Chapter 7 My Expensive Vase!

"Do you think they're up to something hyung?" Taehyung asked Namjoon.

Both sat on the dark leather couches on Namjoon's office. Namjoon was pouring drinks on the coffee table, passing Taehyung a glass of whiskey as for himself, panda tea.

"If it's something it might be that drug" Namjoon said. Taehyung nodded since he knew the most what drug it was. And yes it was the same drug Yoongi was talking about. After a moment a knock on the door caused their conversation to stop. In came Hoseok wearing navy silk pajamas with a name 'mang' on the chest pocket. He sat himself on the couch.

"Sorry about the delay Joon. What's the problem anyways." He asked. He poured himself a glass of whiskey to sip before he leaned back to the cold surfaced couch which made him relax with the fresh feeling after taking a warm shower.

"About that, do you know Kim Jichim?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung tried to maintain a poker face since he heard from how Namjoon hyung uncensoredly criticized the name; it was a hilarious first person impression.

Taking a breath to calm down, Taehyung later set his eyes on his hyung sprawled all over the couch with the glass of whiskey twinkling, reflecting light.

"I know him. He's a fellow soldier. He is on leave from military service recently so I'm confused why he's here since he lives in Incheon." Hoseok said.

Hoseok wasnt stupid. He was not gonna spill detailed information about 'Kim Jichim' but still said this since he already knew both Namjoon and Taehyung could tell whether if he was lying or not.

Both Namjoon and Taehyung nods at him then relaxed, occasionally sipping their drink.

"Eww you still drink that Joon? I'm telling you. Drinking panda tea will cause your death." Hoseok scorned. "By the way, Yoongi said that you might be using a drug he was familiar with on Kim Jichim."

"Ah yes. It was a gift from an old friend. I'm gonna guess, it was originally yours?" Namjoon asked perfunctory.

"Well it was in our protection, the military. Who's that old friend of yours? I don't seem to pair up who they are. Are they new?"

"Yes. I've met them eight years ago, two years after you went from military service. I got that gift a month ago though." Namjoon frowned. If Namjoon knows when Hoseok lies then he also knows when he's not fully telling the truth. You could say he and Hoseok are the best of friends, so close to each other they knew themselves through the back of their hand. "How's work by the way?"

"Yeah hyung! How's work?" Taehyung who was silent the whole time finally spoke.

"It was stressful! That captain of mine always work like it's the same as walking! Always making trouble! That's why the squad was also got into his mess ah![1]" Hoseok exclaimed.

[1] frustrated exclamation

They had a friendly chat, laughing occasionally before it was stopped by a knock on the door.

"Who is it!" Namjoon asked.

"Namjoon! It's me! You moth*r*uc**ng bit*h!"

Namjoon stood stunned. He knew that voice and he was quite shock hearing it but he nonetheless went to open the door after a momentary second and it wasn't gone unnoticed by the two men inside how his hesitant reaction looked like a wife who doesn't believe the one on the door is her soldier husband.

"Jin hyung, nice to meet you?" Namjoon saw Yoongi entering after Jin. Namjoon smiled, telling them to join and sit with the other two.

"Surprise surprise! It was a surprise visit. Yoongi called me earlier saying my brother was here kidnapped by Jungkook. Anyway, where's that dimwit cousin of yours! He has a fist to take!" Jin said taking the passed whiskey from Namjoon. Yoongi politely declined Namjoon and sat next to his boyfriend.

"Wait what-! Kim Jichim is your brother?" Taehyung asked shocked. Since when was Seokjin hyung a Kim?

"Of course he is! He is my cute younger brother Park Jimin himself! Who's Kim Jichim! He's a Park! Like me WWH! Park Seokjin!"

"I didn't know you have a brother?" Taehyung was suspicious.

"Of course you didn't. He's like my cute hedgehog. Only appearing when he deemed its ok to appear and get lost when no ones on sight" Jin shrugged. He didn't mind telling his friends about his brother and comparing him with a hedgehog but he prefers a hamster...... however, Hoseok and Yoongi on the side froze on their spots.

F*c**ng. Old. Man.

Suddenly a broken vase sound echoeing was heard outside Namjoon's study room.

Everyone stood up including the previously frozen Sope couple, gripping anything to use as a weapon. Hoseok grabbed the whiskey bottle, Yoongi went for his hidden pistol which was under his white T-shirt, on his left chest. Taehyung pulled a shotgun beneath the coffee table that was already loaded, Namjoon forcefully pulled his desk lamp with the wire which was undoubtedly broken while Jin grabbed a pillow from the couch....

".....What's the pillow for hyung?"

"Of course for my face Namjoon! Didn't you hear a vase broken?! I could get a cut after you all go pouncing on who might be there!!"

"Shh!" Taehyung shushed. He made eye contact with the one standing nearest from the door; Yoongi. Both nod as Taehyung nudged his head to signal Yoongi to check.

Yoongi wanted to end this already. So it has to be him to work his butt out! Yoongi rolled his eyes before leaning his back at the door, gripping the pistol then slowly opened the door when he heard no movement from the other side. He got out to search the place he last heard with the commotion while everyone decided to split up to check the area.

Yoongi stopped in his tracks to glance back at everyone's back feeling something off.....

'where is Jungkook?'