Was he reAlly a bAd bOy?

Amaris could neither make head nor tail of his action but decided to open the package here, right now because she was curious.

She was surprised to see that it had chocolates! And he gave them to her! Why? They had met only a few times and more or less their meetings have ended in hurting one of them. Most of the time she has hurt him, so why did he do that?

What was his purpose?

Her thoughts were muddled as she pondered, was he really a bad boy?

Amaris did not know what to make of this gift? Since he has already vanished she could do nothing about it. A moment later she felt the oncoming pang of hurt that conveniently made her forget all about the chocolates and a certain bad boy.

As soon as Amaris reached her room she changed into her nightwear the one that had Winnie the pooh printed on them. She loved them the most as they were the softest of her lot.

Luckily, nobody else was in the room right now, so she hid the chocolates and then rolled on her bed in agony for a while before finally falling asleep.

Amaris dreamt of days when women no longer were tormented by the monthly problems. It was a time when women all the 365 days of a year were free of any pain and agonizing that they used to face during their bleeding days.


But reality came crashing down on her when Amaris woke up after a few hours of sleep. She felt good but don't know why. She wondered what she dreamt of that made her feel this cheery despite her periods.

She did not remember her dream and the only thing that remained with her was the fleeting happiness that too faded away after a while.

'Evening sleeping beauty.'Amaris heard the all too familiar voice of Sara. Stretching lightly Amaris left her bed to freshen up. When she came back Raine and Misty were here too. Looking at them she wondered if she is missing something.

'What's up?' She asked.

'You got your periods today.' Raine stated.


'What about our performance? It's in a few days. Will you be able to do it?' Sara inquired.

'Relax, the worst will be over by then, and I won't let anything mess up our performance, not even these periods.' Amaris was confident. Seeing her like this, all of them finally relaxed.

'Let's change the topic and tell me what are we watching tonight?' Soon everyone got busy selecting the movie, everyone wanted to watch their favorite, in the end, they decided to do it by random selection.

They wrote the name of their movie on a chit and then one of them will pick up a chit and whichever movie's name was written there they have to watch that.

No repeats will be done.

Since Sara was the oldest of them all by one whole week she got to pick the chit. Everyone waited with bated breath, whose movie will get played later on.

'And the movie we will be watching tonight is…. Sleepless in Seattle.'

Amaris let out a whoop as it was her movie. She loves Meg Ryan and this one is her favorite amongst other works of hers.

Later after the movie was done and everyone was in their beds Amaris finally let herself think of him.

She had no choice in this matter, as she knows because of the nap that she took earlier, now, it was a little difficult for her to fall asleep. Moreover, he had been on her mind on and off during the whole time the movie was on.

The lingering taste of chocolate made her heart race unknowingly. The question that had made her restless was once again knocking at her heart's door.

Was he really a bad boy?

She remembers what Suzz has told her about him. Nobody can beat him when it comes to boxing, he smokes, bunk classes hardly talks to anyone, much less girls. He was spotted glaring at girls just because they stole glances of him.

He was the one behind The Cheerleader & Janitor news. Although she has not seen him in the ring or beating people she knows that Suzz won't lie to her.

But she also cannot ignore the facts.

He has not done anything to her on the other hand she has hurt him multiple times. He has been tolerant of her. He has not even raised his voice at her. Yes, there was that incidence of him stealing a kiss but other than that there was nothing else that screams bad boy to her.

He is considerate.

Today he even gave her chocolates and dropped her off when he realized that she was in pain. The ride was smooth she did not feel a single jerk, he drove very carefully.

Amaris recalled his worry for Precious. If he was not worried then he would not have posted that absurd notice. Anyone who loves animals cannot be bad.

Everything was proof that he is a decent guy.

Amaris reached the conclusion that he was probably misunderstood. Poor him, although he does not talk much, students might have taken his silence as arrogance. She hoped that he did not get bully for that.

Amaris decided that she would forgive him for his slight. She would give him a second chance. Reaching this conclusion she drifted off to sleep.

If Kai had been aware of her thoughts he would have definitely been amused. He might have laughed off too at her innocent view of getting him bullied by anyone. There was not a single person in the school that can harass him.

The next day at school when Amaris saw Kai standing by the lockers instead of going directly to her class she made a little detour.

'Hey.' She said as she stopped in front of him.

'Hi.' Kai was surprised to see her standing like that. Did she forget about their little fiasco? Maybe the chocolates worked their magic.

'Thanks for yesterday.' Before she could say anything else the first warning bell rang.

'See you in the class.' She smiled and walked away.

There was pin-drop silence in the hall. Although some students were still there who moments ago were rushing to their respective classes. Now they were standing frozen as of someone has switched the flow of time.

What had they just witnessed?

A girl has walked up to kai, said hello and other few words, smiled at him, and then left with all of her pieces intact. She did not even get a verbal beating much less a glare.

How on earth did this happen? Who was she?

The girls who witnessed this scene were initially shocked then waited with smugness what sort of spectacle Kai would make of her. Guys were looking at her pitifully bit neither of them wanted to stop her from making this grave mistake. They would get another entertaining session. She would be added to the long list of spurned lovers.

But all of their thoughts came crashing down when none of the normal things happened. No fierce looks were traded, no verbal abuse, nothing at all.

Amongst the onlooker, there was one girl, who was seething with jealousy and burning rage at this unpredictable ending. This girl was Ashely.

From the distance, she could only get a look at the girl's back as she made way to Kai. Ashley was sure that Kai will make fun of that girl just like he did with her.

Ashley has already opened her phone to get a humiliating video of this incident. Her heart was happy that finally, someone else's scandal will replace her Janitor incident, and then her disgrace will be forgotten. She will be at peace.

However, her sweet dream broke into pieces before it was even realized. That girl was not embarrassed by Kai instead he greeted her politely. This was a huge turnabout and she was not able to recover from the blow for a while.

Hatred reared his head in her heart and she decided to get to the bottom of this. She will definitely not let the girl live in peace. If she cannot get him then he will stay like that alone.

That is how it should be and she will make sure that it will happen this way, as it was the only way.