy also joined the fun choosing to forget the bitter pang of hurt that invaded his heart.

If you have feelings for someone, then at least, for once, be brave and tell them clearly. Otherwise, sometimes it is too late and that person is gone, no longer there waiting for you. And all you are left with is never-ending regret.