Chapter 02 Bipolar or just feeling the vibe?

EARLIER ( At Kim Namjoon's Floor/ 100th floor)


Sitting on his large leathered chair, Kim Namjoon was viewing the scenery of the bustling lights of the city as the sun slowly sets, painting the sky with white, yellow, orange, red, blue and violet colors. In his study room, he had a lounge, a glass coffee table on the center with matching leather couches around it in four sides in the middle of the room, leaving a huge space on the edges that settled on as paths. The lounge was just between the entrance and his modern-style executive dark wood desk with the view of the city covered by a glass wall reflecting the lights outside.

"I heard the mission was a success" Namjoon starts, sighing as he turned back, sitting behind his desk then looked at a lying figure facing its back to him. The figure lying down was no other than Jung Jungkook, his back laying on the couch with an empty gold-diamonds patterned black folder on the coffee table.

Jungkook just hummed as a response, continuing to close his eyes as his mind wandered somewhere else. That somewhere else was the man he recently kidnapped. Was it because he was caught off guard during his mission or was it because of the man's voice he heard he finds…sexy? No matter what it was, it left him with admiration to that man.

He swore to never fall in love again but just because of a glance from that boy, he can hear an old friend coming back to his reach; his heart. Jungkook's confused. He should feel nothing since the day he made his vow but it's like the vow was crashed just by the presence of that man.

Jungkook now is really confused as he frowned deeper and deeper in each second he thinks about everything concerning a certain man. Suddenly, a sound of a machine ended his thoughts, snapping at the direction of the sudden noise of a fax machine placed near the wall on his left side.

Knowing already that the message was for him, he took it before Namjoon could stand up, who raised a brow, suspicious as he looked at Jungkook that was now paying attention to whatever was written on the paper not even noticing another piece of paper coming out of the fax machine, that ended with a long beep.

When Jungkook got the first piece of paper, the whole place was quiet as he focused on reading all the details. Namjoon saw how the younger's frown go deeper and deeper at each second that passed reading that piece of paper. It's not like he had only seen the younger frowning once today so he just shrugged it off thinking that Jungkook must be reading something he didn't quite understand. But after a moment the younger's face turned blank and Namjoon seems to know what that kind of blank expression means and that's the younger now spacing out. Namjoon sighed, he started calling him.

"Gguk" again "Jeongguk" and again "Jungcock" and then frustratingly screamed "Jung Jungkook!!!"

Jungkook finally snapped up looking confuse at the older screaming his name then gave him a weird look. It's not really his fault that the older's shouting sounded like a woman screeching.

"Hey! Stop that. There's another paper left" Namjoon said leaning at the back of his chair as he points at the fax machine.

Jungkook was still confuse but looked at where the older was pointing. Following the imaginary line, he finally saw another piece of paper on the machine. He grabbed it, sitting back to his previous seat then tucked the papers in the simple designed yet elegant-looking black folder that was just lying at the coffee table the whole time then he continued reading.

Thinking that the younger was just reading a somewhat report, Namjoon just continued doing his paperwork. After half an hour of working, Namjoon finished everything for today and leaned back on his chair to relax his aching back. He didn't even knew he was just in his same position the whole time working until when he moved a muscle he can hear his bones cracking. (a/n: I can relate!)

Seeing that the younger was still here and was still reading the file, he felt that the room was so quiet that he wants to interrupt it. So without wasting time any further, he thought of topics that might interest Jungkook.

"I heard there was a setback during your mission" and indeed he got the younger's attention.

"Yeah. There was this 30-year old kid who saw me-" before Jugkook could continue…

"Hey, who's a kid? You're even barely 25!" the older cut him off and the Jungkook just rolled his eyes, putting the folder on the table then he leaned to the couch before continuing to speak.

"I took him"

"You KIDnapped him?!!" the older yelled then started laughing as he wonders why he'd suddenly laugh. Maybe because of someone's influence? Secret~

Jungkook just shrug at the elder's weird behavior and didn't mind his hyung laughing while having a weird expression. He just ended it saying "I'm keeping him"

Hearing the younger, Namjoon was cut out of his trance. He suddenly stopped laughing; straightening his back then narrowed his eyes with a solemn expression pointed to the younger (A/n: bipolar much?).

