8.Go shopping until you're satisfied!

After a long debate, they finally left the hotel room tonight.

"I will drive, prepare the car. I went down to the hotel lobby with my wife." Said Vino on the phone call.

Vira followed her husband's steps from behind. They got into the elevator and went down to the hotel lobby.

"You don't have a problem wearing my shirt, right?" Vino asked his wife, who looked very casual—wearing a T-shirt and flip-flops.

"I don't mind. I like your t-shirt, it's very comfortable, and the material is soft." Vira honestly answered as it was.

"That's for you, I don't like secondhand clothes." Said Vino with an arrogant face.

"hehe .." Vira's little laugh sounded annoyed. "I usually wear secondhand clothes, so if you have clothes that you can't wear anymore, just give them to me. I'll gladly accept them."

Vino gaped at Vira's words just now. "Are you kidding?"

The look in his wife's eyes was not joking, even though she didn't answer. Vino could feel that Vira was serious about what she said.

Vino shrugged with an incomprehensible face. "How could you possibly wear someone else's used clothes. Imagine it with germs or their body odor!" Vino endured nausea.

"Even imagining makes me nauseous!" He waved his hand, not wanting to continue discussing these used clothes.

Vira leaned her back against the wall of the elevator. "You are never like a poor person, who for a year may not be able to buy one piece of clothing. I have been wearing Lisa's used clothes since I was a kid!" Vira grumbled.


The elevator doors opened.

Vira walked behind Vino, and she was uncomfortable walking next to Vino. They looked different.

"Why are you walking behind me? You're just like my assistant!" Said Vino, aware of Vira's slow steps.

"Why?" His wife asked back.

"You are my wife, walk beside me. Tomorrow you have to hold my hand."

Her husband said just now. "You're delirious, huh!" She shook her head. "You don't like people who wear secondhand clothes. Then you said, ``Will I be holding your hand tomorrow?"

Vino nodded.

Vira pouted, she spoke to herself. "He said all that with a calm face? "

Vino accelerated his pace, exiting the hotel lobby. In front there, a shiny black car was parked, with a miniature of a jumping horse.

"Wow, wasn't that the car that picked you up at the airport?" Vira asked, amazed with herself.

The valet attendant handed the car keys very politely to Vino.

He also opened the door for the handsome young master.

"Please young master .." said the valet very obediently.

Vino didn't get into his car right away. He opened the passenger door first for his wife.

"In my life, women are the first!" Said Vino.

"hah!" Vira was surprised by what Vino did. She did not think that this arrogant man in front of her would open her car door first.

"Please .." said Vino, letting his wife get into the car.

Next, he headed for his door. He drew a smile at the valet, who was looking stunned.

"Next time open the door for my wife first!" Asked him.

"I'm sorry young master, I will remember what you said." The Valet officer replied with apologies, then closed the door of Vino's car.

The black car left the hotel.

The valet attendant fell silent. He was still staring at the back of the distant car.

The security guard approached him.

"Why are you stunned? "Asked the security.

"Did you see how the young master treated his wife earlier?" Ask the valet attendant.

"Yes, it's the first time I've seen a young master admire women so much. That girl is very lucky! "


"What did you say to the valet car earlier?" Asked Vira curiously.

"Not important, just a little extra work," Vino answered casually.

"mmm .. why did you do this?" Asked Vira then, she felt Vino's attitude was too much.

"Which one? "Asked Vino with a calm face.

"You opened the door for me. I think that's too much." Vira reluctantly said.

Vino smiled a little. "Don't think too much. I'm your husband!"

"Precisely, what you said makes me think hard. And remember! We only got married because of an agreement that I didn't agree with! " Said Vira with an annoyed face.

"I'll spend anything for you tonight. Clothes, bags, shoes, everything! Jewelry... You just have to choose. Is that enough?"

Vira felt amazed by Vino's words. "Are you bribing me?"

Vino did not argue.

"Wasn't that what you always said in email replies with my assistant?"

