Chapter 6 Haggard Hyung

"What's happening here?" the tone was firm, demanding for a satisfying answer. When Yoongi saw who it was, his face scrunched in disbelief at the man.

"And here I thought I had a bulky driver" Yoongi grumbly sighed. "Why are YOU here?" he asked, emphasizing the word 'you'.

"I got in. Now…" the man started "Why is Park Jimin lying unconscious here in a criminal's headquarters, Min Yoongi" the man said, his voice dangerously deep. The atmosphere became a little tense.

"I don't know. Maybe because Park Seokjin left him wandering the streets after work?" Yoongi shrugged, his voice sarcastic as he crossed his arms on his chest looking disdainfully at the broad shouldered elder in front of him.

Park Seokjin a.k.a Jin, sighed wearily. He just finished attending a party gathering in the palace four hours ago. When he got home, a spy that he assigned for his younger brother just reported about his younger brother being kidnapped so suddenly that no one could help. When he asked one of his spies inside the Special Forces' headquarters about his younger brother, he then knew that only Yoongi and Hoseok knew about the inner details about Jimin getting kidnapped. And that's why he tracked both soldiers and followed them through here. It was really tiring and thinking about it, he forgot how this all happened in just 3 hours! Ah~ He's really hardworking! Truly handsome! Someone worthwhile!

Seeing the thirty year-old man's tired look, Yoongi's features softened. He knew that the elder was also having a hard time. He just wanted to point it out though. Yoongi invited Jin to sit on the lounge area inside the room as he instructed Kai and Kihyun to start stabilizing Jimin after he diagnosed him and gave them a prescription in no time. Once they sat on the couches, Yoongi explained what happened like how he explained it to Jungkook earlier. He ain't telling the elder that Jimin was in a near castrated life situation because either way, he was confident that Jimin would easily be cured as long as he still can breathe and telling Jin the truth would only cause trouble because of his overactive jittery character.

Hearing Yoongi's fake yet sounded like a real diagnosis, Jin was still panicked and started saying to Yoongi to bring Jimin to the hospital. Yoongi felt a headache nearing him as he started to massage his forehead. Yoongi persuaded Jin that Jimin would be stable in no time and that he would wake up tomorrow. With Yoongi's silver tongue and great persuasion skills he gained from past experiences, Jin calmed his panicking self and made a conclusion to talk to someone that could smoothen their exit to this place tomorrow. Yoongi was a little confused as to why Jin knew someone from here but just shrugged it off. As to why Jin knew? He didn't care. As long as they could get out of here without any trouble, it would be best than to out of the blue bomb this whole place up.