Soulmate and confidant

He looked worried and angry. she walked up to him slowly.

"Simon" she called gently. he looked at her not knowing what to say at first. but before he could talk. Amy also walked up to them. "Sonya! where do you go to? you sacred me" "am sorry, i kind of ran into a situation" "lets go inside" Simon finally said. they got inside and Simon pull their bags outside. "lets go now or we will be late for our flight" "I thought we are leaving tomorrow" Sonya said and when she saw that he ignored her, she pouted to make him change his mind. Simon continue to ignore her and move to help her pack her things too. "forget it, I will just pack it myself" Sonya said. when she saw that he seems really angry she tried to explain to him. "Don't bother you are here now that's all that matters" he said and went to the other room with Amy. He came back in few minutes and wave her goodbye and they left.



"After all this years you haven't given up on this" Simon said to Sonya who was busy packing everything she could lay her hands on. "of course not its like one of my dreams to school at country x and since my dear aunt has given me permission then i should not waste this opportunity and go" Sonya said obviously happy at the fact that she has finally gotten a chance to stay at country x. she said and continued packing her stuff. "you look so eager to leave. its like you wont even miss me at all" he said. "of course i would. You are the one providing for most of my expenses " she reply and held his face "i will miss my dear cousin and besides its just for a period of two years" she said and resume packing. "so tell me now that you will soon leave, what your real purpose for wanting to school at country x, and don't tell me its because you want to study there cos i know you hate studying" "i just love the country and beside that guy i told you about lives there" she said dreamy. "what guy? I told you not to date any guy didn't I? those guys will only deceive you" Simon said getting up. "why do you like saying am being deceived by any guy i mention" Sonya snapped at him getting upset. "okay fine, no one is deceiving you. so who is it?" "the guy i told you we met through that app Amy introduced me to"she answered excitedly. "oh that, i thought you were talking about someone important. A guy you don't even know who he is" he said and hissed. "how can you say he is not important, he's like a boyfriend i never had" she restored not happy with his reaction. "yeah of course how are you even sure he is not a girl" "even if its a girl it doesn't matter. whoever it is, he or she is my soulmate and confidant" "okay fine its whatever you call it, i don't even know why Amy let you join that ridiculous stuff" "because she likes me, wait come to think of it Amy is the only you've dated for more than a year. when will you guys start planning for a wedding" Sonya said smiling. "That's none of your business, just get done with this and lets go get something to eat" he said and stood up to leave her room. "i will just finish up later lets go" she said and they both leave the room together. ~ Sonya arrived at country x business school and went through all the necessary process she needs to. after registering she went to the house that has been arranged for her by Simon. She entered and met saw a girl she assumed is her housemate trying to cook something but she is not getting it. "hello" she said to get her attention. Loveth turned back and was startled to see someone else in the room with her. "who are you? and how do you get in here?" she questioned. "am Sonya, your new housemate" she answered friendly "housemate? i didn't hear anything about it" she said and realized her food was getting burnt. she quickly turn off the cooking gas and face Sonya again. "am sorry you have to see that. am Loveth a final year student and am sure you are also a student" she said. "yes i am" she replied. "come have a sit" Sonya pull her luggage along with her and sat down. "so are you new here? you look very young and pretty" Loveth said and offered her water to drink. "yes" she simply answered. "oh then you must be a fresher" "not exactly, am a graduate student" she corrected. "whoa! graduate student, you look so young" "yeah i know" "so what department are you in?" she asked. "investment management" Sonya answered. "really?That's also my major. this will be really good for me" she said and Sonya smiled. "so where is my room in the house" she asked. "you can take the room over there" she said and point toward its direction. "make yourself at home and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me" "okay thanks." Sonya said and walked toward her room with her stuff. Sonya entered the room and starts to arrange her stuff. then Loveth entered. "hey how is it going?" "fine" "so is there anything you will like to know" she asked. "yes, like any rules or important information" "yes there is. first, don't bring your boyfriend to sleep over in the house, the owner does not allow it but the rule has been broken a lot of time. the house owner does not live near here and one very important thing is, there is one other roommate" "another roommate?" Sonya cuts in. "yes two of us are living here apart from you" she reply. "i didn't know about that. I was told I will be having just one roommate" "but don't worry Evelyn hardly comes back so its just you and I" "why?" "cause she is a very rich kid and does not see any reason to study?" she said and chuckled. "but you must really love studying seeing as you are studying for your masters at a young age" "well i guess you can say that" she answered and they laughed together. "i think we are going to get along well" Sonya thought.