Chapter 3 Two Friends or Two Spies?

Jungkook's POV

"Just be a good dog"

I said as I knew he wasn't unconscious yet but after he finally closed his eyes,

"Kim Jichim, you are mine and only mine" I picked him up going out of my den and laid him on my bed. While picking him up, I felt his clothes drenched with sweat so I stripped him off and started cleaning him up using a towel with warm water.

Would he really be alright? His temperature seems high. I need Namjoon hyung. After deciding to do that, I changed Jichim's clothes with my pajamas and left him to sleep in my room. Because the lights were low in my dark-colored room I didn't see his body clearly (a/n: what a waste of opportunity! U missed the abs!! U lucky idiot!! Shame on your shady room! Ahahah..sorry?).


I asked one of my men where I could find Namjoon hyung but they said that hyung left so I dressed myself presentable; black jeans, white t-shirt, timberlands, and a leather jacket. After that I went to Namjoon hyung's study room coz I forgot the file when I remembered it not with me while I was cleaning Jichim. I stayed in his dining room, ordering dinner there.

Namjoon's POV

Taehyung and I were heading to the airport with my Ford-Endeavour on the road with normal capacity speed. My mind was on the road when Taehyung asked worriedly, looking at the road.

"Hyung, what are been up lately?" he sounded worried. why?

"Oh… you mean why Hoseok is going back right?" he nods. "Nothing really important. I just called him to come here for some questions." I said eyes on the road.

"What questions?" Taehyung really needs to know when a person wants to say something specific or not. But really, I just didn't say anything earlier coz I'm busy driving.

I sighed "Jungkook asked for his brother to have a background check on that guy he got and I read the file, it was unsatisfying so I think it's a trick from Hoseok just so he can come back" Seriously, that's the only reasonable conclusion I had since the guy was feeling homesick this past few months.

"What? You just called him for that?!" he looked at me with a look of disbelief "He even refused to come back for 10 years just because he wanted to join the military! Now he comes back just from a call? Hyung! What is he?!" he grumbled. Yup!,Taehyung's right. Hoseok seemed shameless coming back just by a call but he isn't someone at THAT point of shamelessness. I wonder why? I'll just ask him later.

I shook my head continuing to drive. I guess we're near. Now we just entered the gates heading to the airport. I continued to drive, already seeing a building.

"Don't mind Hoseok hyung for now. Let's just ask him later. Now, we must keep our guards up"

"Why hyung?"

"That Jichim boy smells fishy. While he's around, I think it's best to stay careful and this will only be between you and me."

"Okay, but why so nervous hyung?" he gasped dramatically "Are you scared?~" Taehyung teased. I just rolled my eyes. I parked the car on a parking space near the building's Arrivals' Gate. I turned the engine off.

"Hyung, despite everything we've been through, you think this is the worst?" Tae muttered staring at his lap.

I just looked at him for a moment while unbuckling my seatbelt. "Perhaps" I then went out going around to the right side where I could see the gate wide open. He got out the car then muttered under his breath that I could still hear as he also leaned back at the car.

"I hope not"

Third Person's POV

An hour past by, a crowd of people with their own belongings got out of the building. The two was scanning the crowd when they saw a familiar person with black hair, wearing a black leathered jacket with a white top tucked in his black jeans; Hoseok. They were about to step forward to him when someone pulled Hoseok from behind. Both saw the person who tugged on Hoseok and the guy must be inviting for a ride from the opposite direction where the underground parking lot is but Hoseok just shook his head smiling at the person. Before the man and Hoseok continued to walk forward, Taehyung already was starting to call him.

"Hoseok-hyung!! Here!" Tae shouted through the crowd waving his hand towards Hoseok who then went to them with the same guy following behind. People just looked at Taehyung weirdly because of his shouting but all of their expressions softened after seeing the shining innocent smile plastered on his handsome face.

"Hi guys! Good thing you didn't abandon me~ I almost thought I need to grab a taxi to commute!" Hoseok fake cried.

"Who's he hyung?" Taehyung pointed at the man

behind Hoseok who had black hair, sleepy cat eyes, straight face. He had a scar on his right eye, he was wearing a beige jacket over his white shirt and black trousers. (a/n: you know who? DAECHWITA!!)

"Oh! right!. This is Yoongi my boyfriend! We're also colleagues!" Hoseok exclaimed happily with his brightening smile as he patted the shoulder of Yoongi with his left arm.

"Boyfriend? Well that's new." Namjoon said with a smirk. 'boyfriend? And he's happily exposing their relationship together? Uncle must have approved it already if not, would he really dare say things now? Maybe I should take the drug back from Jungkook later'. "Anyways!get in. It's getting cold out here already" Namjoon went to the driver seat already starting the car when the trio already went inside with Taehyung on the passenger seat, Hoseok and Yoongi on the back.

