Chapter 5 Fake Name

"What are you doing?"

"I'm letting him breathe more comfortably. You said you've given him a knockout drug?"


"Should I suspect that this knockout drug is special?" Yoongi asked as he eyed Jungkook cautiously. "Because it not only knocked the man off but also weakened his heartbeat and slowed his breathing rapidly." He spat sternly, observing the younger's reaction. But he could only see confusion on the younger's face.

"Why is he like that?" Seeing the younger's still confused look, Yoongi shook his head then sighed.

"He is a client of mine and coincidently, it seems you brought him here. It's just that this…man was diagnosed with a heart disease which got temporarily cured. With the knockout drug, his immune system weakened more than it currently is, making him temporarily paralysed, weakening some actions like breathing. If he'll keep himself calm he won't hyperventilate but if he's stressed, he would lose his concentration on breathing which would lack the oxygen needed to be carried by his blood cells. (a/n: I'm not mastering in Nursing or medication/treatment education so this story of mine is a joke. I mean this is bullshit!). With immediate medication, he could soon be stabled but if he took the drug after 8 hours, he'll situation might worsen." Yoongi thanked his genius mind for making a fake excuse sound so believable because the real reason was the man getting drug by some aphrodisiac solution! "When did you inject it on him?" Yoongi folds the pieces of clothes of 'Jichim', settling them on a nightstand, leaving the unconscious man on his boxers.

"2 hours ago—"

Suddenly, the home line phone rang. Jungkook picked it up knowing that it's from the receptionist.

"This is Jung Jungkook"

"Sir, there are three people here in the lobby, wanting to enter the 101stfloor, your place, in request of Dr. D"

Jungkook looked at Yoongi who nods, listening to the whole conversation since the younger turned the loudspeaker on.

"Let them in"

"Yes Sir"

Call Ended

After ending the call, Jungkook glanced at the man who was tucked in a blanket Yoongi covered him with. The two heard a knock and Jungkook was about to open it when Yoongi went to opening the door. Jungkook got a little annoyed since this is his bedroom. Doesn't it make sense that he should be the one to open it? He glared at the pale man making him notice the look on Yoongi's face.

Yoongi was inspecting the people he called and noticed that they brought the things needed. But he remembered that he only sent for two people so he checked who the third one is. Knowing that the third man was just carrying an oxygen tank, he was relieved that it was not some spy but he noticed that the third man was wearing a black cap and his built was a little too familiar but he couldn't pinpoint who it was so he just shrugged it off saying that he should focus on the task at hand.

Jungkook just went to close the door. Seeing that all the people inside except him was busy. Yoongi was checking the man's vitals again but with the use of a stethoscope this time while two people were unloading four huge medical bags and one man was settling an oxygen tank. To say that Jungkook was not suspicious would be a joke because they didn't even bat an eye on seeing him. On seeing, in public's view, the second and youngest son of the Chairman of one of the most prosperous companies in Asia, specifically called Jung Group.

Observing this situation, Jungkook became flustered because he thought that what people usually react would be the same with these guys but he was wrong and because of that, he didn't only have embarrassed himself but also his pride…. was hurt. It was quite adorable but no one noticed it. With Jungkook having a calm exterior, they didn't see any difference of his expression. Jungkook cleared his throat, saying to himself that no one noticed his inner embarrassment and he's right.

No one noticed because they were all busy and didn't even consider the fact that the owner of the place was in the same room. They just acted like Jungkook was air. Feeling the quiet cold 'treatment', Jungkook just exits saying that he will go to the others with his brother.

"Just go" Yoongi said not even looking at Jungkook.

Nodding to himself awkwardly, Jungkook went out of his bedroom not forgetting to glance at the people inside for the last time. When he got out, he called for his assistant, Taemin. Jungkook told him to bring men to guard his place and report to him regularly. (A/N: Taemin was the one who knocked Jimin off on chapter one #TaeminNeckSlice!!).


When Jungkook got out, Yoongi sighed tiredly with a hint of relief.

