you will be sulking and crying tonight!

Nobody made a sound, Vino and Vira fell silent.

Even though Vino had released his grip on Vira's arm, his wife was still silent.

Only the sound of the clock on the wall could be heard.

The noise from Vino's office was also inaudible, maybe Herman had finished working there.

There was no answer from Vira's slightly parted lips.

She was still sitting on her husband's thigh while Vino was still looking at his wife's face with hope.

Vira could not answer, she was still not ready to accept her husband's request but, she was (also) not ready to say no.

The woman took a short breath and then closed her eyes, she slowly lowered her head, thrusting her lips, getting closer to her husband's face.

Vino did not remain silent.

He understood the meaning of this gesture. He raised a hand, grabbed her nape, maybe it could be started with a kiss.

He massaged his wife's nape gently and warmly. As their faces cut the distance

Until the breath of the two collided warmly.