The ride was going smoothly as soft music was played inside the car. As what Namjoon and Taehyung discussed earlier, they were on guard since they started the car. Inside both of their minds were having the same thought; 'Why would Hoseok bring his boyfriend a.k.a colleague/military officer?' Both are vigilant at what means the two are here for. It couldn't be just for Namjoon's request for coming here. He's even skeptical now if that Yoongi guy was really Hoseok's boyfriend. As both made eye contact with each other, Namjoon nod as Taehyung starts his 'masked interrogation'.

Hoseok and Yoongi didn't notice their interactions and just busied themselves with their phones.

"So…..Yoongi-hyung, I'm Taehyung by the way. You're staying here in Seoul?" Taehyung asked trying to talk casually, watching the road upfront.

"No. I'm just here for a patient who is dying" Yoongi nonchalantly said, leaning back to the seat as he tucked his phone to his front pocket, looking outside through the black tinted windows.

"Huh? But I thought you were a soldier like Hoseok?" Taehyung asked again but with confusion in his voice as Namjoon only smirked mentally. The kid was amazingly good at acting.

"Actually, my Suga here is a doctor. He didn't get an expected call yesterday from his client here so he planned to come check in Seoul. I was going to help him book plane tickets but you then suddenly called so I went with him and voila! I'm here with you with him!" Hoseok said smiling proudly with sparkling eyes yet happily with his white teeth as he stared at the back of Taehyung's seat.

"Wooow! You're a doctor? You must be very good at it since you're with the military!" Tae called out clasping his hands together as Namjoon could see from the corner of his eyes the slight rubbing of Tae's hands together as he could imagine the exact look of the younger like some maniac rubbing hands with the satisfaction shown on his face.

If Yoongi is a military doctor, the one he called his 'client' must be also from the military. Seems like a secret was unlocked, Tae smirked. "But why is your patient dying?"

Yoongi was beginning to get annoyed at the questions. He didn't even know this two guys' names!! but he didn't want an argument so he just calmed his anger and answered with a sigh. "I have my patient's monthly medication and we're supposed to have an appointment in my lab today but he didn't come. Considering the fact that he hadn't consumed his medicine on time, he will now slowly die"

"That's cruel" Tae muttered sadly but in his mind he was brainstorming. Taehyung heard the HE word. So the patient's a guy? Definitely someone powerful!

Yoongi just shrugged like it's part of life. "You can't expect everything on a doctor" then he went back staring out of the windows.

"By the way, Yoongi will be staying in my place during his stay. It's already late and his patient is a deep sleeper so let's just directly go home!" Hoseok said smilling.

"No problem! He can stay!" Taehyung grinned. He was thinking that the patient must be a close colleague since Hoseok hyung knows the patient so well as to say that he knows the patient is a deep sleeper. Who would say such things if they aren't close right? Satisfied at the information he got, Tae stopped 'talking' making the car have a comfortable silence.

Minutes went by, they already arrived inside the underground parking lot. They went inside the elevator.

"Where are your luggage hyung?" Taehyung asked looking at Hoseok confused as Namjoon pushed the button to the lobby.

"Well I have clothes stocked here so I don't bother. Yoongi could also just use mine or go shopping together! It would be a great bonding with you tagging along, Tae" Hoseok said shrugging as he took a glance at Yoongi who was uncomfortable of them talking about him.

Soon they arrived at the lobby. With their outstanding looks, people inside couldn't resist but to stare at them in awe. Some are hotel staffs but mostly were the guests that were either on their way to the dining hall or to go to the receptionist's table. While waiting for an elevator that leads through the upper floors, the 4 men could hear the whisperings and squealing of the people around them.

"Wow! Who are they?" a female guest asked.

"Ma'am, we actually don't know but one thing for sure is they are heirs of dominant families in Seoul since they seem to live above the 80th floors" a female staff whispered even though it can be clearly heard by the ones near them.

"Yes. I also heard that from the 90th floor, only core members could enter." Said another female staff.

"How rich of them!"

"They are so hot!"

"No! They are cool!"

"They're handsome!"

"So stunning!"

"My eyes are burning!"

And the comments kept going on but they didn't dare surround the four men. They just look at them on the spot. The four men could hear everything that was said to them but they didn't care. They were just patiently waiting for the elevator to open up since the other elevators were occupied. They were completely thankful that there was no one inside the elevator and no one followed them when they got in. With a quick scan of the security card Namjoon held and a push on a button, they were directly sent to Namjoon's floor; 100th floor. They walked pass the outer lounge room to the inner lounge room. When they entered the inner part, they saw a man with white shirt, black jeans, timberland shoes and black hair reading a black folder with his legs crossed sluggishly and his head tilting to look at the new arrivals.

The man sitting was Jung Jungkook.