Hours ago, Yoongi was just waiting for their Captain to arrive in their headquarters to report to him a problem that one of their most classified experiments in the lab was leaked out. This time, he would report it during their weekly standard meetings with the other members of the Special Forces. Their headquarters was exactly a military base and it's located near the southern borders of North Korea. The area was completely isolated from community, surrounded by tall and majestic mountain ranges. One needed to ride a flying vehicle to enter the staid place.

While waiting in a selected meeting room, one by one each soldier was settled in until almost all of them were inside, twenty at most including Yoongi. When the door opened, all of the people inside stood straight, expecting their captain to enter but then all sighed in disappointment when it was just Hoseok who was focused on his phone, looking at it with a serious look and a net book grasped on his left arm. When he put down his phone, Hoseok saw that only their captain was missing which tightened his serious expression even more. Hoseok plumped himself on their captain's seat which was at the head of the long rectangular table. He started his net book and typed on the keys making the sounds of the key taps echo inside the quiet room.

Seeing the right hand man of their captain with a solemn look, everyone in the room became silent to guess what happened to their shining sun that now became a chilling blizzard. Frustrated that they can never guess right, seeing that he was busy they just wait for Hoseok to speak. When they finally heard the stop of the keys being tapped and Hoseok lifted his gaze, scanning the people in the room. The said people looked at him in anticipation on what was he up to. Hoseok cleared his throat at the quite tense air.

"As you could see, Captain is not here yet" Hoseok started as Yoongi cut him off.

"It's already 6 p.m and his dummy work was done an hour ago"

"Exactly" then the wall-like screen behind Hoseok flickered, playing a surveillance video of a scene of a slightly fat young man being knocked on his neck off guard making him pass out. Then the man, who knocked the fat man off, carried the said fat man inside an SUV then the video repeated. "In the surveillance video, Captain was knocked off and then kidnapped. Right behind me is the only surveillance on that place. Further surveillance of the place and the one where the SUV went and go was destroyed." He stopped and studied the expressions of the people inside. Seeing that they nod for him to continue, he proceeded. "That happened 30 minutes after he went off his work. Right now, I had a lead to where his whereabouts are. As the right hand man of the captain, I'll handle this task with his left hand man only. As for the rest, please stay on guard even here. The leak out incident is still on investigation. Now I would like to discuss things with Lieutenant D, any questions?"

"Oow~, why me?" Yoongi whined, falling back on his seat. "It must be very challenging that I am needed" he smirked to the others mockingly implying that 'he was the only one needed in this task because only he had the ability to succeed it.'

"Because the task only needs you attending" Hoseok deadpanned. The others smirked and some snickered at Yoongi smugly. What ability? To curse? Hahah! .Yoongi recited curses to them continuously as Hoseok only cleared his throat.

"Anything else?" Everyone shook their heads "Then meeting's adjured" and all exited the room, leaving Hoseok and Yoongi inside the once full meeting room.

"Why did you do that for?~ I'm very hurt right now! I'm not talking to you" Yoongi grumbled crossing his arms on his chest as he glared at Hoseok, pouting his lips.

"Sorry baby but Jimin—ehm..Captain is in danger. It depends really but for now, I think he's still fine" Hoseok said sitting himself straight on his sit as Yoongi leaned on the table, his head resting on his palm.

"You know that he forgives you easily, right?" Yoongi said remembering their child-like bickering/fight a day ago making himself chuckle. Hoseok meekly nods.

"Anyways, earlier I got a text from my brother and I know that my brother doesn't text to me except if it's necessary but what he texted is for me to investigate someone so I was a bit taken aback but when I saw the picture of the I.D Card on a wallet, I immediately contacted Jimin because the name on the I.D Card is Jimin's simulated name. When I got no response from Jimin, I searched for his whereabouts only to find out that my brother kidnapped him. And I know my brother is up to no good especially from the Security and Law Departments. Good thing he didn't know Jimin is a soldier or else-"

"Love, you're rambling again" Yoongi soothed Hoseok's knuckles with his thumb when he reached for them. He knew his lover was anxious and worried. "Now, you're saying that Jimin was held captive by your brother who found out Jimin's fake name by his fake I.D Card. He sent his name to you so that Jimin would be investigated, right?" Yoongi asked softly.