"You can't be serious now. What if he's a spy or an assassin?" Namjoon reasoned. The reason why Namjoon took this seriously is because for the younger's safety. As the saying goes, 'there's no such thing as being too careful' so in the slightest things that would threaten the younger's life, he wouldn't give mercy to it.

"It would be too much of a coincidence, hyung" Jungkook understood the elder's intention. He suddenly felt fuzzy by the elder protecting him but keeping the man won't hurt, right? It would be too much of a coincidence bumping to someone anonymous on the streets.

"Still, you should be alert at all times." Or some troubles may occur. Namjoon didn't need to say the later sentence.

From what happened earlier, it's clear as water that there are no good people. Shooting guns at narrow alleys near crowded streets? Only those dogs would do that especially at night; the underdogs. But Jungkook's not offended.

"I'll take that as a yes. He'll stay" Jungkook stated with an affirmative tone.

Seeing the younger not giving up, Namjoon could only sigh helplessly. So instead of having a meaningless argument with the younger, he just warned Jungkook with great caution. "I can't stop you anyways. And it wouldn't hurt to be careful, right? Just please remember this Kook. Don't trust your 'outsiders' if you don't trust your 'allies'.

And Jungkook could tell what his hyung meant to tell him 'cause it already happened once to him.

He had a girlfriend once. He loved her with all his heart. He even told her his dark secrets. One night, he told her to prepare and go to a location where he would introduce her to the gang but when she came, she brought company. That's when he knew what her real job was; an undercover police officer. But what she didn't know was that, he didn't bring the whole gang. He only let those outer members of the gang tonight because they were the ones that were frequently around the bustling city. He planned to tell them to not harm her and must protect her from harm but before he can even tell them that, she already harmed them; mostly him. He also planned to introduce her to his brother that same night. It was only him, his brother, and the outer members of the gang that night. When they were all escaping, that same girl who broke his heart, pointed her gun directly on his back as he looked at those eyes that became unfamiliar due to the disgust filling it. Before she could pull the trigger, his brother already pulled his, shooting her two times accurately hitting her head and her heart. That's when Jungkook's heart finally shattered. It's very obvious that she won't make it alive. He can see the life fading away from her eyes, blood dripping at the side of her lips that were slightly parted but there's something that didn't change. It's the way she looked at him, disgustingly. It was too heartbreaking. He could feel his throat tightening, the pain in his chest and the tears that starts to form and fall from his eyes. At that time, he started to feel dizzy, forgetting how to breathe and that's when he fell on his brother's arms, completely escaping from the chaotic scene together.

When he woke up, he's already in his room; his head bandaged and his wounds patched. Remembering what happened, he couldn't help but blame himself and also blame his brother. Yes he was reckless because of love but Jungkook truly loved her. Seeing his brother shooting her to death ruthlessly, he was even deeply hurt.

How could he have a brother who's ruthless and heartless enough to not even blink to shoot a person and it was not just a person, it was the person who Jungkook trusted the most more than his brother, his best friend. He could have just shot her legs so she would fall or shot her arm to distract her aim and to put down her pose on her gun but no. He decided to end her there and then. But the worst thing is not that, it's when before the last second he lost his consciousness, his brother just muttered "What a bad first and last impression, young lady" Double kill. His brother was even using the tone like he was talking about the weather, a very light weather.


Jungkook gritted his jaw, forcing himself not to cry. The memory was still clear like it just happened yesterday. It was also the day he said he had no brother.

Seeing how the younger clench his hands into fists, Namjoon can't help but to worry. What he told to the younger was related to his past. And his ex was having her 10th Death Anniversary three days ago. Seeing the younger now, looking like someone hesitating but determined to do something dangerous, he can't help but to worry and wonder about what was on the younger's mind.

I mean, how could Jungkook forget about his first love story plus! It was a youthful love story!! He was only fifteen and was already responsible enough for a relationship. As for why he was dating a police officer… he just loves older women! They are less reckless than those his age and more reasonable. And his ex was like the perfect shit! Her death was really making Jungkook mad even more now.

Before the younger could start a tantrum in his working place, Namjoon 'cooled' him down immediately so that the younger won't break his collective arts (sunglasses/glasses) that were in a glass case nearby.

"Wooooowwooow~ Hold down your drama and not with my glasses! I just want you to be careful. Not remembering the past! Seriously, don't make your problem my problem or if you do that, don't blame me to cross lines you rabbit!"



