I want to have sex with you

Vira covered herself with a blanket, her face looked panicked hiding under a cream-colored blanket with a masculine aroma typical of men's rooms.

Since earlier she had been trying to calm herself down and hoped to sleep well tonight.

It seems a luxurious and beautiful room is not a guarantee for comfort.

She had been restless since earlier, her head kept thinking hard about how to deal with her husband after an embarrassing incident some time ago.


In the bathroom, Vino shook his head, he threw away the image of his naked wife's body, but still couldn't.

The curves of Vira's body and the two objects hanging from his wife's body made him unable to concentrate on taking a shower.

No no, he whispered to himself.

"It looks like everything is going very well, Doctor Richard is very talented indeed." He said praising someone, he glanced at the weapon tensing up in the shower.