Periods Sucks!

Suzzie was bored to death, this lecture seems to drag on and on and on. She absolutely hates it. When she was at her last, she felt her phone vibrate, with absolute caution she took it out and glanced at it. Seeing the text her eyes widened and a shriek left her lips.

Immediately all eyes went on her. The teacher too looked at her with a questioning look.

'Nothing, Mr. Hastings, I thought I saw a roach. There.' Suzzie lied on the spot. This earned a few more screech from girls and one from a guy too.

'All right, let's stop with all this and focus on the lesson.' With that Mr. Hastings went on with his lecture and all was forgotten or so it seems. Amaris had seen the expression of delight on her friend's face before she made up that stupid lie.

Something else was going on here and she was determined to find out what!

Amaris quickly turned to the back of her notebook, scribbled something, and turned it to Suzzie.

Suzzie quickly passed it back, when Amaris saw it her doubt turned into smugness. She knew it. Right now only one thing can make her eyes shine like that, Drake.

Amaris's assumption was right. Just now she got a text from Drake. Amaris felt happy for her friend, finally, she will be able to go on a date with her long-time crush. In her mind, a picture flashed and her mood instantly turned sour.

It was him.

Why did she think of him?

Amaris scrunched up her face in displeasure as he was not leaving her mind. She let out a frustrated huff that caught Suzzie's attention. Something flashed in her eyes and she gave Amaris a meaningful glance and wiggled her brows suggestively.

Amaris shot her a glare that said behave. But Suzzie was not having any of that. If she guessed it right, her friend's frustration got something to do with a certain bad boy.

Chances like these come once in a while for Suzzie and she intends to take full advantage of it. She made a kissing face at Amaris and got another hateful glare. Suzzie widened her eyes dramatically making a frightened kitten-like expression.

It was so fun to tease Amaris. She absolutely loved it.

Amaris on the other hand was not feeling so great. She felt a bit uncomfortable down there and a sharp zing of pain shot through her closer to the lower stomach. She bit her lips to avoid groaning out loud. Gosh! she needs to make a quick trip to the bathroom.

Although the lecture was quite close to ending, it still got some minutes. Amaris did not know if she could sit still till then.

What if her pants got ruined?

That will be humiliating. Effing periods! She felt another stab of pain making her almost moan out loud.

She could not wait till the lecture got over. She needs to leave right now.

Warmth covered her hand and Amaris looked at the hand covering hers. It was Suzzie.

Her questioning eyes were laced with a tinge of worry. Amaris mouthed the word period. Understanding dawned on Suzzie and she looked sympathetically at her.

Alas! Amaris had no time for that. Thankfully, she always carries a small pack of pads with her. She quickly took one out, put it in her pants pocket, and stood up. Making an excuse to the teacher she dashed out without waiting for the teacher's reply.

The distance to the nearest washroom was not much but to Amaris, it felt like she has already marched to the moon but the washroom has yet to arrive. Her steps were not steady and now then her lower stomach would be on fire. The first, two days of her periods have always been so painful for Amaris that she often has to take medical leave for that.

Her eyes shone like diamonds twinkling in the light when she saw the door of the washroom.

Amaris thanked all the gods out there and tried to quicken her steps. The keyword here tried to. After Amaris was done she put down the lid and sat there for a while. She felt all of her energy has left her body. Her legs felt like dead weight.

Amaris did not felt like moving them at all. If possible she wished someone would just teleport her to her bed. She wondered if she should take a cab back to the orphanage.

Then again, does she has enough money for that?

Her head was swarming with questions when she heard knocking followed by Suzzies's voice.

'In here.' Amaris shouted and then groaned in pain. She unlatched the door and waited. Soon enough the gate was opened and Suzzie came into her view carrying two bag packs.

'Ahh, my poor Ris, period sucks!' Suzzie said and then offered her hand. Amaris tends to be a bit clingy during this time of the month. She latched onto her hand and then got up and out of the bathroom stall.

'I hate it.' Amaris moaned.

'Every girl out there feels the same way Riz.' Suzzie sympathized with her friend.

