9.I'm sure my wife likes my new style

"Young lady, I have a little business behind, you can try all these dresses, choose the right one and the one you like. My assistant will accompany you, okay?"

The manager put several pieces of clothing on the table in the fitting room.

"Of course, I will say the same thing. I will fit this outfit without you." Vira answered with a small smile.

She can't possibly change clothes in front of a man, right. However feminine the manager's behavior, Vira's eyes were still a man. She didn't even dare change clothes in front of her husband.

"Oh, okay, I'll leave you here. Press the bell if you need help." Said the manager, then left the room.

The man stepped out of the fitting room, filled with mirror walls. His face was sure that he didn't like Vino's wife.

He entered another room. It seemed like his private office.

"Sarah, you should know all this! "He grumbled with a face of utter disbelief.

Elvira in the fitting room.

Honestly, all the clothes here are beautiful. Vira had a hard time choosing the right one.

A dress with a Sabrina collar model lace material with beautiful floral motifs stole her attention. She took the dress and tried to put it on.

Vira fell in love with the style she started wearing. Slim-fit dress with lace on the seam. Looks pretty and feminine.

Elvira tried to pull the Zipper that split her spine because this dress was slim, so it fits her body very well. The 50 cm long Zipper at the back was difficult to go up.

She tried to pull up the Japanese Zipper on her back, with difficulty, the Zipper could only go up to her waist.

"oh my! the material of the clothes is getting lower in quality. Why is this shirt narrow on my body. What's wrong with the material is it can not fit my body! "Vira grumbled, irritated because she could not pull up the Zipper even though her hands were tingling trying to pull the hidden Zipper.

She finally gave up because her hands and back felt achy trying to put the Zipper on. She tried many times, and the Zipper stuck instead, stopped in the middle of her back, didn't go up, nor come down.

I must call for help, she thought.

Vira peeked behind the curtain with staring eyes outside the fitting room. She seemed hesitant to come out of the fitting room with her back half-open.

The manager was talking about the bell to call the boss's assistant. Vira looked for where the bell was.

It was her first time going to an expensive boutique, and she didn't know how to behave.

After trying on clothes, she thought, getting the right clothes, then just going home.

It looks like this room was empty. Vira doesn't find anyone in the room. She finds the table with the pile of clothes that the boutique manager has chosen earlier.

There's a big mirror out front with a stylish mannequin.

There was a sofa complete with a table on the table. Vira headed to the table, she wanted to call someone, but She thought, who would she contact?

"Where are these boutique maids?" Vira asked herself.

She was in a particular private fitting room. No one can interfere with the shopping concentration of first-class buyers.

Those who use this room are special boutique guests who don't want to be bothered by other consumers. They will call if they need help. They also didn't like the annoying interference of boutique employees...

With tiptoe steps, Vira tried to approach the large door of the room. Ah, this boutique employee must be waiting behind the door, the girl thought.

Vino had already spent several minutes reading the online news portal on his tablet.

He felt bored and started to get up from the sofa, he chose some clothes, beyond his taste until the boutique workers called by him were amazed.

Vino always orders suits according to his request, choosing the best shirts in the latest European boutique releases. But this time, he's picked up a casual t-shirt some casual and sporty jackets.

Very different from Vino's fashion sense, the young master cares significantly about his appearance.

"Wrap all my choices. "Said Vino asked the boutique employee to wrap up the clothes he had pointed.

"Yes, young master." Answer the boutique worker politely.

"You .. can you help me wear this shirt?" Requested Vino, pointed to a white casual shirt and jacket with a line along the sleeves.

The boutique employee nodded. She immediately helped Vino change clothes.

"I'm sure my wife likes my new style!" Said Vino, stepping relaxed with a happy face. With his new style.

So everything he chose this time was his wife's taste!

The two boutique employees behind Vino looked dumbfounded with suspicious faces. "Geez, even he cares about his wife's request!" One whispered, jealous of the sweetness of Vino's attitude.

Vino smiled at the whispers of the two employees behind him. Ah .. he worked hard for all of this.

"Is my wife not finished yet? "Asked Vino, glancing into the hallway in the front, where Vira was trying on clothes.

"I have to help her .. "Vino said, then followed into his wife's dressing room.

He is very good at making an image. The waiters at the boutique were amazed at the change in Vino's attitude. He is known to be very cold and ignorant. But .. this time, they could hear for themselves how Vino treated his wife. He is a dream husband!

Klek! Vino opened the door.

Just one foot that stepped into the room, Vino fell silent. He saw the girl in front. His forehead wrinkled seeing Vira, bareback, and stepped on tiptoe like a thief.

What's wrong with Her? Vino asked himself. The girl's behavior always confused him.

Since the first time meeting, that girl's behavior looked weird. Vino shook his head in annoyance.


Vira was shocked to death, hearing a scream behind her, she didn't dare turn around.

Who is that? No one there since earlier. Perhaps.. the girl's mind wanders.

"What are you doing?" Vino asked.

Vira turned around, aware of the tone of voice that she thought sounded familiar.

"Ah--" she will open her mouth intending to reply to the words of the man who looked at her irritatedly, but Vira was speechless...

She froze with her eyes widened and her mouth rounded.

That girl just realized the physical of the man who married her, Vira knew that her husband was born handsome with a healthy and athletic body, but Vino looked utterly different this time.

The man was very relaxed and casual with a sporty t-shirt and jacket. He wears white sneakers that match his look this time.

His face looks fresher, looks younger, relaxed, and definitely, even more handsome! He With a lowered hairstyle touching his forehead.

Ahhhh .... So handsome. screamed Vira's heart

Vino stepped closer to his wife, and it ran out the distance between them. The man was already standing in front of Vira, who was still staring at his face without words.

"Wow, I'm talking to you, not the door!" Vino shouted annoyed saw his wife's blank face.

Vira shook her head. She was just mesmerized by Vino's appearance. But, what he said just now ruined her husband's charm.

She returned to the real world, ah your good looks didn't mean a guarantee for your politeness, Vira thought, feeling sorry that she was fascinated earlier.

"Ah yes, sorry I was earlier .." Vira made excuses. She couldn't be honest if she fascinated Vino and made her brain hang.

Instantly the girl remembered the dress on her body.

She pressed herself against the wall, hiding her exposed back. No wonder why it feels cool, she thought.

"What happened to you? "Vino was increasingly surprised by his wife's behavior. Earlier, she was dumbfounded, now leaning her back on the wall.

"E, no, no ... it's okay" Vira was embarrassed.

The man strolled, getting closer to Vira, while the girl put on a tense face.

Vino's hand caught the wrist of the girl in front of him. He quickly turned the girl's body to see the part of her back that was showing up.