Am not his family

"oh sorry, so apparently the couples both met each other on the app and they are getting married" he asked to reply to everything she has been saying. "yes of course. Isn't that cool" she said and hit him slightly on the shoulder. In the midst of her trying to explain to him, she already moved closer to him without noticing. "Cool i guess" he answered staring at her curved lips. for some reasons he cant figure out, he thinks he really likes her, which sound insane to him. It was about to get awkward between again but there was a knock on the door and a lady came in with a dress for her. the two of them stand up at the same time to collect it from her and they collide and hit their heads against each other "ouch" they both rub their fore head looking at each other like the other was waiting for an apologize from each other. the lady seeing the situation bow her head politely and drop the dress on the sofa, then leaves. Sonya pick the dress up without a word and entered the restroom locking it after her. she was just about to come out when she heard noise coming from the room, so she halt and peep through the knot hole and saw two people standing and talking to each other although her vision of them wasn't clear. "how could you make that kind of silly mistake?"she heard a man's voice. "i told you i came with someone as a cover so i mistakenly pick her purse instead of mine" she heard a female voice reply him. "the voice sound familiar" she thought and wonder what was going on. she decide to wait before taking action. "okay fine i will go get the other one just stay here and don't leave" the first voice said again. "you do that, but i need to be at the other place right now. We can just leave him alone here. The amount you gave to him is enough to kill already" the female voice replied. "okay now we don't have a choice no one must enter here until we are done so lock the door and i will go as fast as i can and come back" with that they both walk out of the room and there was the sound of the door opening and closing. Sonya released a deep breath she does not know she was holding and she stare at the phone in her hands she has recorded everything that was said. she knew at once that those people meant harm. she quietly open the door and saw Maxwell on the floor, she rushed to him and it look like he was in some kind of pain and he seems unconscious she tried to bring him back to his senses "hey! wake up" she whispered. Maxwell raised his head slowly to look at her and tried keeping his eyes open but he was weak and he was losing it. "where do you keep your phone?" she asked checking his pockets she found it and tried opening it to call someone maybe its friend or anyone but he stopped her and took the phone from her. he has just been announced as the new CEO of the company today and he knows that whoever must have planned this. must be present at the party and a part of the company, so he cant trust anyone. Thankfully he was the one who drank the drink in the room and not Sonya.he pointed to the wardrobe behind them and murmured something. Sonya walked over and opened it and saw a bag then she bought the bag to him. he opened it and took something from it. "hey, are you okay? should i call for the ambulance?" she asked with concern. "no don't, just try to get me out of here" he said getting weaker. Sonya moved to the door and found it was locked. she took the quilt on the bed and opened the window, she throw it down and went back to Maxwell. she helped him up and moved him near the window. you have to jump down. she told him and push him down. he landed on the quilt and lost conscience. just as she was about to also jump down she heard the sound of the door opening. she quickly jumped and fell on Maxwell and accidentally kissed him. She quickly stood and realize that her leg is injured but still stood up and tried lifting him up but find that he was unconscious. she carried him supporting with her body and leap to the entrance. She carried him further to the roadside to get a cab. just then she looked back and saw the guy earlier looking down through the window searching for them she decided to carry him on her back so they wont get caught and drag him along. "what kind of trouble is this? She doe not even know who he is?" she thought and made it to the road side but no cab was in sight. she looked at the guy beside her and find that he is in a really bad shape and having a difficult in breathing. she panicked and started shouting for him to wake up. "hey wake up, you can't die here" she shouted getting very sacred. "those who did this to him will soon be here and if they catch them they might be in serious trouble" the thought of that made her hit him more and when he's still not coming to she decided to perform a CPR on him. She did it twice before he come to. Maxwell opened his eyes sightly and held her hand. Sonya sigh in relieve. just then a cab pass by and saw them. Sonya signal to it, the cab man stop and saw Maxwell and quickly helped her to carry him inside the car and drove to the hospital. Getting there, the hospital attendant and the doctor quickly wheeled him inside and Sonya followed them. she stopped at the entrance of the operating room. before he was wheeled inside. the nurse came up to her and ask her to sign some papers. "am not his family i just helped him and also this is his phone" she said and drop it with the nurse. "but i think he doesn't want to call his family members" Sonya told the nurse. the nurse went and came back again. miss since none of his family members are here and you bought him in, we will need you to sign for him. Sonya hesitated but still signed it. thank you, the nurse said and turned to leave and by the way the doctor said you did a good job with the CPR. she said and finally walked away. Sonya smiled and sat down. after a while she suddenly looked at her phone and saw that its few minutes past nine. she ran out of the hospital and halted a cab back to Amy's house. she got out of the cab on getting to her destination and saw Simon standing outside.