"Hey! Who's the RABBIT?! You're a rabbit! Your WHOLE FAMILY'S A RABBIT!!"

And in the end, the older succeeded on changing the younger's mood, smiling in victory.

"What? You're smiling because it's the truth or you've gone insane?!" Not understanding the older, Jungkook didn't even notice that he was insulted on purpose, just seeing the older with an 'idiotic' smile.

Knowing that the younger didn't stop babbling curses and insults, Namjoon can only sigh on the younger's innocence. What an idiot. The younger also forgot that he was his cousin, HIS family.

He shook his head then after a minute or so, the younger finally calmed down.

"Just be careful" Namjoon again said in a gentler tone. Don't get him wrong. Namjoon cares for the rab—younger. They've been friends since birth and the best of friends. Namjoon protects the younger like his own brother. They're cousins, yes but they treat themselves brothers than just cousins.

Earlier, when Namjoon was still working, he stole glances from the younger when the Jungkook was reading the file. He couldn't describe it specifically but the younger looked love struck.

Jungkook was beyond annoyed at his hyung. Why does he care so much about this?!

Jungkook doesn't know how to refute without being rude so he just accept. "Okay" he just accepted it, coz of course he would be careful! Who wouldn't? He's a gangster of course he'll save himself from trouble. He sighs his frustrations but then again, he didn't mind being rude. "Why are you minding my business now hyung?" He's rude? Nah~ He's straight. He asked the elder eyeing him suspiciously.

"Well, it's always my business. If something happens to you while with me then I'll be dead in Uncle Jung's hands" Namjoon shrugged, stating facts.

He looked at Jungkook only to see the younger spaced out again. During being spaced out, the younger would start frowning then smiling. After smiling, a red tint on his ear tips would be visible. It repeated for quite a while now. Until, Namjoon can't take it anymore and got worried more for the younger.

"Jungkook-ah, are you doing alright?" he asked. The said male turned around the couch, his knees on it and his hands grabbing the back of the seat. The younger was smiling in front of the older like an idiot. Namjoon raised a brow, confused at the younger's sudden behavior. Then Jungkook, out of the blue, cutely squealed (A/n: I deeply apologize for making everyone bipolar in this XDXD).

"Hyung…." Then he blushed not making eye contact with the older. "I think I had a crush…" the room became drop dead silent. Jungkook can already imagine with the silence that a crow might fly in a straight line above his Namjoon hyung's head.

Namjoon's face was funny. His reaction was priceless. He didn't understand for the time being. All he could hear was the echoing of the younger's last sentence. 'I had a crush..I had a crush…I had a crush…crush….crushhhhhhh', Till he snapped out of it.

Jungkook has a crush? But who? Namjoon asked himself. He thought about the women around Jungkook for the past month but…the younger didn't have any woman in contact since his ex-girlfriend which was ten years ago. So….who?

He pointed to the younger with a complicated expression finally asking in confusion. "Who?"

"I think it's the new guy I brought" Jungkook said with a small voice, embarrassed. Well, the older told him that Jungkook's business was also his business during his stay here so he better just be honest. But he still felt embarrassed!! He has pride you know!!

Jungkook slowly lifted his gaze looking at the older who was surprisingly calm. Jungkook tilted his head, raising a brow to the elder. "Hyung?"

"It's fine kook. Just do what you want and I'm sure you can get over with it" Namjoon said smiling at the younger.

"But hyung I don't want to 'get over it'. It's like I should be with him like I want him. That I want only him" Jungkook sadly said with a pout looking at the older with helplessness in his eyes.

Jungkook was not always like this. He would only act like this when it's his father, Namjoon's father and Namjoon. He would either be cute or act like a spoiled brat.

Namjoon then frowned at the younger but replaced it back to his smiling self. "Where is he now anyways?"

"He's in my den" the younger replied. Of course. Namjoon knew about this den. It was Jungkook's secret compartment where he would sleep without a care in the world. It's like his work won't find him there. It's the younger's vacation spot, his base, his lair, his den, his home. Taehyung and Namjoon knew about it and they often visited the younger there. Hearing that the younger kept the man to himself even putting him in his favorite slash comfort place, Namjoon already thought that the younger was serious about the man maybe an obsession. For a moment, Namjoon can't help the shiver on his spine.