Vira put on an annoyed face. "I already said, it's not me! Lisa and I are different."

Vino turned around for a moment. Her face was irritating in Vira's eyes.

"Just let you know, I'm the type not to easily trust other people! "

"whatever!" complained Vira. Irritated, she slammed her back into the car seat.

"oh yeah, about tomorrow we have to join hands, that's serious! I don't want people to think we're married just pretending. It will affect my reputation!" Said Vino then, before their car pulled into the parking lot of a luxury boutique.

"I even made a good image with the valet earlier. Sometimes, my father likes to ask random people!`` Vino said before getting out of the car.

"So, he pretends to be sweet in front of people only for his reputation? He's a rascal bastard! " Vira hissed, couldn't believe Vino's behavior.

A line of boutique employees greeted them.

They politely bowed as Vino took his wife's hand.

Of course, Vira struggled, but Vino's catch on her palm was so strong.

Vira glanced at Vino's face, which was smiling broadly, greeting the line of boutique employees who greeted them.

He's a great actor! Vira whispered irritably.

Vino glanced at his wife's irritated face with the tail of his eye. The man's smile grew wider. He opened the corners of his lips slightly.

"Pull your lips. You have to smile so everyone can smile back at you .." Vino hissed between the broad smile on his lips.

Vira opened her eyes, even so.. she followed her husband's request, giving a small, nervous smile.

Vino put Vira's hand on his arm, and he forced her to hold his hand like a newly married couple who are so romantic.

"Welcome young master. Glad to serve you tonight. Ah .. look at you two!" A man in a formal uniform greeted them at the lobby, at the end line of boutique employees.

"Sorry to disturb you sir manager, my beloved wife needs comfortable clothes." Said Vino pointing at his wife with his chin.

The boutique manager turned to Vira, a strange girl's face.

"Hello, young lady." His greeting with a facial expression looked stiff and made up.

"Congratulations on your marriage. Ah .. you are a lucky woman to hold the young master's hand tonight." There was a tone of envy in the sentence just now.

Vira replied with a friendly smile. "Thank you--"

"Ah, young master .. Do you want to drink or eat something? I'll order something delicious for you." The manager did not care about Vira's smile and words. He continued to stare at Vino's face.

"No need, I want you to choose the best clothes for my wife. "Vino said, staring at his wife's face.

"Oh, okay .." The manager turned to Vira's face.

Oh my Gosh, even his face is so ordinary! The ordinary woman without any advantages! Thought the manager with sharp eyes on Vira's face.

"Whose designer do you prefer?" Asked the shop manager then.

He walked through the room, followed by Vira. While Vino landed his butt on the sofa, he would be waiting here.

Vira followed with nervous steps, her face stunned with a display of expensive clothes that looked wow.

"Who is your favorite designer, young lady?" Asked the manager.

"Hm .. a designer's favorite? I .. don't have .."

The boutique manager immediately turned his head with a shocked face. "Huh, you didn't choose one, two, designer because you were too confused to choose?" He asked again.

"Stella, LV, Prada, channel... You're too confused, huh? Young madam was always confused about fashion because their life was too full of choices." The manager hissed. He often heard complaints like this from his customers.

"No, I mean... I don't have a favorite designer, because I never wear branded clothes. I like to wear used clothes instead."

"hehe .." the manager laughed amusedly. "You like making jokes, young lady."

Vira arched her eyebrows. He looked confused to see the clothes handed down by the manager, so many and beautiful.

Vira took a dress and raised it with both hands. She looked amazed and fascinated.

"I'm serious. This is my first time seeing and holding expensive clothes directly. Wow .. this looks great!"

"You can try it." Said the manager then with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Are you serious? Can I try on all these clothes?" Asked Vira with an excited face.

The manager was speechless. His tongue became heavy. "Yea .." he replied briefly.

He pointed to the changing room.

With exciting steps, Vira carried the clothes in her arms. She ran towards the changing room.

Hah! The roar of the manager's breath sounded heavy.

"Sarah will hate this so much!" He whispered exasperatedly.