Morning After

Jerlina hesitated to get down since she was embarrassed to face Jeremy and also she was feeling nauseated. But then, she had promised to cook breakfast every morning and he might be expecting her to prepare breakfast. She decided to cook, but when she got down, she was welcomed with a divine fragrance. 

"You started cooking already?" she asked and Jeremy turned at her with a stern look.

He was not angry at her a lot because he had one of the best nights last night. But he was a little angry that she drank without considering her health.

Working in his shed to clear his mind, he decided not to speak of last night to her. 

He confessed and she made sure she is not ready to think about love now. She still is not over the trauma of losing her child and he doesn't have any hope that she'll fall for him. And it seemed like she accepted his apology although he wasn't sure if she has forgiven him or not. 

And she won't remember anyway!