"Do you know him already?" Namjoon asked.

"I know a little about him for now. Hyung, the file I was reading was the investigation report from a hacker" Jungkook answered.

"A hacker? You have one? Who?"Namjoon asked teasing the younger because he already knew who's the only hacker the younger could openly contact. Jungkook glared at Namjoon but still said who it was.

"J-hope" Of course. Namjoon rolled his eyes. The younger would only say his brother's code name. Since his brother murdered his girlfriend, Jungkook stopped calling his brother with his real name and used his code name instead. Just saying that they were not close anymore. "If that's all, I should busy myself now in my den" Jungkook said standing up from his seat.

"Hey wait!!!" Namjoon exclaimed to Jungkook. He took out a syringe and a tiny bottle. Jungkook looked at him and Namjoon continued to talk while filling the small syringe with a quarter amount of clear liquid. "I got this new knockout drug recently from a friend and it's a highly classified product from the government military. I just thought that this might come in handy with your 'business' now. Just call me so I can notify my friend to stop the effects of the drug." Then he capped the needle of the syringe, passing it to Jungkook who directly grabbed it and left with a hum.

Namjoon's POV

'Jung Jungkook, you just told me you're gay. Uncle Jung would be mad if he knows about this but I won't tell him. Thanks to that drug, you won't be able to disappoint your father. Uncle is not in good health. That man would die before you could develop feelings for him. And I hope you really would get over this sooner.'

I glanced at the door where the younger left 20 minutes ago. I plopped myself on the sofa, ready for a relaxing nap but then I saw the folder still on the coffee table. Jungkook left the file unknowingly. Aish! That kid really knows how to forget things easily!! Though, the younger mentioned earlier that the folder contained the identity report of the guy he caught, I was curious so I started reading the file.


Name: Kim Jichim

Age: 30

Birth: May 22, 1991

Gender: Male

Height: 187 cm

Weight: 70 kg

Occupation: Intern of Ji Corporation

School: (Elementary, Middle school, High School) Home schooled.[Graduated]

(College) Seoul National University [Graduated] [Currently studying his four-year doctorial degree]

Siblings: none

Adoptive Parents: Kim Seujeon and Kim Taeyang

Occupation: Both are Regular Employees of Ji Corporation

This first page looks shit! Is this even like a bio data? I don't even need any comparison that this is fake or that boy's life is really just boring, not even considering to write a bio data properly.(In another place someone sneezed). Today's September 2021 and he's 35 years old, good. He's tall but overweight. He's just an intern but got homeschooled more than half of his school life? Bullshit. What a waste of money. Adoptive parents? So they spend money just for an orphan? And what the fuck is this?! Kim Seujeon and Kim Taeyang? Aren't they retired celebrities?! Damn this is so messed up. Let's see what's in the last page. I flipped the paper and saw recent photos of him from university. Well the kid looked like a total nerd. Big black framed glasses, a big black backpack, brown hair. The boy's body seems to be fat with those white hoodie and long baggy trousers. He doesn't even look like someone overweight with how small he looks on those clothes. He's tall but not handsome at all but his parents are celebrities! Is this all? I bet this is why Jungkook said he only knew the man a little. A little?! Come on! There should be more! God, why is Hoseok like this? Is he on purpose or is he out of resources? This is worrisome. I need to talk to him.


Namjoon calling Hoseok...

Hoseok: Hello?

Namjoon: Come back to Seoul tonight. Minor problem major, you're needed.

Hoseok: Ok ok~, geez...not ever a hello back?

Namjoon: NOW!

Hoseok: Alright..alright…daeng period

Call Ended

God he's annoying. Jungkook said information but if I compare this Jichim's profile to an average person, this is fake. I walked out of my study, going out to the outer lounge area of my floor and entered the elevator, heading to the lobby. When I got there, I saw Taehyung getting out of the dining hall.

"Taehyung-ah, eating dinner?" I asked walking near to him.

"Yup I'm done. Where are you going?" he asked as he clutched his hands on his arms crossing it.

"I'm gonna pick Hoseok. Wanna join?" I asked already getting my keys from my pocket.

"He's back? But how? He's like a thousand mile away!" Taehyung exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"I'll talk about it in the car. Let's go!" I said walking inside an elevator that leads underground. Taehyung followed stepping inside as we went down to the underground parking lot.