'Is it too bad? Let's get ya to the infirmary, take some ibuprofen and then rest there for a while...Hmm. We only have one more lecture left. Ris, ya rest there and I will get back to ya after class, kay?'

'Fine, Suzz.'

After taking the sick note from the nurse Suzzie took off for the next class. As she was leaving the nurse's room she was seen by Drake. He wondered what happened to her and hurriedly went after her thinking if she was alright.

'Suzzie!' he shouted as he approached her.

Suzzie stopped, her lit up when she saw who it was.

'Hi!' she whispered feeling shy all of a sudden.

'Are you okay? I saw you leaving the nurse's room?' He went straight to the point. Suzzie was in a dilemma. What should she tell him? But nevertheless, she needs to answer him. On other thought, his concern warmed her heart.

'I am fine, really. It's my friend, Amaris, ya remember her right? Her stomach was a bit upset so she went there to rest for a while.'

'Ohh.' Drake did not know what to ask next but thankfully she has arrived at her class. Lifesaver.

'Talk to you later.'

'Sure, bye.' Suzzie almost could not believe it. Drake walked her to her class. It felt magical. Suzzie remained in a state of hazy euphoria for the rest of the class.

While things took a turn for worse for Amaris, poor her. Drake on the other hand got the ammo to get back at Kai. He certainly has the information. Whistling along the way he entered the gym in a happy mood.

'What happened to you?' Rudy asked feeling the strange gaze of his friend. Drake was smiling from teeth to teeth and his eyes were lit with mischief.

Something was definitely up.

'Nothing I just met Suzzie in the hallway. Seeing her worried I could not help but ask what happened. To my relief, she was alright. She was concerned for her friend, Amaris, though.'

Drake kept looking at Kai to gauge his reaction. He was elated to see his friend stiffen. His plan was definitely working.

Rudy finally understood what it was all about. He smirked and decided to join in the fun.

'Ohh, what's up with her, bro?' Now he too was taking peeks at Kai.

'I don't know the details though. But I heard from Suzzie that Amaris is sick.'

'Sick! Poor her. Did she go home?'

'Nah, she is resting in the nurse's room.'

Kai slung over his bag and left the gym without a backward glance at the two idiots. Before he left he did not forget to hit both of them in their heads.

He would definitely get back at them, later. Right now his mind was all over the place, thinking worst-case scenarios. His heart was a bit heavy as if someone has put a weight on it.

He did not like this feeling.

He was not used to it.

Arriving at the door of the infirmary he contemplated for a while. In the end, the desire to check on her won and he went in.

He felt like he was sneaking in to meet his lover. The thought was absurd but his heart warmed a bit at the notion.

'What's wrong with you?' Kai snapped when he heard the voice. Only then did he realize that there was a nurse here.

'My arm hurt a bit.' he made a lousy excuse and sat down at the chair. His eyes kept wandering around the room trying to spot her. Finally, his eyes landed on the far left corner of the room, he could see a faint silhouette of a person lying on the bed behind the opaque curtain.

That must be her.

'Does it hurt too much?'


'I will apply spray and then bandage it lightly.'

'Ok.' Now he needs to think about how to get the nurse out of here.

'My friend, he sprained his ankle and could not move. Right now he is in the gym. You should hurry. He is in lots of pain.' Kai said with sincerity.

'All right.'

'Can I rest here a bit, I feel drained.' Kai flashed a charming smile while asking permission.

'Okay.' As soon as the nurse left, he texted Rudy and told him to cooperate with him, stall the nurse, and as a reward, he will let him ride his baby.

After he was done he got up and then went to her bed. Rounding past the curtains he saw that it really was her. She was curled up, something rested against her stomach. Her face looked a bit pale. She was also frowning. It looked like she was in much pain.

Amaris had her eyes closed as she curled up like a baby on the bed. She was not paying any attention to her surroundings. Right now her thoughts were consumed by white-hot pain. The hot water bottle was providing some relief but not much.

She heard a familiar voice and opened her eyes.

For the love of chocolate fountain, what was he doing here?!