"Yes" Hoseok said nodding.

"What did you do?" Yoongi asked now in a light and somewhat carefree tone as he lay back on his chair on the left side of his lover.

"I sent him Jimin's fake Bio Form but I did it myself and didn't copy the form made by the government since it would take time for permission from the board so I made one myself and directly sent it to him. If time comes that he will give it to Namjoon, our cover will be blown".

"Namjoon…..that smart cousin of yours?"

"Yes, especially when he is very familiar with investigating identities and such. Achoo-!* Now we better go tonight or he'll suspect---"

Suddenly, Hoseok's phone rang, cutting their conversation.

"Hello?" Hoseok answered the call as he mouthed words to Yoongi "Namjoon" and what Hoseok was saying earlier, became true. After the call, there was one thing on their minds and that was "Namjoon knows".

After the call, they used Hoseok's jet to get to Seoul fast. And it was indeed fast. It only took them 30 minutes when normally it would take two hours. Settling Hoseok's jet in the military base's hangar, they went to Seoul's international airport and entered inside the Arrivals Gate. They went deeper inside until they were stopped by the security. They showed their military badges making them look like they were showing up here for inspection or something. Good thing the manager of the Security Staff was there so they were identified directly. When they went deeper till the main place where all arrivals would come from, the manager was with them the whole time even providing them folding chairs to sit on. They asked when would be the arrival of the flight from Busan and waited for 30 minutes. When the exact arrivals came, they went along the crowd, not forgetting to tell the manager to keep their pretending acts a secret, and that's when they got out, Namjoon and Taehyung not suspecting them with Yoongi whining about his baby left out inside the underground parking lot. It was his million-dollar Land Rover, his treasure, his baby, his companion from richer or poorer, his first love.

If it weren't for them in a hurry, Yoongi wouldn't just randomly pick a vehicle for them to ride earlier and it was his treasure that was near them the most so he just picked it up without the care. HE EVEN BANGED THE CAR DOOR!!! Yoongi wanted to weep to the heavens wincing his disgraceful ass.

They arrived at Namjoon's car. Yoongi just quietly examined the car's interior and exterior. It's called being observant to prevent accidents. It's Yoongi's habit being careful because you can never be too careful. He learned it by his attitude earlier to his treasure. He doesn't want that to happen again! When Yoongi saw the two sworn brothers of his lover, he just acted polite. Throughout the ride with his phone, he was reading a text from his lover who was beside him. The text contained their cover story here in Seoul together and he thought it was reasonable because if one of those two people in front of them asked their other purposes here, they won't get back lashed with their lie if they stated the same and connected reasoning.

Right back at present, Yoongi was about to help Kai set up the monitor when his lover barged in.

"What happened to him?" Hoseok asked with a confused look and a worried tone too.

"It's bad. He consumed the drug" Yoongi said with a serious tone. He already suspected it from the start and when he made final checks, it just proven right. The rest three in the room were confused at what Yoongi was talking about but Hoseok got what it was when he got the hint from his lover. If what he thought was correct, then the drug Yoongi was talking about was the same drug that got recently leaked out from their subdivision.

"I'll talk to the guys. If they are the ones with the drug then they could be a great lead to it." Yoongi nods. "Can you help him?" Hoseok asked worried laced in his tone for his best friend and for his lover. Why he's worried for his lover? Well, let's just say that if Jimin, his best friend dies, his lover would be in deep shit. (A/n: It's sad~ but true~ ooh!)

Yoongi just nods, already preparing for the worst. Hoseok nods then went out to where all of his sworn brothers might be right now, leaving Yoongi and his coworkers inside. Yoongi looked at where his lover exited and turned to where the bed their captain was laying. And just when he thought he could work without anymore disturbance, a honey-smooth voice ringed on his left side making Yoongi turn to the direction at where the voice came from.